
CROX阔合由建筑师林琮然于2007年创立,擅长跨界设计,作品涵盖城市规划、建筑、室内 、家具、策展和艺术品创作。秉承“前卫自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,将设计从艺术拓展到文化与自然的对话,不断的实践了想象的无形和有机,为时代创造新的印记。近年曾参加过2016米兰三年展, 2016、2018 两届意大利威尼斯双年展, 获得的奖项包含:WAF世界建筑节、美国AMP、英国安德鲁圣马丁、法国DNA、韩国K-DESIGN、 日本JCD等知名国际奖项,广受如Domus、ArchDaily、Wallpaper*、designboom等世界各大建筑设计媒体的好评。 现邀请富有创意,有理想,热爱生活的伙伴加入,一起成长。 CROX was founded by C.R. Lin in 2007, we specialize in crossover design, projects contain masterplanning, architecture, interior, furniture design, extending to exhibition curator and art work creation.Our avant-garde design expands from the artistic feeling towards the conversation between humanism and nature. Bringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life experiences and creating a new imprint on the new century. In recent years, we have attended the 2016 Milan Triennial Exhibition, and consecutively on the 2016 & 2018 Venice Biennial Exhibition, winning awards including: World Architecture Awards, American Master Prize, Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award, DNA Award, K-DESIGN Award and JCD Design Award etc., also been featured on the world famous press media, such as Domus, ArchDaily, Wallpaper* and designboom. Now we are looking for creative, ambitious and people who love life to join us, let’s grow the future together!


1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位,有事务所工作经历5年以上全职工作经验 2. 能够熟练使用Rhino、Grasshopper、Adobe CS和Autocad、Revit等软件 3. 拥有国际视野的审美和设计水准,完成过三个大型项目、公共建筑、较为复杂项目的概念设计、方案设计以及后续设计指导 4. 拥有强烈的团合作概念,具自我要求组织能力,有国外留学及工作经历、并且熟练中英文的双语专业人士优先考虑 5. 熟悉项目概念设计,初步设计和施工图设计等各个阶段的工作流程 6. 了解建筑系统、材料、施工规范、建筑标准 7. 具备出色的多方合作作业经验及多团队沟通协调能力,有效、坚定争取及确保中后期的高标准施工质量及最大程度诠释设计意图 1. Possess a Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture. Have at least 5 years of experience 2. Expertise in Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe Creative Suite, Autocad and Revit 3. With an international perspective on aesthetics and design, completed conceptual design, program design and follow-up design guidance for at least 3 large projects, public buildings, and more complex projects 4. Highly organized and efficient, a multitask taker. Have experience abroad and excellent English are preferred 5. A positive motivator and team leader, having well-established leadership and skill sets, have the ability to be a great manager and supervisor 6. Demonstrate strong understanding of building systems and materials to meet the standards 7. Expertise in cross-team communication, coordination. Work efficiently and steadily to assure construction process meets high standard, and maximum matches original design intention


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 汉语本科5-10年


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下一篇: 室内施工图设计师

