
HWCD Associates建筑师事务所总部位于英国伦敦,近十年来我们立足于上海致力于开发中国市场。我们提供从城市公共空间到大型商业项目;从五星级酒店到顶尖居住区;从概念方案到施工图纸的各种全方位专业设计服务。   HWCD Associates一直努力着将英国建筑界的设计品质传递给中国市场。我们坚信不管是在公共空间,工作场所还是家庭内部,人们身边所处的环境品质直接的影响着人们的生活品质。一个高品质的建筑,我们认为,应该不但能反映出人们物质和精神上的需要,且同时能呈现出基地环境,文化背景和气候因素之间微妙的联系。而如何通过优美的设计和精良的施工控制来达到这一点正是我们一直所致力于追求的。我们不拘泥于建筑的形式和风格,我们相信最好的建筑永远建立于能够系统的组织好一系列零散的建筑元素之上,例如:经济的结构;易用的空间;生态的能耗;舒适的自然光;有机的形态;基地的关系;人们穿行其中的感受以及常被忽略的,精神的寄托。我们一直把组织好这些元素作为对业主的承诺,同时,也是对公众和使用者的承诺。综合这些元素,在尊重造价和时间资源的前提下,我们对每一个业主提供精心的个性化服务,由此产生出我们独一无二的设计品质。   目前HWCD Associates与众多知名企业,地产商和地区有着紧密的合作。随着新一轮的快速业务增长,我们已于近期搬至新址。我们相信以往的成功会带来全新的更高的起点,我们期待在未来的持续发展中能继续得到各界的支持,我们会以一如既往的热忱态度和专业精神为业主提供更加优质的设计服务。   HWCD Associates’ head office was based in London. However, we are now trying to expand our business in Chinese market so we moved to Shanghai since ten years ago. We offer a wide range of design services: from urban design to mix-use; from luxury hotels to high-end residential projects; from concept to construction drawings.   HWCD Associates has always been guided by a belief that the quality of our surroundings has a direct influence on the quality of our lives, whether that is in the workplace, at home or in the public realm. Allied to that is an acknowledgement that architecture is generated by the needs of people - both material and spiritual - and a concern for the physical context and the culture and climate of place. Equally, excellence of design and its successful execution are central to our approach.   We believe the best architecture comes from a synthesis of all the elements that separately comprise and inform the character of a building: the structure that holds it up; the services that allow it to function; its ecology; the quality of natural light; the symbolism of the form; the relationship of the building to the skyline or the streetscape; the way you move through or around it; and last but not least its ability to lift the spirits. This holistic approach is augmented by a strong commitment to the clients we serve, and also to the public domain and the many users involved. A high degree of personal service, coupled with respect for the precious resources of cost and time, therefore characterises our client relationships.   At present, HWCD Associates cooperate with many top developers and local governments. With a new round of rapid growth, we have recently moved to new premises. We provide premier quality service to our clients just as before and will never stop to improve it through our positive and impressive attitude.


任职资格: 1、室内设计及相关本科以上学历; 2、五年以上相关工作经历,有过独立设计样板房,大型别墅、办公餐饮空间,装饰工程设计与施工配合经验; 3、能熟练操作CAD,PHOTOSHOP ,3D-MAX等设计软件;能很好的表达空间,熟悉材料及施工工艺; 4、工作积极主动,富于创新,勇于挑战,吃苦耐劳,有很强的团队协作精神,可适应公司工作节奏和工作压力; 5、擅于和客户沟通,以及现场设计协调和监管; 6、有针对不同区域文化和具体类型项目创意设计的丰富经验,有较好的艺术鉴赏感觉。




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