力场(北京)建筑 合资 | 0-20人 | 成立于2018年  


“工厂区”日景实景图  ©金伟琦

“工厂区”中岛烘焙间及混凝土曲线吧台  ©金伟琦

金属管构筑的"时光隧道”实景图  ©金伟琦

“旧时光区”改造后实景图 ©Linkchance Architects



Project Back ground

Located at 6, Dongsinanyang Hutong,Dongcheng District, Beijing, the project is renovated by 5L Meet. Originally rehearsal spot for Beijing Dance Academy of China Performance Group back in1960s and 1970s, which included a theater, the project site used to be a 300 ㎡cafeteria. It has a complicated structure, with both higher frame structure and wood structure tile-roofed house of Chinese traditional court yard. The project, composed by three spaces with different elevations, leaves much roomfor an intriguing exploration.

改造后“工厂区”实景图  ©金伟琦

关于Metal Hands coffee

Metal Hands coffee致力于本土精品咖啡探索,已经在北京、上海共有六家店,店面虽小但以高品质咖啡和精致有趣的室内环境而被业界所熟知。本项目是Metal Hands coffee的第六家店,作为总店(工厂店)在北京运营,烘焙间专门配置一台烘焙机将烘焙好的咖啡豆分发给其他店面,运营工厂店是Metal Hands coffee 承上启下十分重要的节点,是对前几家店的一个总结,也是对未来发展的一次全新探索。

About Metal Hands coffee

Committed to exploring domestic coffee,Metal Hands coffee has already opened eight stores in Beijing and Shanghai, all of which are famous for their high-quality coffee and exquisite interior inspite of their small sizes. This project is Metal Hands’ sixth shop in Beijing as the brand’s headquarter (factory shop), with a dedicated roaster to distribute roasted coffee beans to all other stores. The roastery serves as a transitional link for Metal Hands coffee, one that not only summarizes experience learnedfrom previous shops, but also marks the new beginning of future development.






1.Spatial force: the overall space is connected by spaces of various sizes that were built in different yeras. The changing floor heights across spaces promise great potential for creativity. The first spaceis the lobby area, a frame structure with a ceiling height of 4.1 meters. The three huge skylight windows on the south, with their high windowsill, ensure ample lighting. 



A narrow corridor on the east leads to the second space, the sunken space. As the main house of the Chinese  traditional court yard,this space is a tile-roofed house with a wood structure, which was originally used as the cafeteria of the rehearsal spot. A small courtyard,the only outdoor area of the whole space, sits in front of the house and ushersin sufficient lighting. Through the kitchen area comes the back-kitchen area,whose ceiling height of 4.35 meters allows much room for creativity. 



2.The forces of material and time: the marks of old concrete formwork pouring inlobby is clear. Kitchen area, a traditional wood beam structure, has not been properly maintained for years. It desperately needs to be cleaned so that itstraditional charm can be rediscovered. The wood columns that have endured yearsof humidity and invasion of ants, the marks of concrete formwork pouring, thewood roof, the old ceramic tile on the concrete, the old turquoise window, theold terrazzo floor tile, all these elements, as far as we are concerned, areall interconnected, with a special kind of force flowing among each other. They were built, restored, connected and used in different times, all of which leadto how they look and what they are today. After renovation, they merge with the new environment, talking and interacting with each other through the bond stemmed from the time span. This new design seeks to intensify the connection,emphasizing on the passing of time by drawing comparison between differentitems as well as people’s perception of time generated from the switching among spaces.




如何将不同空间有机串联并形成稳定统一的空间而不显得凌乱,如何打造新型的、有趣的咖啡生活体验社区;技术上如何实现异形曲面混凝土吧台;如何有序引导共享际与本项目的交叉施工;如何实现Metal hands coffee工厂店“承上启下”的定位,如何提高Metal handscoffee工厂店的辨识度。


How to organically integrate different spaces into a stable and unified one that does not appear to be messy. How tocreate a brand-new and interesting community for coffee lovers; technically,how to manufacture irregular-shaped and curved concrete bar counter; how toorderly carry out cross construction of 5L Meet and our project; how to deliver Metal Hands’s intention for this factory shop to be a transitional link and how to make Metal Hands’ factory shop a more recognizable destination.




The lobby is transformed into the factory area,with a see-through roastery room surrounded by irregular-shaped and curved concrete bar counter. Customers sitting around the bar counter are able to observe the baristas as well as the factory as they operate. The counter is designed to be 800mm lower than regular bars, allowing closer exchanges between customers and baristas; 

“工厂区”日景实景图  ©金伟琦


The lobby retains and repairs the original concrete wall, ceiling and columns; on the ceiling, the element of pipe isutilized to design horizontal metal pipes that share the same contour as the bar counter. One of the pipes connects the water supply, with another three vertical pipes channeling the water to bar counter; the roastery room, with itssilver-grey metal shell and see-through glass, has a mezzanine, which can serveas a storage area and training ground for coffee knowledge; a roaster runs inthe roastery room, which, as a whole, creates the vibe of a factory with its sound, color and material.

