der发现时代设计师 成立于2018年  





和马町,汉荷设计(Maison h)创始人、主创建筑师,清华大学建筑学院建筑博士、硕士。在欧洲、美国、中国等地从事过建筑设计工作,参与过的项目多达40个,曾与MVRDV、Behnisch、Herman Hertzberger等知名建筑师共同工作,拥有超过10年的专业经验,其中李晓东工作室任项目主建筑师长达五年。

和马町(Martijn de Geus)有丰富的生活阅历。最初他在动物园工作了六年,负责照顾园内的大猩猩,当时的他还朝着成为摇滚乐歌手的梦想努力。当他在19岁的时候,人生轨迹发证了改变,他赢得《继雷姆·库哈斯之后》国际设计竞赛,获奖作品“黑盒”(The Black Box)亦在同年被建成,是他的第一个公共建筑项目。

“黑盒”在建成后广受好评,让他在20岁时登上日本杂志《A+U》,称为杂志上的最年轻建筑师。 然而“黑盒”却意外地被纵火烧毁,这个事件给他带来巨大的冲击,之后他决定来中国。在清华大学跟随知名建筑大师李晓东学习,是首个来自西方的学生。在清华大学取得建筑硕士学位后,他继续留校任职建筑研究学硕士(EPMA)的教师,并同时考取博士学位。

对话和马町 :


马町:大家好,我叫马町 [Martijn],和马町,荷兰人,不是中国河南,是欧洲荷兰。我十年之前来到北京,我觉得我的中文还是不够好,所以今天还是说英文吧。


我到北京十年了, 有一家小事务所——汉荷设计[maisonh]。这是一个非常完美的名字,但这不是我想出来的,是我的教授李晓东想出来的。因为我来自荷兰,叫和马町,我的妻子是中国人汉族,她叫张涵。汉荷设计取自我们两人,我们一起做荷兰-中国的设计,尝试以一种新的方式把西方哲学和东方哲学结合起来。
So I came to Beijing 10 years ago and I have a small office, and the Office called in Chinese 汉荷设计[maisonh], actually is a really perfect name, I think. it's not invented by me but my Professor Lixiaodong [李晓东] came up with this name because I am from 荷兰 [Netherlands], 和马町 [Martijn]and my wife is Han [汉族],she s Chinese  but also called ZhangHan [张涵]. So it's us together doing the Dutch-Chinese design, and that's kind of what do we do. We try to integrate the Western and the eastern philosophy in a new way.

Our design philosophy is the foundation of who we are somehow, like our life defines what we do and our life defines what we work on, and also this is into the projects that we do. So where we sit now, our office is based upon what I believe in; the projects, and the people I work with is what I believe in. So, it's in everything. 



First of all, I never really wanted to be an architect. Actually, I started studying civil engineering in Holland. And at that time I had started to be a zoo keeper, and actually, I find I really enjoyed that. (插入项目文件中的荷兰动物园相关文件) Because the zoo where I worked is very famous for the Group of gorillas I worked wit. it is the largest group of gorillas in captivity in the world. And it's a really a social group. So there are no cages, they're always all together, they are really amongst themselves and the environment is designed purely for their natural life. And I thought it was amazing, and then I went to study in Delft, which is the most famous university in Holland. And I saw that these buildings that they had there were really terrible. They were all concrete boxes not made for people, they were made for machines and they were made by machines.


I won a small competition when I was eighteen years old, (插入项目文件中的黑盒项目相关文件) when I was just started studying in Delft, for a building which was just like that. It was my statement against the concrete. It was the first building in the world that was fully grown by artificial green Wall. Now you see them everywhere in the world. But that was really the first one about fifteen years ago, may be a little longer. 

▲ 黑盒 ©汉荷设计

And That went very well. I won a competition and people really liked it, but a lot of people also really hated me for this. And they said, ‘how dare you built this building? It's not going to stand, it’s wood, etc, etc. So all together it let me to think people in the Netherlands at that time and people in Europe, they are not open for these new things.. And then I thought where can I go?  China, China is the future. May be there that they are open to new ideas. And maybe I can even learn from what is happening in China, because China is the future.  Because all I could see on TV where there are high towers, and more and more concrete. And I said no don't do the same as we did in Holland, or in America, please. So I needed to go there. I wanted to be there.


It's always difficult to find a project and the client that allows you to do what you believe in. So the first difficulty for us is always to find somebody to work with really well, so I don't care too much about what the project is, but I do care who the person behind the project is. 

▲ 五院别墅 ©汉荷设计

And we had one of these persons approaches for a really unique opportunity to design a new private residence in the center of Beijing. All of the neighbors in that area, because it's an older community, would destroy their house and rebuild it as large as possible, with a big concrete box.

▲ 五院别墅 ©汉荷设计

And he wanted to build this house for his children. ‘I want the house and the space to be really about living and about the family and to be an experience that they will not be able to have in any other environment.’ So I said that's perfect because I believe really that the space you are in can change your view of the world, and if you are growing up in a space where you can see the sky every day and it's beautiful and there's trees and the sunlight is coming in, and you're not afraid of nature, but nature is together with you, I think you can be a better person.



▲ 五院别墅 ©汉荷设计

And  It is a house that is partially underground; and above ground there is only afloating box which has the bedrooms and the sunlight can reach down all the way to the bottom. There is natural ventilation. It's oriented toward the sun in Beijing, it's a real natural house that integrates all the latest sustainable technologies to set an example about what living could be in a modern city.


