李赛 天蝎座 | 95后 | 北京市-门头沟区  


招标公告 | 深圳市西丽综合交通枢纽概念设计及主体建筑设计


项目名称 Project name

Solicitation of the Conceptual Design of Shenzhen Xili Integrated Transport Hub and the Architectural Design Scheme of the Main Building

项目地点 Project location

The Xili Hub is located in the north-central part of Nanshan District, a central district of Shenzhen City, and borders the Liuxiandong strategic emerging industry headquarters to the north and the North Area of Nanshan Hi-tech Park (North Area of High-tech Industrial Development Zone) to the south. It is an important link point for the scientific and technological innovation axis of Nanshan District and is of great strategic significance.

报名截止时间 Application deadline

The applying design agencies or consortiums shall send bidding persons carrying the original certificate of legal representative, power of attorney of legal representative and ID card (the identity will be checked on site) to deliver their pre-qualification application documents to the Survey & Design Window of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre, Floor 2, Design Building, No. 8 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China before GMT+8 December 16, 2019, 17:00. The submission deadline, if adjusted, is subject to the latest announcement. The pre-qualification application documents are subject to the paper data eventually received. Materials delivered after the deadline will not be accepted. For the content of the Application Materials, please refer to the Pre-qualification Document “7.1 Composition of Pre-qualification Application Documents”.

主办方 Host

China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

招标人 Tenderee

Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.

联系方式 Contact information

深圳市地铁集团有限公司Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.
联系人/Contact:闵女士 Ms. MIN
联系电话/Tel:0755-82778162,+86 13713589714
深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司 Ehow R&D Center
联系人/Contact:杨女士 Ms. Yang
联系电话/Tel:+86 18126316869

一. 项目概述

I. Project overview

1. 项目背景
1. Project Background
Xili Integrated Transport Hub is positioned as one of the master hubs among the “three-master four-auxiliary” of Shenzhen City. The planning and construction of the project are of great significance for Shenzhen to build a national railway hub city and enhance its core driving force for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It is a major construction project of Shenzhen's building a pilot demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics.



Scope of Research on Solicitation of Conceptual Design of Xili Integrated Transport Hub and Architectural Scheme Design of Main Building

According to the relevant planning of national railway, intercity rail and urban rail, Xili Hub will introduce 4 high-speed railways (Ganzhou (Jiangxi)-Shenzhen (Guangdong) Railway, Shenzhen-Maoming Railway, Shenzhen-Shanwei (Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone) Railway and Shenzhen-Zhuhai Intercity Railway), 2 intercity railways in the Pearl River Delta (Shenzhen–Huizhou Intercity Rail and Shenzhen-Dongguan-Zengcheng (Guangzhou) Intercity Rail) and 4 urban rail lines (Line 13, Line 15, Line 27 and Line 29) and shape the urban space together with public supporting facilities, urban roads and slow-traffic system with other cities, to build an integrated transport hub with station-city integration and highly compound utilization of land. Therefore, Xili Hub will become a new and the most important gateway and urban vitality center of Shenzhen.2. 征集目的
2. Purpose of Consultation

This consultation aims to solicit from domestic and foreign design agencies forward-looking, innovative and feasible station-city integration design philosophies and solutions, show the Chinese style and world city charm by using the most advanced development, planning, construction and operation ideas at home and abroad for reference and build an efficient and convenient integrated transport hub, demonstration project with high station-city integration, gateway landmark in the core area of Shenzhen and model urban area for future urban life. 

3. 征集方式及规则
3. Solicitation Approach & Rules
This solicitation activity will be undertaken by 2 stages, Stage I: Pre-qualification, Stage II: Scheme Design Competition. 

3.1 第一阶段:资格预审原则/细则 Stage I: Pre-qualification Principles/Rules
The Tenderee will set up the pre-qualification committee, which will perform comprehensive review on pre-qualification application documents such as the achievements and experiences of chief designers of the application units, the members and experiences of the planned project team, company qualifications, industry reputation and conceptual proposals (please see the Pre-Qualification Document). And they will select 7 competitors for the Scheme Design Competition stage and 2 alternatives with ranking which will enter the competition by order if any of the 7 competitors quit. 

