der发现时代设计师 成立于2018年  

der视频专访丨对话ASPECT Studios总监Stephen Buckle:打造具有幸福感的城市空间,回应环境需求


Stephen Buckle

作为ASPECT Studios现任亚洲区工作室总监和设计总监,Stephen Buckle先生是一位在行业内具有影响力的景观设计师和城市规划专家,以其一系列大胆挑战和打破常规的城市塑造项目而著称。他致力于通过项目解决当前高密度城市中复杂的社会、环境以及技术挑战,使其带来积极反响。


对话Stephen Buckle

About yourself and ASPECT

Stephen Buckle:我是Stephen BuckleASPECT Studios的工作室总监和创意总监,负责上海工作室的业务, ASPECT也有一个广州工作室。我是英国人,从曼彻斯特毕业之后,在很多国家都工作过,比如欧洲、中东,最近十年又在亚洲不同的国家工作。
I’m Stephen Buckle, studio director and creative lead at ASPECT Studios, responsible for primarily for the Shanghai studio. We also operate a studio down in Guangzhou. I'm British and trained in Manchester, but following that, my career has taken me around the world. I have worked across Europe and in the Middle East, and for the last ten years across Asia.


▲ ASPECT Studios上海工作室 ©ASPECT Studios

With that diversity of geographies, it's really given me a strong understanding of the importance of culture within design, and how to respond to that within the urban environment. The foundation of ASPECT Studios is solely based on the principle of trying to create balance between the human environment and the natural environment, so we can sustain our existence on this planet. For us, it is something we hold very true to our thought processes and design philosophy, as it were.

I had been working in the Middle East for a few years, but then the global financial crisis happened. All my design colleagues, friends, and co-directors were kind of shuffled around and disappeared. I was left there in a very intense market with a lot of work and projects still on. But the worst was my focus ended up having to be on spreadsheets in Excel and looking at forecast. I was bored. It was as if my soul has been drained from me. 

Luckily, I had the opportunity to come up with a new culture, A new environment in Guangzhou. I left for Guangzhou about ten years ago and set up a studio as part of a local firm with my business partner. We did that for a couple of years, and it was great. It was a good introduction to the country itself. But it was more locally orientated which means I couldn't leverage the type of work that I wanted to be involved in.

So I relocated to Shanghai. The ASPECT connection was very much here. It was a perfect alignment. The founder of ASPECT was looking to move back to Australia and I was looking for the opportunity. It wasn’t I had to start a studio from a scratch, instead, it was an already made studio that I could walk into. With a few bits of shuffling around and a realignment of thought process and process in design delivery, six years later, we're doing quite well.


Recent projects


 Hyperlane超线公园第一期:城市灵感空间 ©ASPECT Studios

Stephen Buckle:成都的“超线公园项目是我们最近的项目之一,第一期的“城市灵感空间”在新冠疫情之前开始施工,并在疫情期间完成它是2.4公里长的多层的商业空中公园的一部分。整个设计意在创造“渗透性”,即让周围社区可以从空间的一端穿行到另一端,同时打造东西走向、直达火车站的连接。

The Hyperlane project in Chengdu, is one of our more recent projects. The first phase of that is completed during COVID, but it started on site just before. It's part of 2.4 kilometer long multi-level sky park. The intention of the whole design is to create that permeability to allow the community to use the space from one side to the other, but also to create the connection east/ west down towards the train station.


▲  Hyperlane超线公园概念图 ©ASPECT Studios


So the starting point for us was to look at the people.


The character of the way of expressing themselves and this tiny little narrow cutaway was a great way. There was graffities. There was spray paints. there was art, there was expressions. There was a voice that was coming through on these artworks that had been put on the wall and stuff.


