蒋晓飞 × John van de Water
NEXT 建筑事务所于 1999 年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹成立,2004 年在中国落地,由国内知名建筑师蒋晓飞与创始人约翰·范德沃特主持。NEXT 中国团队凭借得天独厚的中西合璧的文化优势和独具匠心的设计风格,以国际化视野平衡文化、社会、功能、生态、经济的多方需求,在城市规划、商业综合体、办公建筑、酒店、文化建筑、住宅、室内设计、桥梁设计等多领域开展可持续性设计。
NEXT 在中国享有很高的声誉,是在中国发展的外籍建筑设计事务所中最具代表性的事务所之一。近几年,NEXT 更是受到荷兰王室的青睐。2015 年,中方合伙人蒋晓飞受到荷兰国王特邀接见;2018 年,荷兰王后到访 NEXT 建筑事务所北京公司做主题交流。
My name is John van de Water, I'm an architect from Holland. And I've been very grateful that, let me think back, Nineteen ninety nine, so twenty one years ago, I came first to China. I was graduated as an architect from Delft University. We founded NEXT architects immediately after graduating together with our three other partners. And our first project was a research project which is called the Image of Metropolis. So we traveled to twenty six of the biggest cities on earth in just a time spent of four months in nineteen ninety nine. And this was my first acquaintance with China (Beijing), the first Chinese cities. And also the acquaintance with the amazing culture and a big design question. I thought China was facing, how to modernize, but how to relate it still back to your to your 5000 year old old history and culture.
▲ NEXT办公空间 © 图片源自网络
In 2001, I came back to give a lecture at Tsinghua University. And in the lecture, there was somebody sitting in the lecture hall, and this person was Jiang Xiaofei, my current partner, but I didn't know he was sitting in the lecture hall, but he told me many years after. In 2004, I came back to really established Next Beijing, and then very quickly I met the Jiang Xiaofei again. And we just started trying whether we could really work together on projects based on his contribution and understanding of Chinese culture and my Western and foreign way of thinking Of what could be possible or what we could design? And we've been still working very, very harmoniously I would say, but also with a mutual kind of thinking in architecture. So I'm proud to these on projects that are not Dutch not Western, but they are really influenced by Chinese culture and by Chinese thinking.
▲ NEXT办公空间 © 图片源自网络
我们去年在荷兰做了一个可以被水淹的桥 —— Zalige大桥,首先桥可以被水淹是一个新鲜的概念,其次桥随着洪水位上下变化,跟自然的关系引发人更深度的思考,在荷兰引起比较大的轰动。
For me, this artificial intelligence is a design tool, so it's showing what is possible, but it's not replacing design. I think one aspect that AI cannot produce serendipity in design, serendipity and design, I think it's something very important in our office that means that ideas go from person to person, and we can test this idea on their future value. So we don't only research what has been done before, but we test these ideas of what could it mean for the future. And I think there's a limit to AI at this moment at least that they cannot produce this. And sometimes by testing what is the value for the future, we come up with a moment which is called serendipity. It's like an excellence in design thinking, something that maybe doesn't have to do something with the project, but suddenly comes on the table, and then there's like a new idea, and there's new ideas based on what has been done before, but it's like being projected into the future. So for me, AI is very helpful as a tool, but it's not replacing design.
We are creative office, And we still tend to think that we are a young office, although we are already twenty years old and found twenty years ago. And being a creative office has a lot of beautiful things, because especially for young people, one day, you can work on an important bridge and the next day or the next project, you work on an air field or an airport. And the next project might be like a business park or like a high rise tower. So this allows a lot of space for young people to to develop their creative ideas and their creative capacity. So this requires also a lot of flexibility from our young designers in our office, willing to learn and want to learn and want to develop. Me and Jiang Xiaofei we consider this is our duty in our offices to provide this environment to learn and give the space for them to develop and to just develop their conceptual design capacity. So this is something we can working on for the last sixteen years in China. And we will continue to do this.
▲ 北京月季博物馆 © NEXT建筑事务所
We also think and I also think that design is not limited to culture and this is where it becomes interesting. I think regarding your question as about China, this is also the reason why I've been living and working in China for over sixteen years now, because I think that being a Dutch person in a Chinese context, in Chinese culture enriches my thinking, my design ability with also my design philosophy and questioning being Dutch and questioning Dutchness in a Chinese context. The belief behind it is that culture is not something static, culture is something that is always evolving and changing and developing. And this is one of the most important design questions for me as a person, but also for us as an office.And the question of course is what we can bring as foreign architects to this evolving of Chinese culture. That is a very intriguing question where every day we have worked on in our practice and we design with.
And if I would add another common design question for China, I think it's the issue of time. Because, like we all know,in the design field there is almost no time always in designing and developing your project. But I think the design is a very important aspect in design. And sometimes I feel that cities and buildings are too much like machines to generate GDP. And thinking, thislimit of time, restricts us also to design buildings that maybe in five, ten, fifteen, twenty years are stillgood buildings, interesting buildings, nice buildings, buildings that contribute to the environment. So I would also pose that as a second important design questionwithin the Chinese context.How can we as architects or designers to design longer periods without losing the important things that are here today. But how can we design for a longer future ahead.
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