3.2 第二阶段:方案设计竞标阶段 Stage II: Scheme Design Competition
The 7 competitors should submit the deliverables according to the Design Brief. The review committee should review the submitted design schemes and select the top 3 as the winning schemes and recommend them to the Tenderee. The review committee should also give review opinions on the top 3 winning schemes. 

3.3 评审结果 Review result
The Tenderee will set up a bid award committee according to law and determine 1 winning bidder through comprehensive study on the basis of the review opinions of experts. The winning bidder will be awarded the contract for the subsequent stage of the project (see Chapter VI, Part V Design Brief, Pre-Qualification Document). 

二. 设计内容

II. Design contents:
1. 本次研究范围分核心区和协调区两个层面。
This scheme solicitation task is divided into two levels: core area and coordination area.(1)核心区:面积约83ha。本次方案需完成核心区范围的建筑概念设计。
The core area is about 83ha. The conceptual architectural design in the core area shall be completed in this solicitation.

The coordination area is about 189ha (including the core area). The urban design development in the coordination area shall be completed in this solicitation.


2. 核心区内枢纽主体建筑包括但不限于铁路客站、城市配套和商业开发空间。其中,铁路客站包括铁路客运及相关附属设施;城市配套工程主要包括城际及轨道交通站,各类配套交通车场,需与枢纽统一建设的商业开发空间,各类服务于枢纽的地上、地下集散空间及公共设施等。
The hub’s main buildings in the core area include but are not limited to the railway passenger station, urban supporting projects, and commercial development spaces, wherein, the railway passenger station includes the railway passenger transportation and relevant ancillary facilities; the urban supporting projects mainly include intercity and rail transit stations and various supporting transport yards, commercial development spaces required to be constructed uniformly with the hub, and various ground and underground distribution spaces and public facilities, etc. serving the hub. 

3. 核心区枢纽主体建筑在方案征集阶段的深度须在建筑概念方案设计深度以上,以保证方案稳定、可行;在深化阶段设计深度应达到建筑方案设计深度(此阶段枢纽主体建筑范围不含铁路客运及相关附属设施)。
The design extent of the hub’s main buildings in the core area shall be above the conceptual architectural scheme design extent at the scheme solicitation stage, to guarantee the scheme stability and feasibility; and it shall reach the architectural scheme design extent at the design development stage (during which, the scope of the hub’s main buildings excludes the railway passenger transportation and relevant supporting facilities).

4. 核心区内其他枢纽建筑,在方案征集阶段应达到建筑概念方案设计深度。
The design extent of the hub’s other buildings in the core area shall reach the conceptual architectural scheme design extent at the scheme solicitation stage. 

5. 协调区范围内设计方案在西丽综合交通枢纽片区城市设计成果的基础上进行深化。
The design scheme for the coordination area shall develop the urban design deliverables of the Xili Integrated Transport Hub area.(设计内容详见资格预审文件中技术任务书)
(See the Design Brief in the Pre-Qualification Document for the detailed design contents)


三. 报名要求

Ⅲ. Requirements for registration:

1. 本次征集采用公开报名的方式进行,不设资质要求,境内外设计机构皆可报名,鼓励联合体投标,联合体优先考虑配置含建筑设计、铁路设计、轨道交通、市政交通等类型的综合型机构,联合体成员不超过6家,已组成联合体的各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加此次征集活动。联合体各方需签署《联合体协议》,协议中须明确合作各方的分工和设计费用的分配方式。
The competition will be open to the public with no qualification requirements, and domestic and foreign design agencies can register for it. Consortium bidding is encouraged. The consortium shall give priority to the configuration of comprehensive mechanisms including architectural design, railway design, rail transit, municipal transportation, etc, etc., with the number of members not exceeding 6, and any member already in a consortium shall not repeatedly apply in its own name or form another consortium with other design agencies to participate in this solicitation. Members of a consortium shall sign the Consortium Agreement which shall make clear the division of work of each member and the design expense allocation method. 

2. 业绩要求 Achievement requirements
Bidders (independently or in consortiums) shall have at least one of the following achievements in the recent decade (from October 2009 to the present):(1)具有国内外已建成运营的大型综合交通枢纽建筑工程设计经验和案例。
Experience and cases in the architectural engineering design of large-scale integrated transport hubs that have been built and operated at home and abroad;

Experience and cases in the design of renowned buildings at home and aboard;

Rich experience and cases in integrated transportation planning and design.