▲  Hyperlane超线公园原貌 ©ASPECT Studios


The client brief for us is to orientate on people. It's a commercial development and to hear these words, not superficial, not just marketing spin‘we like people’, Actually its depth of their soul. No, it doesn't matter, if you're blocking the view here, it's great that you create in these small social spaces that aren't on his red line that aren’t on the public realm and create sort of social infrastructure for the community as a whole. Rather than solely focused on selling the shop fronts, renting them out and making quick money. And it's a welcome relief after ten years here to work with client like that I was like ‘Oh, where have you been.’

 Hyperlane超线公园第一期:城市灵感空间 ©ASPECT Studios


I'm representing that in a way which allowed it to transition the morph within the design to meet the different functional needs. So from expressing itself at an urban scale onto the main streets, creating a strong visual connection at a point of arrival for the whole new development, through to smaller scale spaces where people can come together, such as impromptu arts and exhibitions, and displays and music can take place in; through to smaller scale places where two people can sit down and have a chat. What we wanted to do was create a singular expression of its idea of a community. This form wraps around and transition within each of these spaces and performs in different ways.


 Hyperlane超线公园第一期:城市灵感空间 ©ASPECT Studios


The governments embracing the ideas of the project has been really positive. They've allowed us to influence not only the on-site design, but they are also encouraging us to influence the entire road network. Look at how we can create a more pedestrian orientated environment, considering sustainable transport ideas for the connection from the train station to the university. It's 2.4 kilometers, but creates cycle networks, walking networks and more people-orientated or human- and pedestrian-orientated environment.

▲  Hyperlane超线公园效果图 ©Aedas


Teanworking and collaboration in ASPECT

Stephen Buckle:ASPECT有超过220名员工,全球9个工作室。在这些工作室里,我们有极其丰富且多样化的设计技能和经验可以带到项目当中。

We have over two hundred and twenty staff across nine studios. Now, within those locations we have a myriad of different skill sets and experiences that we want to bring to every project, or we may need to bring to certain projects.


▲ ASPECT Studios上海工作室 ©ASPECT Studios


Now the important thing for us is to gain from that knowledge and to share that knowledge internally. We also do that through the creation of knowledge packs, which are shared internally and externally. It really cements our position, ethos and principles on certain aspects of design. We share that internally as part of a training platform everybody can learn from. Combined with that is also LIVE-on projects. 


If we have a project that we're working on and we require a living architecture and green facade treatment on the project, we’ll pull together a team, including some guys in Melbourne and Sydney, who have worked on the One Central Park project, which is like a forty-stories high green facade project, and get them involved in the creative process. I think It's a balance of international knowledge, skills and experience, bringing the best and highest thought processes and intelligence through a project, combined with local knowledge and experience in culture. And two of those coming together.


Design focus

Stephen Buckle:我所有行业内的朋友都是建筑师,所以我要谨慎选择我的用词,哈哈。

All my friends are in the industry, they are all architects, so I’ll choose my words carefully.


When they're dealing with a large tower, which quite often mixed-use projects, you get three to six floors of retail, commercial and some towers and the towers are offices... The consideration that they're giving on the façade, at an urban scale of how that feels and the scale proportions of it, at a big city scale when they're doing their big elevation, their bird's eye view, their renders… After that big impact, they're not for the human scale consideration when that facade comes down hits the ground. Everything is disproportionate, it's not considered at a human scale. No matter how many times an architect will tell you how beautiful its facade is, elevation is, tower is… day to day people are operating at a human level. They are dealing with the peripheral of their view. They’re dealing with the first two to three floors of buildings.


▲ 南信控股青岛环球金融中心 ©ASPECT Studios


So we'll work collaboratively with the architects on the materiality, the openness, the transparency of the permeability at those lower levels, and let the building, as a strong, overarching gesture coming from the sky stop, and allow it to have a human scale interface.


Some of our projects are very bold. We were put into them because the client is investing in the architecture and the landscape equally, That is a good position for us to come in. It’s not always our designs are following the direction of the architecture and not always are landscapes sympathetic to the architecture. We feel that landscapes need to stand strong on their own, particularly when we're trying to create a brand experience. It’s something people can bring a point to understanding and memory when they visited the project.


