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Five smart cities that are being proposed in North America



From a smart forest in Mexico to a Nevada desert city powered by blockchain, a wave of smart cities are being proposed in North America. Here are five examples from the continent that hint at the shape of future neighbourhoods.


创新公园 / Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney、Tom Wiscombe


“创新公园城市”由Ehrlich Yanai Ree Chaney事务所和Tom Wiscombe事务所设计,基于区块链技术,这是一套按时间顺序和公开追踪交易的数字记录,但无法修改,从而拥有更强大的隐私保障和数据控制。例如,据“纽约时报”报道,创新公园的用户可以在区块链中进行银行、投票和存储数据,而不需要经过中间商或政府。

Innovation Park by Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects and Tom Wiscombe Architecture
Jeffrey Berns, who made a fortune selling cryptocurrency last year, has bought a large parcel of Nevada's desert with the aim of turning it into a smart city powered by blockchain technology.
The Innovation Park city is intended to be designed by Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects and Tom Wiscombe Architecture and based on blockchain – a set of digital records that track transactions chronologically and publicly, but cannot be modified – to offer greater privacy and data control. For example, occupants of Innovation Park would be able to bank, vote and store data in the blockchain, without including middlemen or the government, reports the New York Times.


坎昆智能森林城 / Stefano Boeri

意大利建筑师Stefano Boeri最近公布了将墨西哥坎昆市附近的一片土地改造成170万株植物种植园的智能开发项目计划。


Smart Forest City Cancun by Stefano Boeri
Italian architect Stefano Boeri recently unveiled plans to transform an area of land near Cancun city in Mexico into a smart development covered in 1.7 million plants.
The greenery would convert carbon dioxide in oxygen, while data would be collected to foster a better habitat for residents, according to Boeri's firm.


多伦多人行道 / Sidewalk Labs

Alphabet的子公司Sidewalk Lab计划在多伦多的海滨建设一个高科技的“未来城市”。该项目将拥有“世界上城市数据最强大的治理机制”,其中居民信息将不再被用于广告或与字母表公司共享。


Sidewalk Toronto by Sidewalk Labs
Sidewalk Lab, a subsidiary of Alphabet, is planning to build a high-tech "future city" on Toronto's waterfront. The project would have "the strongest governance regime for urban data anywhere in the world", where resident information will be de-identified and not used for advertising or shared with Alphabet companies.
Neighbourhoods will be made entirely from timber – with a number of buildings designed by Thomas Heatherwick. It would also include Building Raincoats, which would offer protection to pavements in harsh weather, and the Fanshells, which are folding glass doors that lift up to open the interiors to outside. Other ideas include wider sidewalks, wayfinding beacons and heated pavements.


Bellmont / 比尔·盖茨及其合伙人



Bellmont by Bill Gates and partners
Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has reportedly taken a stake in the smart city development game.
In 2017 it was reported that a company tied to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation bought a huge patch of land west of Phoenix, Arizona, with the intention of transforming it into a city with high-speed internet, connected infrastructure and driverless cars.


联合城 / Elkus Manfredi、Sasaki

位于波士顿的ElkusManfredi建筑师和Sasaki Associates事务所计划在波士顿以南12英里处建造一个城市,那里曾经是海军基地。


Union Point by Elkus Manfredi and Sasaki
Boston-based Elkus Manfredi Architects and Sasaki Associates have masterplanned a city for a site located 12 miles south of Boston, which was formerly a navy yard.
Along with smart systems for collecting and sharing data, the firms intend the project to be a sustainable pioneer, with with autonomous vehicles and greenery integrated into buildings.
