李静 白羊座 | 90后 | 江苏省-盐城市  

比较有趣的竞赛:Poems of a Modern Day Architect

Poems of a Modern Day Architect

Poems of a Modern Day Architect

We’ve all been there. Tight deadlines, frustrating clients, too much coffee and too many all-nighters. But we’re still here. We keep creating despite the struggles.

For each one of us this journey is unique, but at the same time we share a common struggle - the urge to create.

So express it. With a poem. Bee Breeders in partnership with ARCHHIVE BOOKS is asking you to submit a poem about what architecture is and what it means to be an architect in the modern world.

Selected winners will receive monetary awards and will be included in the ARCHHIVE BOOKS “Poems of a Modern Day Architect” print publication. Quotes from selected winners will also appear in the Bee Breeders short film to be launched in Spring 2020.


3 winning proposals and 15 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $1,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize - US $600
2nd Prize - US $300
3rd Prize - US $100
+ 15 honourable mentions

Selected winners will receive monetary awards and will be included in the ARCHHIVE BOOKS “Poems of a Modern Day Architect” print publication. Quotes from selected winners will also appear in the Bee Breeders short film to be launched in Spring 2020.
Authors of all winning submissions will be credited for their work. The publication will be featured on our partner websites, and is intended to receive international exposure. Each selected author will receive a free copy of ARCHHIVE BOOKS Issue No 3.


Early Bird Registration: SEPTEMBER 4 - OCTOBER 8
Advance Registration: OCTOBER 9 - NOVEMBER 5
Last Minute Registration: NOVEMBER 6 - DECEMBER 11

Closing date for registration: DECEMBER 11, 2019
Closing date for submission: DECEMBER 18, 2019 (11:59pm GMT)
Announcement of the winners: JANUARY 13, 2020



cash prize award: $ 1,000.00 USD
