大曾珠宝工作室 民营 | 0-20人 | 成立于2016年  

Raquel Bessudo,用回忆设计


Raquel Bessudo艺术家页面:



Raquel Bessudo

Raquel Bessudo于1977年出生于墨西哥。她通常用记忆的概念来工作,或者是一个关于概念的记忆,她就是从这种方式中获得灵感的。对Raquel来说,这种回忆发生在无法填补的空白的矛盾之中。在她的工作中,她试着去记录那些无法保存的东西,通过这种方式,Raquel可以保存它们。

▲ 胸针 Paths VIII, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, polyester thread, magnets.
8.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Paths VIII, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, polyester thread, magnets.
8.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Paths IX, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, magnets.
8.5 x 9 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针  Paths IX, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, magnets.
8.5 x 9 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Paths X, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, magnets.
9 x 7.6 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Paths X, 2019
Textile, acrylic paint, magnets.
9 x 7.6 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Memories (irreversible) I, 2018
Gouache on fabric, Iron point drawing.
8 x 7.5 x 1 cm

▲ 胸针 Memories (irreversible) II, 2018
Gouache on fabric, iron, copper, 925 silverpoint drawing.
9.5 x 9.5 x 2 cm

▲ 项链 Shared spaces I, 2018
Textile, paint acrylic, thread polyester, silver 925, cooper, gesso.
19.5 x 19 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Shared Spaces II, 2018
Textile, paint acrylic, thread polyester, 925 silver, cooper, gesso.
10 x 9.5 x.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Shared Spaces III, 2018
Textile, paint acrylic, thread polyester, silver 925, cooper, gesso.
10.8 x 9 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Revelar (To Reveal) III, 2018
Waxed cotton cord, polyester thread, textile, felt tip pen drawing, acrylic paint.

Raquel Bessudo的作品主要以金属为主,但她整合了一些元素,比如蚀刻文字、转印或印刷图像、纺织品和天然纤维,通过与这些元素相关,她被拉回到能回忆起相关记忆的那一刻,她工作中的一切都是从那一刻开始的。当珠宝首饰被保存在体内时,它们本身就会变得完整。每一件作品都与身体有关,并将回忆带到当下。


▲ 胸针 Paths I, 2018
Iron, textile (pellon), acrylic paint, oxidized sterling silver, polyester thread.
15 x 5.5 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Paths II, 2018
Iron, textile (Pellón), acrylic paint, gesso, polyester thread.
13.2 x 9.3 x 0.8 cm

▲ 项链  Paths III, 2018
Iron, textile (Pellon), acrylic paint, polyester thread.

▲ 项链 Paths IV, 2018
Iron, textile (Pellon), acrylic paint, polyester thread.

▲ 胸针 Paths V, 2018
Textile, acrylic paint, polyester thread, sterling silver, stainless steel.
10.5 x 9.2 x.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Paths VI, 2018
Textile, acrylic paint, sterling silver, stainless steel.
10.5 x 9.2 x 0.3 cm

▲ 项链 Paths VII, 2018
Textile, acrylic paint, polyester thread.
22 x 21 x 0.2 cm

▲ 项链 Memory of a day II, 2016
Iron, fabric, polyester thread, waxed cotton cord, powder coating.
2.9 x 6 x 1.2 cm

▲ 项链 Memory of a day III, 2016
Iron wire, fabric, polyester thread, waxed cotton cord, powder coating.
4 x 4 x 2.6 cm

▲ 项链 Memory of a day IV, 2016
Iron, textile, polyester threads, powder coating.
33 x 3.8 x .3 cm

▲ 项链 Memory of a day IV, 2016
Iron, textile, polyester threads, powder coating.
33 x 3.8 x .3 cm

▲ 项链 Memory of a day V, 2017
Iron, textile, polyester threads, powder coating.
28 x 17.7 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Memory of a day VI, 2017
Iron, textile, polyester threads, copper, stainless steel (mechanism).
11 x 11 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Memory of a day VII, 2017
Iron, textile, merino wool, felt textile pen, polyester threads, copper, stainless steel (mechanism).
7 x 7 x 0.5 cm

▲ 项链 Tracings I, 2016
Iron, cooper, enamel, graphite, reflecting beads.
53 x 8 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Tracings II, 2016
Iron, copper, enamel, graphite, powder coating.
6.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Tracings III, 2016
Iron, copper, enamel, graphite, reflecting beads, powder coating.
7 x 4.5 x 0.6 cm

▲ 胸针  Tracings IV, 2016
Iron, copper, enamel, graphite, powder coating.
5 x 7.5 x 0.5 cm

▲ 项链 Tracings VII, 2016
Iron, copper, enamel, graphite, powder coating.
24 x 18 x 0.3 cm

▲ 项链 Tracings VIII, 2016
Iron, liquid polymer, graphite transfer, polyester thread, waxed cotton cord.
46 x 7 x 1 cm

▲ 胸针 Distant relations (wedding), 2018
Textile, polyester thread, sterling silver.
5.5 x 10 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Distant Relations (familly), 2018
Textile, polyester thread, sterling silver.
5.5 x 5.6 x 0.3 cm

▲ 胸针 Points of encounter III, 2016

Cooper, gesso, colour pencil, polyester thread, iron wire, stainless steel.

8 cm x 6 cm x 1.2 cm

▲ 胸针 Points of encounter II, 2016
Cooper, gesso, colour pencil, polyester thread, wool, stainless steel.
19.5 cm x 17 cm x 2 cm

▲ 项链 Points of encounter I, 2016
Cooper, gesso, colour pencil, polyester thread, wool, stainless steel.
40 cm x 26.5 cm x 2 cm

▲ 项链 Lines from a drawing (inspiration), 2016
Iron, copper enamel, reflecting beads, flock powder, colour pencil.

▲ 项链 Lines from a drawing (inspiration), 2016
Iron, copper enamel, reflecting beads, flock powder, colour pencil.





DZ Jewelry Studio






大曾珠宝工作室 · 北京  

        创建于2012年9月  国内珠宝首饰设计与工艺培训机构领跑者


大曾珠宝工作室 · 上海  


        成立于2015年4月  专业珠宝留学辅导  培养专业珠宝首饰设计师











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