简筑共和 成立于2015年  



“iPaynow” chosen new office space in a busy business district around the second ring road of Beijing, and entrusted Jane Building Republic to design it. After renovation, the spatial layout becomes clear on the whole, and gives the functional office area artistic beauty. The application of massive modern elements reveals the owner’s management concept and corporate culture. “iPaynow” holds office activities in this new office zone.

Our design philosophy drives us to not only meet the needs forinternal office, but also provide a high-quality, high-efficiency space for differentclients and events, such as Baidu, Sohu and Xiaomi.


The concept of “concise design” is actually not concise at the beginning of a project, but it presents something concise and classic in the end after a complicated, closer analysis and refinement. The closer the final design is to the heart of a matter, the more it is loyal to the interpretation to the essence of the matter, and the more “concise” it looks. Conversely, the farther it is from the essence of the matter, the more “complicated” it looks. Concise also means clear——clear purposefully and functionally; clear about “why” and “how”. For such clearness and loyalty, we need to make a design with rapt attention and make great efforts.


Complicated design is derived from simple structure. Concisedesign is more like an extraction and abstraction of aesthetic perception. Ourdesign features clear purposefulness and excellent functionality, aimed atkeeping appearance concise and elegant as far as possible based onfunctionality. Design is supposed to combine function with societyorganically. Given this, our major task is to curtail decorative componentsmoderately as long as function speaks for itself.  People orientation requires that design should be simpleenough to meet the most necessary demand, and concise enough to bring itseffect into full play. 



客       户:现在(北京)支付股份有限公司






主持建筑师:魏鹏飞  李文龙

团队成员: 王昌龄 陈友星 张文杰


Jane Building Republic is an interior and architecturaldesign studio featured by research and innovation. All the major members of itsdesign team are senior designers that have many years of experience in designand a good international educational background. They also have great influencein the field of architecture, art and interior design on a global scale, andhave won many awards at home and abroad. Jane Building Republic has aforward-looking vision, rich experience, good professional accomplishments andunique creativity in the field of architecture, art and interior design. JaneBuilding Republic firmly believes in design value, stresses research, valuesmethodology, binds itself up in renovation of construction technology, and ownsexperience in integrated practice of multi-domain design. It engages inmultiple categories of design, such as hotel space design, recreational spacedesign, office space design and commercial space design, as well as the designof architecture, layout, products, furniture and planes.


Tel: +86 (0)10 6712 2456  E-mail: jianzhugonghe@163.com
