
汉齐建筑是一家拥有RIBA皇家建筑师学会资质,创意驱动的建筑+室内设计事务所。汉齐建筑总部位于伦敦,亚太总部在上海,我们汇聚全球有想象力的设计师及当地经验丰富的专家,共同打造既有创造力又有落地性的设计解决方案。   HATCH Architects is an innovation-driven architecture + interior design company with Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) qualification. HATCH is headquartered in London, and its Asia-Pacific headquarters is in Shanghai. We bring together imaginative designers and local experienced experts from around the world to jointly generate creative and practical design solutions.   汉齐建筑的使命是在全球化的时代背景下,用创造力的设计为工作和生活赋能,打造有持续幸福感的空间。    In the era of globalization, the mission of HATCH is to empower work and life with creative design, and create spaces with continuous happiness.   汉齐建筑在国际教育、科创办公、文旅文创和商业建筑等领域有丰富的经验和智库资源。我们为每个项目定制设计团队,在充分理解当地环境及文化的基础上打造可持续的设计作品。   HATCH has rich design experience and talent resources in the fields of International Education, R&D Office, Hospitality, and Commercial Architecture design. We customize our design team for each project, and create sustainable design works based on a full understanding of the local environment and culture.   使命: 用创造力的设计为工作和生活赋能,Creative design empowers life。   价值观: 为了有持续幸福感的空间和时间而设计,Design for Happiness。   愿景: 成为以创意,文化与可持续性为核心竞争力,有国际影响力的设计事务所。  


1. 认同“设计为工作和生活赋能”的价值观,积极乐观,有自驱力和事业心; 2. 具有良好的审美意识和平面设计能力,能够独立完成项目资料的排版与发表; 3. 熟悉新媒体运营推广方式和软文技巧,有社交媒体传播相关经验; 4. 熟练使用微信公众号编辑器、PS、AI、ID和Office等软件; 5. 建筑、艺术、媒体或其它设计专业学位。 1. Believing in HATCH’s company value of ‘Design empowers life’, positive and optimistic, self-motivated with strong enterprising spirit; 2. Good aesthetic consciousness and graphic design ability, typesetting and publishing of project materials independently; 3. Familiar with new media operation and promotion methods and advertorial skills, experienced in social media; 4. Proficient in software: WeChat public account editor Office, PS, AI, ID, and MS Office; 5. Bachelor Degree in architecture, art, media or other design major.





