
米丈建筑设计事务所,创立于2005年,具有国家建设工程甲级资质。多次荣获建设部、中国建筑学会和上海市建筑奖项。事务所以创作有品性的中国建筑为原则,探索中国文化和现代语境下建筑的表现形式和社会意义,力求通过自身努力,踏实地为中国本土建筑设计作出微薄贡献。 在建筑实践的同时,我们也尝试扩大建筑学的外延,先后创立米丈堂木作,米丈建筑地图,米丈堂木作透明工坊和传习所,镜花園人文餐厅和米丈堂艺术生活空间。通过家具、出版、艺术装置、空间运营,将建筑学与大众生活建立更加紧密和开创性的联系。 MINAX Architects, founded in 2005, has the national construction engineering grade a qualification. We have won many awards from the Ministry of construction, China Architectural Society and Shanghai Architecture Award. Based on the principle of creating quality Chinese architecture, the office explores the expression form and social significance of architecture in Chinese culture and modern context, and strives to make modest contribution to Chinese local architectural design through its own efforts.


任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,建筑学、中文、新闻等专业优先; 2. 拥有较好的文字功底,熟悉网络社交平台运营,专业网络媒体及公众号联络及维护; 3. 具备自媒体、新媒体等新工具学习能力; 4. 对传统文化和现代时尚的结合传播具有感知力; 5. 注重团队协作,具备服务精神; 6. 有建筑设计企业工作经历经验尤佳; Desired Skills and Expertise: 1. Bachelor degree or above, major in architecture, Chinese, journalism, etc. is preferred; 2. Have good written skills, familiar with the operation of social network platforms, professional network media and public account contact and maintenance; 3. Ability to learn new tools such as self-media and new media; 4. Perceive the combination of traditional culture and modern fashion; 5. Pay attention to teamwork and possess service spirit; 6. Working experience in architectural design companies is preferred;