There's the lasting impact that design can have on them and the experiences they have within it, which is the fun part that we bring to it. I love working with all my architect friends! Taking the thought process of how they might consider a site, the elements they are thinking about… our approach from a different angle to a landscape architect is that merger, which is friction, creates a good energy. With good energy, it can result in hopefully nice cool projects.


▲ 合肥睆投万科天下艺境 ©ASPECT Studios


About local culture and market

Stephen Buckle:我认为有种想法是非常粗鲁的:在进入一个不同文化后,自以为了解并大言不惭地教育当地人他们自己的文化。我可以从这个时代、一些与时俱进的角度来谈论这件关于人、空间和环境的话题。

I think it'd be very rude to come into a culture, think I understand it and then try to teach the local people about their own culture. And I can talk about things that are of our time and of forward-facing things that are about people, place, the environment. 


We touch on culture in our projects, and we try to represent it, but in a contemporary way. It's an extraction. It's a guide during the design process. It's not literal. But I think that's important to be of our time. We shouldn't be replicating stuff of the past. We should be doing designs that of our time. I'm representing these years, not looking back to the past for all of our answers. we can look back and learn, adapt, morph and use in a way that allows us to have some connection to the past, respect to the past, but be forward focused.


▲ 上海传统弄堂 ©ASPECT Studios


There are projects we’re doing one in Xintiandi, down the road to Madang Lu. It is within the existing community. The landscape there is trying to respond and reflect to traditional backstreets of Shanghai and to use that in a contemporary way. It's about respecting and reflecting the past, traditional materials, colors or even ideas and trying to reposition it in a creative way to be more forward thinking now.


▲ 上海旭辉The Roof - 南侧建筑剖面 ©ASPECT Studios


▲ 上海旭辉The Roof Sky Garden ©ASPECT Studios


There's a lot of projects that we've done, where it's a mixed use commercial project. The value of mixed use commercial developments in tense urban areas is essential. The government are funding those types of projects. So you need to be at a balance both the environmental needs and the social needs of an urban area while capitalizing on the investment of the developer. That's kind of where we see ourselves, as coming in this.


▲ 上海旭辉The Roof - Living Architecture内庭院 ©ASPECT Studios


▲ 上海旭辉The Roof - Living Architecture临街 ©ASPECT Studios


I think there's a trap that the design industry has allowed itself to fall into, and that is, the literal representation, rather than being inspired or suggested or guided by a motif or an element, whether or not that's historical , environmental or cultural. It's quite easy for the design industry to turn that into a very literal representation. 


But it is not just China, it’s happened globally. It's only when we get the opportunity to work with certain clients and collaborators and architects, where we can create an energy and goes in a certain direction. Often, one project will start to get people to think differently, and then the next we learn from it. This is the process in a development and the growth. 


▲ 上海旭辉The Roof – Sky Deck ©恒基旭辉


No idea is uniquely singular to itself as the new idea. Everything is a building upon past influences, past visual compositions, traditional and nontraditional. But it needs momentum and needs to be embraced by the people that are investing in it. So that's why everything that we try to do is at least stands unique to itself. We will draw inspiration and reflection of the past and culture. We will try to position it for the future. Above all, we try, and it kills my design team. Everything we strive to be unique. Each project has its own story to tell, has its own expression.


▲ 万科西九广场 ©ASPECT Studios


Landscape designer perspective view of technology today

Stephen Buckle:我们有一些项目也在关注技术的发展,但是这是一个有双面性的话题。首先,一些智慧城市的倡议是非常有意义的,他们很好地顺应和捕捉了具有前瞻性的、可持续未来需求。虽然这有时会成为市场营销华而不实的漩涡,还可能会给项目价值带来损害。但是另一方面,我又认为有必要创造不需要依靠技术的体验和环境。

Yes, we got some projects that are looking at that and I think there's two factors. One, some of the smart city initiatives are great. Having a good way of really capturing a forward-focused, sustainable look into the future. Sometimes that gets wrapped up in a big marketing spin, which is kind of to the detriment of the value that they could bring to projects, the different systems and so on. But I do think at the same time saying that, there is a need to ‘un-smart cities’ to create experiences and environments that you don't have to rely on digital technology to exist.


