
迹·建筑事务所(TAO),由建筑师华黎于2009年在北京创立,是当今中国建筑领域最活跃的设计团队之一。 在TAO的实践中,建筑并非仅仅被视为一个形式物体,而是被理解为一个与其环境不可分割的有机体。TAO 的项目大多处于具有鲜明的自然以及历史人文特征的场地中,其设计实践通过深入挖掘建筑的场所意义以 及充分运用此时此地的条件,营造根植于地域文化与环境的建筑和景观,并诠释其营造过程中涉及的丰富意义。场所精神、场地及气候回应、当地资源合理利用,以及因地制宜的材料与建造方式等命题的探讨, 构成了TAO每个项目工作的核心内容。TAO的作品多次受邀在国际建筑展中展出,包括2018威尼斯国际建筑双年展、2016柏林Aedes再兴土木展、2015纽约中国当代建筑展、2014威尼斯双年展ADAPTATION中 国建筑展、2013维也纳当代东亚建筑与空间实践展等。 华黎,迹·建筑事务所(TAO)创始人及主持建筑师,1972年出生,毕业于清华大学和美国耶鲁大学建筑 学院,获建筑学硕士学位,之后曾实践于纽约。2009年在北京创立TAO。华黎以及TAO的主要设计作品包括:云南高黎贡手工造纸博物馆、四川孝泉民族小学、武夷山竹筏育制场、 林建筑、四分院、将将甜品店、Lens空间、新寨咖啡庄园、海口寰岛实验学校初中部等。TAO曾赢得过美国建筑实录杂志评选的2012全球设计先锋以及最佳公共建筑奖、中国建筑传媒奖青年建筑师奖、亚洲建协奖、2013阿卡汗国际建筑奖入围、2016及2018BSI瑞士建筑奖提名以及WA建筑奖等多个奖项。华黎曾受邀在马来西亚、泰国、澳大利亚、台湾、印度、意大利、法国、新西兰的国际建筑会议中演讲,以及苏黎世联邦理工、中央美院、香港大学、清华大学、斯图加特大学等国内外著名大学的建筑学院演讲。华黎目前受邀在清华大学及中央美术学院担任客座教授,还曾在柏林艺术大学、香港大学、天津大学等国内外大学担任过课程设计评委。 TAO (Trace Architecture Office), one of the most active and influential architectural firms in China’s contemporary architecture field, was founded by architect HUA Li In 2009, and is based in Beijing. Being critical at contemporary architecture as an obsession to fashionable forms in media-driven globalized consumerism, TAO visions architecture as an evolving organism, being an inseparable whole with its environment, rather than just a formal object. With most projects positioned in particular cultural and natural settings in China, TAO explore the essence of place; make architecture deeply rooted in its cultural and environmental context with respect of local condition. The sense of place, response to climate, efficient use of local resource, site-responsive construction method, such issues are always explored in every TAO project responding to its specific situation. TAO’s works have been exhibited internationally in Venice, Berlin, Vienna and New York. Born in 1972 in China, HUA Li received his B.Arch. from Tsinghua University in 1994. He then studied at Yale University and received his M. Arch. in 1999. He practiced in New York and Beijing before founding TAO (Trace Architecture Office) In 2009. HUA Li and TAO’s key works include: Museum of Handcraft Paper, XiaoQuan Elementary School, Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory, Forest Building, Split Courtyard House , TiensTiens Café, Lens Office Beijing, Xinzhai Coffee Manor and Huandao Middle School, Haikou. HUA Li and TAO has won several important architectural awards including Design Vanguard 2012 and GDGB China Awards by Architectural Record Magazine, Young Architect Award of 2012 China Architecture Media Awards, ARCASIA Awards for Architecture and WA Awards, shortlisted in Aga Kahn Award 2013, nominated in BSI Swiss Architectural Award 2016 & 2018. Hua Li also teaches at Tsinghua University and CAFA as a visiting professor, and has been a guest critic for studio reviews at HKU, University Arts Berlin and Tianjin University. He has given lectures in many domestic and overseas universities and international architectural conferences in both Asia and Europe.


-建筑学专业本科及以上学历,三年以上建筑设计实践经验。 -有完整的项目全过程经验,熟悉方案设计、扩初设计和施工图设计等各阶段的工作内容与职责。 -具备出色的思维能力、设计能力和其他职业技能,熟悉相关建筑规范与条例。 -有项目管理经验,具备优秀的团队领导力者优先。 -有国外留学和工作经历,精通英语者优先。


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