3. 项目负责人或主创人员要求 Project leader or chief designer requirements
The person in charge of design or chief designer shall have at least 1 of the following achievements:(1)承担过1个及以上的大型综合交通枢纽建筑的设计负责人或主创设计师。
Having undertaken the design of one or more large-scale integrated transport hub buildings;

Having undertaken the design of one or more renowned single buildings at home and abroad.


4. 其他要求 Other requirements
For design agencies whose person in charge is one same person or design agencies that have the shareholding or management relationship with each other, only one of them can participate in the bidding.(2)不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
Individual applications or teams of individuals will not be accepted.

5. 参与本次征集的规划设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目的人员担任,需有5年以上相关工作经验,必须直接参与设计全过程,且现场踏勘、评审答疑、成果汇报均需参加并汇报。为了保证项目规划设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目规划设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。
Designers participating in this solicitation must be registered personnel of the firm. The chief designer must be those who have presided over several similar projects and have more than 5 years’ experience in relevant work and must be involved in the entire design and participate in site survey, review Q&A session, and deliverables presentation and make a presentation. In order to make sure that the project designers have a correct understanding of the background of China and relevant requirements, they shall have at least 1 teammate with proficient Chinese language skills.

四. 竞赛规则(含日程安排)

Ⅳ. Competition rules (including schedule):

招标公告 | 深圳市西丽综合交通枢纽概念设计及主体建筑设计

☆ 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。
☆ All the time mentioned is Beijing time. The Tenderee reserves the right to adjust the schedule. 

Note: The Tenderee will organize a project promotion conference on the afternoon of November 25, to introduce the project background and answer questions of interested agencies about the bidding application. The conference is of a voluntary nature. Interested agencies please send their name and name of participants to the e-mail address for applications before 17:00, November 21.

五. 方案征集费用及建筑方案设计费

Ⅴ. Scheme Compensation and Architectural Scheme Design Fee

The scheme compensation in this solicitation will be paid in RMB, and any taxes and fees incurred from the compensation, etc. shall be borne by design agencies (consortiums). Design agencies (consortiums) that meet the design requirements upon review by experts will receive the following compensation depending on their rankings: 

First place: Competition cost of RMB 2 million and compensation of RMB 7 million for the first stage (mainly including the compensation for the design development and organization of the workshop of RMB 2 million, and the compensation for the special discipline of RMB 5 million. If subcontracting is needed for the special discipline, this shall be consented by the Tenderee).第二、三名单位:方案征集费各300万元。
Second and third places: Compensation of RMB 3 million respectively.

Fourth and fifth places: Compensation of RMB 2.5 million respectively.

Sixth and seventh places: Compensation of RMB 2 million respectively.

If design agencies participate in the solicitation in the name of consortiums, the Tenderee will only contact and settle with the leading member thereof. If a foreign design agency cannot use its account to collect the RMB, it can authorize a domestic independent legal entity to collect the money on behalf.如招标人或评审委员会认为参加征集活动的设计机构(联合体)提交的成果文件未达到约定的工作深度及成果要求的,招标人可相应支付部分或不支付其方案征集费用。
If the Tenderee or review committee holds that the deliverables submitted by any design agency (consortium) that participates in the solicitation activity fail to reach the agreed design extent and deliverables requirements, the Tenderee may correspondingly pay a part of or not pay the compensation thereto.

The first place will be awarded the architectural scheme design contract with an estimated cost of RMB 95.30 million and the specific scope and scale to be determined by the Tenderee subsequently according to the project implementation needs.

六. 特别提示

Ⅵ. Special Prompts



Please download the relevant Tender Document on the website of the Project Transaction Centre of the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality at https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:


Bidders (including leaders and members of consortiums) must handle the online enterprise information registration in advance according to requirements of the follow-up procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre.深圳建设工程交易服务中心
Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre


Online handling address: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
Enquiry hotline: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822


(3)报名登记 Application registration
请报名单位登录网址: 登录报名信息,或扫描以下二维码登记报名资料。
Applicants please visit the website: or scan the following QR code to enter the application information.

