张嘉文 白羊座 | 95后 | 广东省-梅州市  

摩西谷的冥想小屋-Vale De Moses Meditation Cabins

Vale De Moses Meditation Cabins

Registration Deadline:  Friday, Jan 10, 202011:59 PMBST
Submission Deadline:  Friday, Jun 5, 202011:59 PMBST

The Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat in the stunning remote forests of central Portugal is listed as one of the best retreats in the world by NatGeo UK Traveller, Forbes Magazine, The Guardian and several yoga magazines. Every year the retreat welcomes over 500 people from 60+ countries around the world, all looking to take time to be with themselves in a natural wilderness environment - abundant space to breathe and feel.

The initial restoration of the Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat took five years, and used traditional construction methods to reinvigorate four abandoned stone farmhouse cottages. Much of the work was done by hand - without electricity or power tools - and now eight years on, the retreat is looking to build new facilities for their guests.
The Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat located in the heart of the Portugal;

The Vale De Moses Meditation Cabins competition is the first in a series of competitions based in Portugal and the first in partnership with Vale de Moses. For this competition, participants are being asked to create designs for a cabin that could be replicated in any number of spots throughout the retreat.

The cabin’s main purpose is to allow guests to experience treatments and meditation sessions that allow them to reconnect with themselves, and to the surrounding forest, gardens and natural elements. Each cabin should provide sufficient space for one guest and one therapist; providing a world class healing space that connects each guest to the beauty of nature, while at the same time protecting them from its harsher elements.

With winning designs being considered for construction - and Portugal’s reputation as one of the greenest countries in Europe - projects are expected to have the potential to become a regional example of green building practice, focusing on eco-friendly and cost-effective building techniques.

The Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat founders Vonetta and Andrew;
3 winning proposals, 3 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $7,000  in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize - US $3,000
2nd Prize - US $1,500
3rd Prize - US $500
+ 6 honourable mentions
“Competition Client's Favourite” Award - US $1000
BB Student Award - US $500
BB Green Award - US $500

Participants are being asked to create designs for a cabin that could be replicated in any number of spots throughout the retreat
Early Bird Registration: NOVEMBER 16, 2019 - JANUARY 10, 2020
Advance Registration: JANUARY 11 - FEBRUARY 21
Last Minute Registration: FEBRUARY 22 - APRIL 24
Closing date for registration: APRIL 24, 2020 
Closing date for submission: JUNE 5, 2020 (11:59pm GMT) 
Announcement of the winners: JUNE 25, 2020

位于葡萄牙中部令人惊叹的偏远森林中的Vale de Moses瑜伽静修地被NatGeo UK Traveller、福布斯杂志、《卫报》和一些瑜伽杂志列为世界上最好的静修地之一。每年都有来自世界60多个国家的500多人参加,他们都想花点时间在自然的荒野环境中独处——这里有充足的空间来呼吸和感受。

一等奖- 3000美元
+ 6项优异奖
“比赛客户最喜爱”奖- 1000美元
BB学生奖- 500美元
BB绿色奖- 500美元

提前登记:2019年11月16日- 2020年1月10日
提前报名:1月11日- 2月21日
最后一分钟报名:2月22日- 4月24日

More: valedemosescabins.beebreeders.com
