VARI 几里 合资 | 20-50人 | 成立于2014年  

The Bond 锦带

设计团队:齐帆 彭嘉 钟林志 蔡志兴 蒋逸男

Design Team:  Ian Qi, Jason Peng, Linzhi Zhong, Zhixing Cai, Yinan Jiang

基地:成都锦城公园 江家艺苑

Site Location': Jincheng Park, Chengdu

建筑面积:16,500 sqm

Building Area:  16,500 sqm

锦城公园国际建筑设计竞赛落下帷幕,VARI与来自6个国家18座城市的独立事务所和建筑师们一起齐聚成都参与这次竞赛。VARI 几里参与的5号地块位于成都绿道南侧江家艺苑,紧邻湿地公园。我们希望在这个开放的湿地公园中,将散落的三个地块通过屋顶与景观的连接,形成一条漂浮在自然景观之上的“锦带”。VARI 几里有幸获得这次竞赛的第一名,也希望这个有趣的方案能早日落成。

The International Architecture Competition of Jincheng Parkhas finished. VARI and the other independent design studio and architects from18 cities and 6 countries have participated in the competition in Chengdu. Thesite NO.5 which VARI has been working on is located in the south of green wayof Chengdu, and right next to the wetland park. We hope to connect the three discontinuous partson the site in the open wetland with big roof and landscape. We want to createa floating "silk bond" in the nature. Fortunately VARI won the firstin the competition and we also hope to build up the architecture soon.

我们将不同尺度的亲子功能重新规划整合,置于三个地块中,分别是小尺度工作坊与亲子活动室为聚落的Woods Park,中尺度的温室,科学馆为聚落的Green Land和大尺度表演空间和体育活动空间的Blue Planet。三个组团分别通过不同的尺度聚落和材质与景观形成有趣的主题建筑群落。

We rearrang the program and functions of the family and kids space into the three sites. "Woods Park" is the collection of small scale workshops, studios and classrooms; "Green Land" is the collection of medium scale program such as science center, holiculture and indoor garden. "Blue Planet" is the place where is close to the lake, so we manage the largest scale program such as sport center and performance space here next to waters.

Green Land里,从室外景观带入开放内部空间的公共绿化与垂直绿化形成有趣的绿色亲子主题。

In the Green Land, the landscape is introduced into the the space under the roof. A green space is shaped with the landscape and vertical greens.

Woods Park 通过内部的木质雕塑空间与起伏的屋顶连接,形成丰富多样的公共空间。而其间散落的小尺度工坊与家庭活动空间则补充了更多的丰富细腻尺度空间。

Woods Park provides a vibrant and various publich space with the  connection of the waving roof and wood sculptural space.  Other tiny spaces are shaped by the scattered workshop and studio spaces.

与湖面临近的Blue Planet 则是将水景从湖面带入,三个大的功能空间与水面形成有机的结合与互动。人们在表演空间能感受到与自然无缝的连接,在下沉的体育空间则能感受到水面的氛围

The three large scale program space are under the roof of blue planet which is close to the lake. People could experience the nature and water from the waterscape around the building spaces.


We hope the wind, bird song, flower aroma and kids loughing could pass through the building. A floating silk bond on the green land without boundaries. 
