12月5日,美国建筑师协会AIA上海 | 北京分会在百乐门举行了颁奖典礼及鸡尾酒会。ASPECT的项目成都Hyperlane超线公园城市灵感空间一举拿下AIA上海卓越设计奖(AIA Shanghai design awards)城市设计类的“最高荣誉奖”(Honor award)!On December 5th, the American Institute of Architects (Shanghai | Beijing chapter) hosted an award ceremony and cocktail party at the Paramount. Under the urban design category, Hyperlane Chengdu: Urban Gallery was awarded with the Honor Award, highest award in AIA Shanghai design awards!工作室总监Stephen Buckle、商务总监谢薇、副总监董科儿一齐出席颁奖典礼,代表ASPECT领奖。Studio Director Stephen Buckle, Business Director Vivi Xie, and Associate D.K. Dong attended the event and received the award, on behalf of ASPECT.

© AIA Shanghai | Beijing
Stephen Buckle(右二)(second right)
谢薇(左二)| Vivi Xie (second left)
董科儿(右一)| D. K. Dong (first right)

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) was founded in 1857. This international organization recognizes and promotes excellence in architectural design, technology and design related issues. The members of AIA strive to create a knowledge- and vision-sharing community that has a positive impact on the direction of the profession, the shape of the neighborhoods, and the world. 全球共有200多个分会,会员超95,000名。这些分会持续地秉承、贯彻AIA创始人的开创原则。
It has over 200 chapters and over 95,000 members around the world. While the number of chapters is increasing, the basic objectives of the AIA as a professional organization have remained the same.
这次由AIA 上海 | 北京分会主办的“上海卓越设计奖”创立于2018年,旨在表彰国内最为优秀的设计与设计师。AIA Shanghai design awards, organized by the Shanghai | Beijing Chapter, was established in 2018 aiming to recognize the best design projects and designers domestically.
据官方统计,今年参与评选的作品超150件,共30件作品获得提名。在四项评奖类别中,仅有5个项目入围城市设计类。共同角逐的还有AECOM, SOM等知名设计公司。According to AIA, over 150 entries was submitted and only 30 of them was nominated. Under the category of urban design, 5 finalists including international firms such as AECOM and SOM, were competing together for the final award.
Hyperlane超线公园在众多出色项目中脱颖而出,这是对ASPECT 的极大鼓励和认可。It is a great honor and recognition that Hyperlane won the award, out of all the excellent entries.

作为一线专业类设计奖项,评审团汇集行业领军人物,包括国际与国内知名建筑师、评论家、学者,以及理论家。For this well respected award, the jury committee was composed of international leading figures in the industry, including architects, critics, and professors.
评委团之一邵甬教授对Hyperlane超线公园表达了极高肯定:Dr. Shao Yong, one of the jury members, recognized Hyperlane as:“一个简单的设计语汇,巧妙地反应了场地的不同条件…… 如此出色的设计打造了一系列美丽的户外”房间“和空间…… 项目小巧的规模和多样性似乎创造了一个能够在白天和夜晚使用的、启发人心的环境。”“A simple vocabulary used smartly to reflectthe different site condition… Great design that makes the outdoors a series ofbeautiful rooms that unfold as a sequence of spaces… The scale and variety seemto create an inviting and inspiring environment to be used during day and night.”除了ASPECT团队的持续努力、创新和追求,设计总监Stephen坚信,这份来自国际专业组织的认可,离不开客户和合作伙伴的支持。As Stephen firmly believes, it was truly a collaborative process that combines hard work and dedication from the design team, as well as support and trust from the client team, including all the consultants, that made this possible. 这份荣誉同属于Hyperlane超线公园的业主团队,以及所有的合作伙伴!We're sharing this great honor with our wonderful client team and consultants!

Previous Post on Hyperlane: Urban Gallery
项目名称: 成都Hyperlane超线公园展示区: 城市灵感空间景观设计主创:Stephen Buckle(ASPECT Studios工作室总监)团队成员:罗彦, 许宁吟, Alex Cunanan deDios, 周沫, 底帆建筑设计主创:温子先博士(Aedas全球设计董事)效果图:ASPECT Studios, AedasProject name: Chengdu Hyperlane: Urban GalleryLandscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios led by Stephen Buckle (ASPECTLandscape Design Team: Yan Luo, Sam Xu, Alex Cunanan deDios, Morey Zhou, Iris Di,Architecture: Aedas; Principle: Dr. Andy Wen (Global Design Principle ofLighting: Brandston Partnership Inc.Contractor: Chengdu First Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of CDCEGRendering: ASPECT Studios, AedasProject Size: 100,000 square meterLandscape Size: 1,930 square meter (demo area)