程一芸 射手座 | 90后 | 河北省-张家口市  

Mozambique Preschool Flor Da Manhã

Mozambique Preschool Flor Da Manhã Mozambique Preschool Flor Da Manhã

Mozambique Preschool Flor Da Manhã

In the current competition, we will help Assa, a Mozambican teacher, build a center for children with disabilities and affected by social exclusion, with the help of the Estamos Juntos Initiative and the NGO Somos del Mundo. The winning proposal will be built. The school will be located in a plot between the cities of Xai-Xai and Chongoene, approximately 1 km away of the road that connects them. · CHALLENGE · This competition gives you the opportunity to work in the creation of a school in an underdeveloped country. But not only that, in this case the school will be designed for disabled and socially excluded children, so the challenge is even bigger. The goals of this project will be: - EDUCATE: create a place where kids can start their educational journey. Make them feel like home by designing a space where they feel comfortable. Build kid-friendly spaces that are completely safe for them, a school where they can learn, play, run, and discover. - INTEGRATE: since this school will accommodate disabled children and kids in social exclusion, it is fundamental to work in their integration in society. We can help them through architecture by creating adapted spaces where they don’t feel rejected. A dynamic school where they can interact with each other and the surrounding environment. - BE SUSTAINABLE: the projects will have to use locally sourced materials, easy to build constructive systems, and should be selfsufficient in energy terms. They have to be respectful with nature in order to teach the kids the proper way to interact with their natural environment. · SCHEDULE · 5th August 2019 - 4th September 2019: EARLY REGISTRATION PERIOD 5th September 2019 - 2nd October 2019: REGULAR REGISTRATION PERIOD 3rd October 2019 - 5th November 2019: ADVANCED REGISTRATION PERIOD 6th November 2019 - 1st December 2019: LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD 1st December 2019: SUBMISSION DEADLINE 17th December 2019: WINNERS ANNOUNCED · PRIZES · 1st place - 6.000€ + PROJECT CONSTRUCTION 2nd place - 2.000€ 3rd place - 1.000€ 2x Special Honorable Mention - 500€ 10x Honorable Mentions ​More information here: http://www.archstorming.com/info


cash prize award: $ 11,200.00 USD

click here for call for entries