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智利Pezo von Ellrichshausen工作室在米兰Palazzo Litta内安装了一个镜像结构,创造出巴洛克建筑的倒影。

工作室创始人Mauricio Pezo和 Sofia von Ellrichshausen将它称为“Magic Open Box”,Echo展馆的反射有两种类型,一种是正向的,另一种是反向的。

Chilean architecture duo Pezo von Ellrichshausen has installed a mirrored structure within Milan's Palazzo Litta, creating disorientating reflections of its baroque architecture.
Described by studio founders Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen as a "magic open box", Echo Pavilion offers two types of reflection – some are the right way up, while the others are upside down.



The pavilion is located at the very centre of the palazzo's courtyard. It lines up exactly with the building's windows, columns and other details, but also with the paving patterns on the ground below.
A cube forms the base of the structure, while the upper section is an inverted pyramid that slopes outwards at a ratio of 1:2, in line with the proportions of the courtyard and the palazzo walls.


“我们认为这个空间最重要的的一点就是空间本身。” Pezo说。



"We decided that the most important aspect of of the whole place was the place in itself," explained Pezo.
"Everything is based on the existing structure – the proportions, the size and the angle of the opening – everything relates to the existing building," he told Dezeen.
"We wanted to make something that would be imposing but, at the same time, very humble and very invisible."



“从内部你可以看到,外立面所需的巨大结构和支撑体系。”Von Ellrichshausen说。


The pavilion is clad in polished stainless steel, which provides the reflections. But inside, the mirrored surface completely disappears and the structural framework is revealed.
"The inside shows you the tremendous effort and structure that's needed," said Von Ellrichshausen.
"When you enter, not only do all reflections disappear, but the pavilion itself blocks the building."



“我们对整座建筑中的某种维度十分感兴趣,每个人都对整个空间都有不同的体验。” Von Ellrichshausen说。

It also is possible to view the structure from different angles, both in the courtyard and through the palazzo's first-floor windows, offering a variety of unusual reflections. For instance, from some angles it appears as if the palazzo's columns support the pavilion's roof.
"We were very interested in adding that dimension that is totally subjective, that each one of us will have a different experience of these spaces," added Von Ellrichshausen.



Pezo和Von Ellrichshausen经常在他们的作品中探索几何问题。以前的项目包括一个由10个相交的圆圈组成的亭子和一座带有网格平面的房子。


“我们在这个项目里做的事是我们每一个项目的必经过程,在设计对象和背景之间达成平衡。” Pezo说。


Pezo and Von Ellrichshausen often explore mathematic geometries in their work. Previous projects include a pavilion made out of 10 intersecting circles and a house with a strict gridded floor plan.
They view all their projects as a balance between an autonomous object and something highly contextual.
"We're doing here what we have done in every project we do, a kind of a balance between object and context," said Pezo.
"It's more like a contemplation device, to see yourself but also to see others and to encounter the presence of nature in a broader sense."



在这之后,这个装置将会在一个新地点进行展览,在最终“定居”之前,它将会是意大利照明品牌Flos的创始人Piero Gandini的私人收藏。

因此,与其他米兰设计周装置不同,Pezo和Von Ellrichshausen设计的展馆将保留很长时间。内部的四个混凝土结构取代了地基,有助于保持结构良好接地。

Echo Pavilion is on show at Palazzo Litta for the duration of Milan design week, which continues until 14 April.
After that, the structure will be exhibited at a new venue, before finding a permanent home as part of the private collection of Piero Gandini, founder of Italian lighting brand Flos.
As a result, Pezo and Von Ellrichshausen have designed the pavilion to last a long time, unlike other Milan design week installations. The four concrete benches inside take the place of foundations, helping to keep the structure well grounded.


Von Ellrichshausen总结道:“这意味着它可以存在很长时间,并且可以轻易地拆卸和组装。我们很激动,因为这很重要。”


"It's meant to last a long time and it's assembled in such a way that it can be very easily disassembled and put back together. We're excited about that. I think it's important," concluded Von Ellrichshausen.
Photography is by the architects.









客户:Mosca Partners
建筑设计:Mauricio Pezo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen
合作者:Diego Perez, Francesca Malventi, Isabella Hubsch
施工方:De Castelli
项目顾问:Flos, Salvatori

Project credits:
Client: Mosca Partners
Architects: Mauricio Pezo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen
Collaborators: Diego Perez, Francesca Malventi, Isabella Hubsch
Construction: De Castelli
Consultants: Flos, Salvatori
