
迪卡幼儿园设计中心由王俊宝创立于2006年,由一群具有乌托邦精神的艺术家、建筑师、室内设计师、品牌设计师、景观设计师而组成。专注幼儿园建筑设计、幼儿园室内设计、幼儿园景观设计、幼儿园品牌设计、幼儿园软装设计。 十年来理想不断生根发芽,作品一件件应运而生。迪卡幼儿园设计中心让教育与空间对话。专注中国学前教育,致力打造具有国际视野的幼儿园,助力我国幼儿发展,公司始终秉承“一笔一画一世界,一园一品一理想”的设计理念。 团队现拥有60多名优秀设计师,另邀请西安建筑科技大学建筑学院院长博士生导师刘克成担任建筑设计总顾问,西安美术学院教授研究生导师苏克担任环境设计总顾问。设计作品先后获得国内外重要赛事大奖。 The Dika Kindergarten Design Center was founded in 2006 by Wang Junbao and consists of a group of Utopian artists, architects, interior designers, brand designers and landscape architects. Focus on kindergarten architectural design, kindergarten interior design, kindergarten landscape design, kindergarten brand design, kindergarten Soft dress design. During the past ten years, the ideal has been rooted and sprouted, and great works have been created. Dika Kindergarten Design Center allows education and space to talk. Focusing on China’s preschool education, we are committed to build a kindergarten with an international view to help our children’s development. The company has always hold the belief that a beautiful dream is realized day by day, and the great work is produced little by little. The team now has more than 60 outstanding designers. Liu Kecheng, the doctoral supervisor of the School of Architecture of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, is invited as the general consultant of architectural design. Su Ke, a professor instructor at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, is the general consultant of environmental design consultant. The design works have won awards for important events at home and abroad.


任职要求: 1、建筑学专业,本科或以上学历,具有海外留学经历或知名设计公司经验优先; 2、对建筑艺术有执著的追求,思维敏捷、敏锐,有浓厚的创新意识; 3、较强的责任心和团队合作精神; 4、有进取精神和事业心,能承受较强工作压力; 5、具有带领团队承担独立项目设计工作的经验(施工图经验及工地现场经验); 6、熟练使用各种建筑设计软件。 岗位职责: 1、协助设计总监完成设计管理工作; 2、有效完成项目的核心设计工作,并对项目的全阶段进行有效控制; 3、做好项目方案阶段的沟通与汇报,并维护良好的客户关系; 4、负责专业技术质量的把关,控制本组内制图规范及技术标准的实施。


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 汉语本科3-5年


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