大曾珠宝工作室 民营 | 0-20人 | 成立于2016年  

Dania Chelminsky,万物有灵


Dania Chelminsky艺术家页面:



Dania Chelminsky

Dania Chelminsky在以色列生活和工作,自1989年以来一直在尝试设计珠宝。她的课程涉及到不同的领域,如科学、珠宝设计、宝石学和表演艺术设计,她的珠宝将自然与人造材料融合,作为对周围世界的一种表达方式。

▲ 胸针  Opuntia 12, 2019
Silver, epoxy resin, rust powder, stainless steel.
10 x 14 x 2 cm

▲ 胸针  Opuntia 13, 2019
Silver, epoxy resin, rust powder, stainless steel.
8.5 x 11 x 2 cm

▲ 胸针 Opuntia 15, 2019
Dried prickly pear stem, epoxy resin, rust powder, silver, stainless steel.
7 x 10 x 3 cm

▲ 项链  Opuntia 11, 2019
Dried prickly pear stem, silver, epoxy resin, rust powder, agates.
10 x 27 x 2.5 cm

▲ 项链  Opuntia 12, 2019
Dried prickly pear stem, epoxy resin, rust powder, garnets.
13 x 29 x 2.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Opuntia 1, 2018
Silver, iron, stainless steel.
10.5 x 8.5 x 2 cm

▲ 胸针 Opuntia 6, 2018
Silver, stainless steel.
9.5 x 12.5 x 1 cm

Dania Chelminsky在工作中结合了可对比的材料,有机与合成、硬与软、工艺与发现,创造了一个个具有可能性的内涵和意义。她使用传统的金属锻造技术来强调紧张的时刻,想要通过作品讲述一个故事。


▲ 胸针 Opuntia 11, 2018
Silver, dried prickly pear stem, agate beads, rust powder, resin, stainless steel.
11.5 x 11.5 x 2.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Opuntia 15, 2018
Prickly pear stem, silver, stainless steel.
11 x 7.5 x 3.5 cm

▲ 项链  Opuntia 14, 2018
Prickly pear stem, iron, silver.
11.5 x 52 x 2 cm

▲ 胸针  Opuntia 10, 2018
Silver, iron, dried prickly pear stem, rust powder, resin.
10.5 x 8.5 x 1.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Mended heart 1, 2018
Epoxy resin, rust powder, plant veins, silver.
11 x 9 x 2.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Mended heart 2, 2018
Epoxy, silver, rust powder, plant veins.
11 x 9 x 2.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Mended heart 3, 2018
Epoxy, silver, rust powder, plant veins.
10.5 x 9 x 2.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Oddments 1, 2017
Wood, silver.
15 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Oddments 2, 2017
Wood, silver.
16 x 5.5 x 2 cm

▲ 胸针 Oddments 3, 2017
Wood, pearls.
12 x 4.5 x 2 cm

▲ 艺术品  Heirloom, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 项链 Heirloom seeds, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针 Heirloom seed 4, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针  Heirloom seed 13, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针 Heirloom seed 5, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针 Heirloom seed 9, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针 Heirloom seed 19, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

▲ 胸针 Heirloom seed 35, 2017
Kozo paper, iron wire, brass.

Dania Chelminsky多数使用铜版纸、木头、环氧树脂、刺梨茎等有机材料,搭配铁丝、黄铜、银、铁锈粉等材料,打造出具有生机与灵性的作品。她的作品看似毫无章法,实则充满了别出心裁的设计理念,将看似不宝贵的“垃圾”碎片化为创意满满的艺术首饰,体现出Dania万物有灵的思想。

▲ 项链  Heirloom seeds, 2017
Brass, blown glass, natural seeds, cork.

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS 40, 2015
Bean and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS group, 2015
Beans and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm each

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS 17, 2015
Bean and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针 IN PROCESS 39, 2015
Bean and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS 51, 2015
Bean and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针 IN PROCESS 43, 2015
Bean and Brass
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS 36, 2015
Bean and Brass.
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm

▲ 胸针  IN PROCESS green, 2015
Bean and Brass
7 x 2 x 0.2 cm each

▲ 胸针 Passing 2, 2015
Wood, watch glass, silver, Poppyseed petals.
5 x 12 x 1 cm

▲ 胸针  Passing 1, 2015
Wood, watch glass, silver,  Chrysanthemum petals.
5 x 12 x 1 cm

▲ 胸针  Passing 3, 2015
Wood, watch glass, silver, Kolaus leaves.
5 x 12 x 1 cm





DZ Jewelry Studio






大曾珠宝工作室 · 北京  

        创建于2012年9月  国内珠宝首饰设计与工艺培训机构领跑者


大曾珠宝工作室 · 上海  


        成立于2015年4月  专业珠宝留学辅导  培养专业珠宝首饰设计师











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