
30余年的专业经验,造就了EADG泛亚国际在中国景观设计与规划的前沿地位;10家分公司与500余名员工使我们能够满足各地客户的多元化需求。2014年6月25日,泛亚国际成功在香港联合交易所主板挂牌上市(股票代码:6128)。 作为世界首家在国际证券市场上市的景观设计企业,泛亚国际对提高全球专业景观设计竭尽所能,并凭借丰富的国际经验结合对当地文化的了解以及敏锐的洞察力,致力于全方位的满足和回应客户的个中需求。每一个项目,都是国际化视野与传统文脉结合的产物,以专业扎实的技术和精细的态度合力完成的作品,散发着其独特的魅力和生命力,蕴含着我们为建设充满活力的城市、社区和公共空间所付出的努力与智慧。加入我们,让我们立足过去,携手展望未来。 Since our founding in Hong Kong over 30 years ago, EADG has been at the forefront of Landscape Architecture and Planning in China. Our diverse portfolio of work has grown in step with our staff of which we now employ over 500 people in ten offices. On 25th June 2014, EADG was successfully listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock: 6128). As the first landscape design firm listed on any international stock exchange we take great pride in our contributions to raising the profile of the global profession of landscape architecture and our ability to blend our international experience with local cultural insight to provide innovative solutions for our clients. We constantly strive to exceed the client’s expectations while providing for environmentally responsible and well positioned projects. So join us as we look back at where we have been and in looking forward to what we will do next.


1、工程院校,土木工程、结构工程等专业毕业,本科以上学历; 2、具有3年以上设计院工作经验;有从事景观公司结构设计经验; 3、熟悉国内设计规范,专业基础知识扎实; 4、熟悉各种结构类型的设计,能独立完成基础结构、构筑物、木结构、小品等结构构筑物设计; 5、可独立承担小型项目的设计工作或协助专业负责人完成大型项目的设计工作; 6、有现场沟通能力,解决现场施工的问题强,能够指导、监督、质量与进度控制; 7、熟悉AUTOCAD等结构设计相关软件; 8、工作认真责任,有良好的职业道德和团队合作精神及沟通协调能力; 9、必须持有国家二级注册结构师证书。




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