
dongqi creates architecture, interiors, brand identity and content. dongqi is a young and dynamic multi-disciplinary design practice dedicated to offering high quality spatial and identity design solutions. Established by JIANG Nan in 2014, the practice has an international outlook, and its core team is assembled from outstanding designers who have studied and practised around the world including Europe, Singapore and the United States. At the same time, dongqi has accumulated practical project experiences with integration of leading-edge intelligent technologies to its projects. dongqi delivers innovation by exploring partnerships with like-minded practitioners from fields as wide-ranging as art, fashion, science and technology. The practice is also exploring intelligent fabrication capabilities such as the KUKA robot and 3D sand printing. In 2017, dongqi established its creative arm and began to work on projects of varying scales and typologies that allow creative explorations in a holistic manner combining different disciplines: architecture, interiors, branding, graphic and packaging design, filmmaking, art installation and curatorial work. This exploratory approach closes the gap between architecture and brand experiences for even greater disruptive design outcomes and cultural influences. dongqi work has also been widely published in Architectural Digest, Archdaily, BauNetz, Domus, FRAME, Detail, Design Anthology, designboom, Gooood, Retail Design Blog, Interni & Decor Korea, Interior Design, and the 2017 China Interior Design Yearbook. dongqi’s design has been recognised by a number of prestigious international design awards such as German Design Award 2018 and Restaurant & Bar Design Award. dongqi operates globally with a local base in Shanghai. dongqi 是集建筑、室内、装置、品牌设计、内容创意于一体的独立设计事务所。 dongqi 是一家气氛年轻、活跃且国际化的跨学科设计团队。2014 年由建筑师姜南成立于上海, 团队凝聚曾在美国、欧洲及新加坡学习与实践的优秀设计师。目前项目广泛分布于中国各区域及欧洲。dongqi 着重于材料与构造细节,挑战前沿智能信息技术与传统工艺在建筑、室内、品牌创意等领域的深度融合,并在该领域积累了丰富的实战经验。dongqi 先锋性地实践KUKA 机械臂、砂子 3D 打印机等数字化技术的使用,同时与艺术、时尚以及科技等不同领域的专业团队保持密切合作,尝试各种跨界的可能。2017 年,公司成立创意部门,建立更完善的设计服务体系。为不同尺度的项目提供建筑与品牌设计融合、空间与内容创作融合、装置与策展、展陈融合的综合设计支持,以实现品牌商业目的与文化影响力需求。 dongqi 作品广泛发表于 Architectural Digest,Archdaily,BauNetz,Domus,FRAME,Detail,Design Anthology,designboom,Gooood,Retail Design Blog,Interni & Decor Korea,Interior Design 等媒体。并荣膺 German Design Award,Restaurant & Bar Design Award 等国际奖项。 公司位于中国上海,同时面向全球开展服务。


要求: • 建筑学本科及以上学历 • 3年以上建筑及室内设计全职工作经验 • 熟练使用Rhino、Adobe Creative Suite(PS、AI、 ID)、AutoCAD • 对数控加工设备(激光切割、CNC及机械臂等)有实际使用经验和深入理解者优先 Required Qualification: • Possess a Bachelors or higher degree in architectural design; • Have at least 3 years of full time working experiences; • Proficiency in Rhino, Adobe Creative Suite( PS, AI, ID ),AutoCAD; • Candidates with working experience in digital fabrication are preferred.





