HATCH Architects 民营 | 20-50人 | 成立于2011年  

HATCH获奖 | 常州天安会所项目获2020 MUSE Design Awards


MUSE Design Awards, founded in New York, USA, is an international design competition for creative professionals and companies from various design fields. It is also one of the most influential international awards in the field of creative design in the world. It aims to cultivate "Design Muses" and promote design development to a higher level. 

2020缪斯设计奖第三、四届共收到来自全球100多个国家/地区的近3.8w个参赛作品。HATCH Architects汉齐建筑申报作品——常州天安会所从中脱颖而出,斩获室内设计接待类铂金奖(最高荣誉)以及改造类金奖
In the 2020 MUSE Design Awards, nearly 3.8W entries from more than 100 countries/regions were received. The Changzhou Tian An Clubhouse designed by HATCH Architects won the  platinum award (the highest honor) in interior hopitality category and gold award in interior renovation category.

▲改造前 Before


Changzhou Tian An Clubhouse is located in the exclusive villa residential developed precinct in Changzhou, China. Since the original clubhouse can no longer meet the needs of current modern lifestyle and aesthetics, HATCH and Tian An China Investments Company Limited reached a cooperation to carry out renovation of the clubhouse.  

改造后的会所融合了现代和传统东方的美学精髓,并表达了社区及其年轻一代追求文化欣赏和生活感知的态度。用创造力的设计为极致生活体验赋能,Creative Design Empowers Life!

The renovated clubhouse intergrated the spirit of modern and traditional oriental aesthetics, and expresses the attitude of pursuing cultural appreciation and life perception. 