You know, I know the feeling of despair I get when my WeChat breaks and I can't log on, because I can't pay for anything, and I can't go anywhere and I can't get my Didi and everything falls apart. Now I think for me, that's just a great representation of how fragile our reliance on technology is. 


▲ 武汉金地中法仟佰汇 ©ASPECT Studios


Now, if you mirror that back to I was born in an era they weren't mobile phones. There wasn't this digital technology, there wasn't CAD, there wasn't the Internet. My youth was climbing trees, getting muddy and experiencing things like woodland trails and building stuff out of twigs in the forest. That was my childhood. That foundation of my youth is the influence on my life today. From the youth and growing up to the places I've been the things I've seen. All of these different experiences created this thing today, which is me. 


▲ 武汉金地中法仟佰汇 ©ASPECT Studios


The generations of today that are being born, they won't have these experiences, they won't have this ability to be physically and emotionally in touch with wildlife and nature. They will be afraid of bugs and insects. What does that actually mean as an environment or an ecosystem that when we look at the word? So ecosystem is a cycle, is a system that involves both living things, breathing things, the sun, the sea, the moon, the rain systems, as well as the plants and the wildlife. We are part of the wildlife. Now our choices that we make, if we don't have an understanding of nature and natural systems and the importance of them, and we don't install that in our younger generations from an early age, how are they going to respond to the globe with a bigger crisis in the world, which is the environmental and the energy crisis?


▲ 合肥万科“城市之光”商业地块 ©ASPECT Studios

在我的作品和职业生涯中,关注的一直是景观里的人文和社会性。但在推动生物多样性和可持续发展的生态系统方面,这个行业中有一些了不起的“守护者”。比如AECOMLee Parks,简直就是“可持续设计和生态平衡之神”!我十分尊重这些人所做的工作,并努力使自己完成一些相同的目标。 

A lot of my work and career focus on the people side of landscape architecture and social side, but I think there is some amazing custodians in the industry that really drive home a lot of the biodiversity- and sustainability-driven ecosystem creating the landscapes. Just to name a few… Lee Parks in AECOM, a God of sustainable design and ecologically balanced solutions! I've got a lot of respect for the work that they do. It strives myself to achieve some.


The most critical driver behind ASPECT Studios is simply creating places where people want to be and balancing that with the environmental needs of the site of culture.


To young design generation 

Stephen Buckle:我认为比电脑技术、能力等硬技能更重要的是对设计由衷的欣赏和热爱,这并不容易。设计这个行业并不是一个只有美好的梦幻仙境、创造环绕城市的绿地和美好环境就够了的。实际上这是一项艰巨的工作,整个设计行业都是这样,不仅仅是景观设计。

S : I think there are more important things than skills, technology, abilities and modeling and doing all of the production, gives an appreciation of character. It's not easy. It's not like the dream environment where you come in, you have some nice beautiful ideas to create these tapestry of green, circles around the city and create a lovely environment. It's hard bloody work. It's across the whole design and it's not just landscape, but within the whole industry. 

图片▲ 工作室Workshop ©ASPECT Studios


If you're not passionate, give up. If you don't care, if you're not passionate about the work, the impact your work and can have on the environment or society, give up! Going to do something else. Because you are not worth your time. Go doing something that you'll enjoy your passionate about, because otherwise the end result of your work aren't going to bring any value to anybody else.


It does come down to passion and characteristics, if you hold your reasoning for getting into the industry, or the thought process you've gone through to why do you choose landscape.


▲ 工作室Workshop ©ASPECT Studios


So hopefully, when students are coming out they don't focus on technical skills. Focus on your own consciousness and in your own being and your own passion, for why you are in the industry and let that be your driver. Combine that with hard work and never giving up. And you will succeed.  


