1. 建筑行业相关专业本科或硕士学历, 3年以上相关商务或市场工作经验 2. 处理过业务洽谈、市场开拓、招投标文件准备、合同谈判、合同履行、合同收款、客户关系维护等事务能力 3. 熟练应用CAD、Office软件 4. 具有优秀的市场业务能力,拥有丰富的行业及客户资源,运用其资源导入项目者优先 1. Bachelor or Master Degree in business,marketing or technical related filed or closely related field 2. Being responsible for business contract, contract negotiation, market development, preparation of bidding documents, contract negotiation, management and payment, customer relationship management, etc. 3. Working knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. 4. Be able to establish the relationship with key channels and provide plan to fulfill company needs and drive business growth. Candidates who have enough client resource that can obtain customers directly will be prioritized