“工厂区”日景实景图  ©金伟琦

“工厂区”南侧窗户及顶部金属管  ©金伟琦

“工厂区”顶部金属管材质 ©Linkchance Architects

“工厂区”走廊边界金属网材质  ©Linkchance Architects


The factory area is connected to old times area with a tim e tunnel. As people enter this 11-meter long futuristic metal pipe,their curiosity and anticipation of what comes next spike.,and when they arrive at the old times area, the change in spaces gives out the experience of time traveling; 

金属管构筑的"时光隧道”实景图  ©金伟琦

通道改造前后对比 ©Linkchance Architects

金属管构筑的"时光隧道“实景图  ©金伟琦

通道改造前后对比 ©Linkchance Architects


The old times area is renovated from kitchen area, with roof and windows of the old house being replaced and refurbished.The original wall and terrazzo floor are kept in order to create the vibe ofold times; a smaller bar counter is set up between main house window outdoor ourtyard to serve the old times area and art space. This counter has an enclosed shape, with 1/3 of it located outside and the rest inside. The counter opens on two sides and serves as a middle island to link the outdoor and interior during busy hours in summer. Customers are welcome to sit around the counter,where baristas can serve themfrom any angle. Furniture at the old times area is purchased by Mr. Ding, the shopmanager, from abroad. The classic furniture brings back vibe of the past,strengthening the concept of old times. 


“旧时光区”改造后实景图 ©金伟琦

“旧时光区”改造后实景图 ©金伟琦

“旧时光区”一角实景图  ©Linkchance Architects

“旧时光区”与阅读区之间的洞口 ©金伟琦

洞口局部 ©Linkchance Architects

阅读区改造后实景图 ©Linkchance Architects

“后厨”区域改造为集艺术沙龙、展示为一体的艺术空间,顶部圆筒形装置内可不定期邀请艺术家创作,装置、或举办小体量展览等多种形式,这种开放的理念也是Metal Hands咖啡自身对“未来“经营模式的一种探索。

The back-kitchen area is rebuilt into anart space that combines art salon and exhibition. The cylindrical space on top functionsas room for artist creation and small-scale exhibitions. This idea of openness also represents Metal Hands coffee’s exploration of future business model.

艺术展示空间入口 ©金伟琦

艺术展示空间 ©金伟琦

艺术展示空间圆筒装置 ©金伟琦

艺术展示空间 ©金伟琦

艺术展示空间 ©金伟琦

艺术展示空间模型研究 ©Linkchance Architects

艺术展示空间圆筒装置模型研究 ©Linkchance Architects

空间轴侧分析图 ©Linkchance Architects




By immersing in and switching from different spaces, customers are able to experience the vibes created by all these spaces, in which they use communications and exchanges to produce more energy. Interacting with 5L Meet and shared theater, all these vibes form aunique force field in old Hutong area, which, to some extent, stimulates the daily life and enriches cultural experience in Hutong.


项目名称:Metalhands coffee 铁手咖啡制造总局


项目业主:Metal hands coffee 铁手咖啡



设计单位:力场(北京)建筑设计 Linkchance Architects


设计团队:候雪、 于文靖 、邵琳、张鹤



项目摄影:金伟琦、 Linkchance Architects



设计撰文:Linkchance Architects

Project name: Metal Hands coffee renovation
Project location: Dongcheng District,Beijing
Project owner: Metal Hands coffee
Project period: March 2019-January 2020
Project area: 300 m2
Design firm: Linkchance Architects
Chief designer: An Zhaoxue
Designer team: Hou Xue, Yu Wenjing, ShaoLin, Zhang He
Lighting consulting: Yuanzhan LightingConsultant
Materials: concrete, perforated aluminumpanel, stainless steel panel, laminated bamboo panel, ribbed glass, polishedslab, concrete paint
Photography: Jin Weiqi, LinkchanceArchitects
Vedio: Liu Wenbin
Construction team: Beijing Shidai Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd.
Design copywriting: Linkchance Architects


Address:    UBP,Woo space3-3,Wanhonglu Jiu Xian Qiao10,Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

联系电话    Tel:010-53605305

公司官网    http://www.lichangarchitects.com

公司邮箱    Email:found_architecture@vip.163.com

微信公号    Wechat:Linkchance_Architect

微博主页    Weibo:https://weibo.com/u/1576276377