You can also see that in the contemporary sciences. In China, it is quite easy to understand the concept of Quantum mechanics as a mechanism of the future. Because it's so natural that things can be two things, one truth can be two truths. In the West this is impossible. So I find that eastern philosophy is more flexible, it can be about trusting your instinct and your feelings, as well as trusting science and trusting logic. This is really a great path for the future, I think.

But what I mean to say is, actually Le Corbusier, who is the founder of modern architecture in the West, so one of the greatest master architects, he wrote ‘Intuition is the sum of the acquired knowledge’. That means what you instinctively feel, comes from everything that you've learned. So it's right to trust your intuition because your intuition works faster than your mind and I think that's  important to know.


Rem · Koolhaas recently did his exhibition at the Guggenheim called the countryside. So I think everybody around the world is starting to look at things outside of the city and how they are valuable for the life in cities, but also within themselves. So then the young people will go there and old people will stay.

The countryside, it's really a challenge in China, I think. You know this has become really a way for young Chinese architects to become famous internationally. Because wow you do something really nice looking in the countryside, looks so beautiful. But if you go to visit those projects, most of them are not used. So it's terrible. It doesn't actually help. It only helps the architect.

▲ 河北省 赤城县 ©汉荷设计

Two years ago with our students in Tsinghua again tried to initiate some projects in Hebei, just north of Beijing, around the Chongli area,  the new Olympic developments is all happening in that area. And there are several villages there, about thirty or forty that are extremely poor. They are so poor that on average, the households income for one year is only four hundred yuan, so it's nothing, really poor. But they are right next to Beijing and right next to Chongli.  So we provided the services of our students to help four of these towns to really look at what the people need there and what people could use with their own resources to provide some income.

▲ 啤酒厂 ©汉荷设计  滑动查看更多

Because again, like I said, architects have the ability to research and understand these environmental processes, and help people better their life, better their income, better the social. But not placing some weird looking buildings for the sake of making the building. So I think that's been very successful. We have gotten very good comments back from the local leaders, and we propose things .There was one village that had really good water.  So we thought we could do something with the water. Maybe we can make a beer brewery. Because you know good beer needs a lot of good water, and if you can sell that in Beijing, it's very hip to have this beer. So in that way we as architects can see that potential and we can help them how to design this.

First of all, what needs to change really is how people view the countryside. They see the countryside as somewhere with less opportunities, less goods, like that. Just like what I was describing earlier how most people are afraid of nature. They want to keep nature out, not good to keep it in. It‘s same with the countrysid. We are one big countrysides, you know.If that can change in China and people start to see that the countryside is something really valuable, then people want to go.


the problem is that in the past, whenever there was a new technology or something like that, architects would think by themselves “What does this mean and do we agree with this? Can we do something with it?" And they would come with a theory or a vision on how they feel about this technology, how that influences the thinking of architecture, the possibilities of future cities and buildings. What I see happening now is that these technologies are all developed outside of the architecture field. There might be smart city systems, there are artificial intelligence systems, and architects are only working on how we can use these systems to build what we want to build. But they're not thinking how can we really use the thinking behind this to make better or different architecture.

▲ 清华建筑学院改造 ©汉荷设计

今年夏天,我和我们的新院长张利聊天,他和我说“马町你知道么,我们正面临建筑这个职业的挑战,即使是在清华。” 这是我从来没想到过的。曾经,清华大学建筑学院是全国顶尖学生的首选,高考毕业生们会选择去清华大学的建筑系或者北京大学的经济系,因为这是对他们最好的选择。但张利说现在越来越多的顶尖学生选择计算机相关学科,人工智能、IT、纳米、量子,所有这些新事物的院系,因为它们才是未来。
I just had a conversation this summer with our new dean, Zhangli [张利]. And what he mentioned to me, I had not thought about, he said, ‘you know, Martin. We are facing a challenge as a profession of architecture, also within Tsinghua [清华].’ Because you know, Tsinghua University Architecture School used to be the first choice for top students across China, they would go to  Tsinghua architecture [清华建院] or Beijing University’s economics [北大经济]. You would know you would have the best future possible. But nowadays he was saying more and more of these top students choose to go to computer related sciences, AI, IT, nano, quantum, all these new stuff because they are the future.

You know you can do a PhD in artificial intelligence and Huawei [华为] will hire you for five million a year in your first year, right? Why do architecture? And this is a problem. Because for architecture as a discipline, because architecture has so long isolated itself from sciences, also from humanities. Because architects all think they know everything.

▲ 北京2022年冬奥博物馆 ©汉荷设计

I think it should be really, much more away from the act of building a building and more towards an integrative environment.  architecture should become more scientific on the one hand, and on the other hand, more humanistic, more people oriented. So it should be less about the architect, less about the building.


It was something I said a few years ago, where I thought you know, actually, I want to go beyond this belief that the West is the future, and the West is the model, and we know everything in the West.

So I mean we should have an open mind towards the future. And I understand that people are afraid to lose their position. But I think if we can make, can be allies and we can learn from each other. Of course China can learn from America still and from Europe also. But China is really the future. And I don't know if really Chinese, the Chinese generation currently really knows what that means.

Because I feel still, I mean everybody in China is very confident, and they really want to be the best. But why? What are you going to do with that? What does that mean? It comes with responsibility. And that's what I mean to say this post Western is about taking that responsibility, yourself as a person in every day to day life, to live your life in a good way. You know you're responsible to the environment, you are responsible to people around you, and it's your thinking about the future. like that, and i feel in China that's possible.


I believe in that. I don't believe anymore that I know everything. I believe I can learn from others as much as I can learn for myself. We'll see about that.

视频:田宁 张擎苍 


