
8DGE创歆建筑设计事务所,由陈敏英女士于新加坡和上海成立。敏英至今拥有超过15年的建筑设计专业经验,在中国及新加坡有着丰富的项目落地经验。8DGE的团队设立于上海,由国内外优秀建筑师及设计师组成,可针对项目地块具体条件及周边环境提供全方位的设计解决方案。其业务范围包括城市规划,建筑设计和室内设计;擅长领域涵盖城市综合体,商业,文化建筑设计及城市更新项目。 8DGE创歆建筑的工作核心是以一系列的探索、交流和协作为基础,融合创意的想象和丰富的设计经验,从而将客户的愿景最大化体现在设计上。秉承以上的合作理念,并维持长久的合作关系。 敏英设计建成的北京来福士广场,荣获2008年Cityscape Asia Award亚洲大奖“最佳未来综合体大奖”。主导设计的复地文旅台州商业街和上海市北高科技服务区,均提名2014年WAF世界建筑节“文化和办公类目-未来建筑奖项”。2019年,8DGE创歆建筑入围了“新加坡建国元勋纪念馆”全球竞赛,从193份设计中脱颖而出,和业内大师隈研吾KKA,COX等知名建筑事务所一同入围前五。 8DGE is a multi-disciplinary design focused firm based in Shanghai & Singapore led by Tan Ming Yin. She has more than 15 years of architectural design experience in China and Singapore. 8DGE has a dynamic team that is made up of talented designers and architects in Shanghai. Scope of services include master planning, architecture and interior design. Ming Yin and her team in Shanghai are proficient in the design of mixed use commercial typologies, cultural buildings, regeneration and hospitality. 8DGE believes that architectural responses to client’s ambitions, context, and brief is achieved through a process of investigation, dialogue and collaboration, undertaken in a spirit of imagination and experimentation. Ming Yin worked on Raffles City, Beijing which was awarded 2008 Cityscape Asia Award. She also led the design of Forte Cultural Retail Street, Taizhou and Shibei Business Park, Shanghai which were both shortlisted as Future Projects under Cultural and Offices categories in 2014 WAF. In 2019, 8DGE emerged as one of the 5 shortlisted firms, out of 193 entries, for Founders’ Memorial Singapore International Competition.


Experience & Qualifications: • Professional degree and at least 10 years of professional experience as an Architect/Project Architect on built and published references. • Proven track record of working on design to construction stages of large commercial, cultural or hospitality projects and have been involved in a minimum of five under construction/completed projects – from concept design to construction design (please be specific about your role on these projects in your portfolio). • Exceptional design, expertise in construction drawings and construction details; strong understanding of building systems and materials. Experienced in BIM & Revit is an advantage. • Demonstrate strong knowledge of local building and land use codes and regulatory requirements, practice standards, and industry expectations. • Experience successfully working with a multidisciplinary team; Capable of guiding and training younger staff; Has a strong capacity to develop and coordinate strategies to ensure the team reaches the goals and high-quality levels of production required to meet project milestones. • Highly organized and efficient, able to multi-task through tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment, and is a strong team player. • Positive energy; with an ability to accelerate the communication and efficiency between clients, collaborators, consultants, and partners. • Excellent level of verbal and written English. Bilingual Chinese English is an advantage. • Strong knowledge of common design and layout software: AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhino, Adobe suits, etc. 任职资格: 1. 建筑相关专业本科及以上学历,拥有10年以上专业工作经验,作为建筑师或项目经理参与并落地多种业态项目; 2. 有公建或文化艺术类项目经历,至少拥有五个在建或已落成项目中负责全阶段设计工作的经验(请在作品集中说明所任职务及工作内容); 3. 具备很强的设计能力,精通施工图绘制及设计节点把控;熟悉建筑系统和材料;拥有BIM和Revit经验者将获优先考虑; 4. 精通行业规范、土地使用规范、技术信息及实施标准; 5. 具备极强的团队管理能力,能够合理安排并激励团队成员高质高效地完成项目要求; 6. 能够在高速的工作环境中,同时兼顾完成多项任务。 7. 积极乐观,沟通能力极佳,能够把握事务所立场合理有效的和业主及其他合作方沟通; 8. 出色的中英双语沟通能力(口语及书写); 9. 精通常用的设计、排版软件,如:AutoCAD,SketchUp, Rhino, Adobe套件等。


AutoCADLumionPSRhinoSketchup 汉语本科5-10年



