木月建筑设计事务所 人 | 成立于2017年  

PURPLE ROSE | 守住玫瑰的秘密

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In the myth, Shang Luodan fought Satan for his dead love. He fought with his life and died with blood and his blood penetrated into the crystal coffin at the bottom of the lake and flowed into the veins of purple roses on the crystal. Since then, it is difficult to find purple roses in the world, and Shang Luodan has kept the secret of purple roses. 


▼ 街道观察视角 | Observation from Street 

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PURPLE ROSE 奶茶店隐匿在福冈闹市的街头,在熙熙攘攘的福冈,业主选择用 PURPLE ROSE 作为品牌的原点 ,或许是一种浪漫主义的表达。MOON Architects 也希望通过设计的语言去阐述对品牌和空间的理解,用变化去诠释稳定,用瞬间去表达永恒,用无花去描绘繁花似锦。

PURPLE ROSE milk tea shop is hidden in the streets of downtown Fukuoka. In the bustling Fukuoka, the client chooses to use PURPLE ROSE as the origin of the brand, which may be a romantic expression. MOON Architects hopes to explain the understanding of the brand and space through the language of design, to explain stability with changes, to express eternity with moments.

▼ 空间生长过程 | The Process of Growth

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▼ 玫瑰窗 | The Rose Window

玫瑰窗带来神秘的空间令人振奋, MOON Architects 从这种心灵的体验出发。将三片不同的渐变玻璃将空间切分成前后两个区域。阳光 、灯光 、观察者的角度以及三片玻璃的错叠关系,这些因素都会不断影响玻璃在观察者眼中最后的成像,变化是这个福冈街头一隅永恒不变的状态,“没有玫瑰的玫瑰园”正是 MOON Architects 想要表达的理念。

The rose window brings a mysterious space and it is exciting, MOON Architects starts from this spiritual experience. Three different pieces of gradient glass divide the space into two areas. Sunlight, lighting, the angle of the observer, and the staggered relationship of the three pieces of glass, these factors will continue to affect the final imaging of the glass in the eyes of the observer. The change is the eternal state of this corner of Fukuoka.


▼ 观察者角度下的变化 | Observation From Different Views

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▼ 散落的花 | Scattered Petals


The elements of the petals are refined, and the abstracted petal image is designed into the space, scattered on the glass, ceiling, wall and door, and the windows, doors, guides, menus, handles are grown on the spot. The change of form enriches the change of color.

▼ 五色光下的菜单架 | Menu Holder Under Colored Light

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The top surface is embedded with a whole piece of curved stainless steel to magnify the feeling of space.

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休憩区域的座椅用“轻薄”的白色金属板切割,设计出高低错落的桌和椅 ,“纤细”的立柱支撑台面,如花束。并利用洞口,使街道和店铺产生联系。

The seats in the rest area are cut with “light and thin” white metal plates to design tables and chairs that are staggered, and the “slim” columns support the table, such as a bouquet and use the hole to connect the street and the shop.

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The stainless steel front desk reflects changes in the environment, weakening the front desk's sense of weight and highlighting the texture of the gradient glass.

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Green grass kept the secret of wildflowers, Shang Luodan kept the secret of roses and we hope to keep the secret of beauty.



项目面积:28.5 平方米


设计周期:2019. 07 - 2019. 09



Location:Japan, Fukuoka

Area:28.5 m²  

Type:Interior Design

Design Period:2019. 07 - 2019. 09

