dot MINUTE由CICI LU于2016年创立。dot MINUTE,即.minute。如.com为互联网广泛使用的通用域名,以此域名的前缀来区分不同商业组织,而设计师认为,个体是按照时间来区分。我们的差异来自我们经历的时间。曾经、现在及未来,每一个你都是不同的、且并存的个体。
dot MINUTE主张服装是人的形体、认知、感知的延伸。设计师将自己的形体、认知、感知延伸到服装上,与穿着的人从而产生交流。CICI LU通过对服装的解构再重组,对细节的夸张或放大,传达人在不同时间点的细微而最真实的感情。CICI LU擅长在创作中同样追求的是设计的随机性,除了利用生活中的常见元素进行再设计。其在创作中,惯用不同形态的纸张进行随机形态的拼合,并随机抓取角度,并将抓取的形态丰富为服装的廓形。
‘dot MINUTE’ was founded by the designer Cici Lu in 2016. The brand name, similar to ‘.com’, is like a domain name that organizations deploy respectively to establish their identities. The designer reckons that temporality makes individual difference as different people have different temporal experience. A person has different co-existing identities concerning the past, the present, and the future.
The designer of ‘dot MINUTE’ regards clothes as the extension of a person’s physical form, cognition, perception. She blends her physical form, cognition, and perception to the clothes she designs, via which she communicates with who wears the clothes. Cici Lu deconstructs the idea of clothes and reconstructs it by exaggerating or amplifying the details, thus conveying the very emotions that a person experiences diachronically.