
L&M成立于2013年,正如L&M所隐喻的Logic & Magic精神,立木以理性为基石,积极拥抱复杂的设计条件与需求,并总能在这个基础上呈现充满魔力的作品。 L&M 坚持大胆的设计构思和深入的学术研究,在业内权威竞赛中屡获殊荣,业务涵盖城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计。不同专业和文化背景的团队构成使立木具有国际化视野和多元化理念。立木以对城市社会结构和历史环境的敏锐嗅觉和精准把握为特征,以严谨的工作流程和优质的设计服务为基础,立足当代都市,并以超越的姿态为人们提供更优质的生活体验和空间媒介。 L&M was founded in 2013. Just like the spirit of L ogic & Magic metaphorized by L&M, it takes rationality as its cornerstone, actively embraces complex design conditions and needs, and always presents magical works on this basis. L&M insists on bold design ideas and in-depth academic research, and has won many awards in the industry’s authoritative competition. Its business covers urban design, architectural design, landscape design and interior design. Team formation with different professional and cultural backgrounds enables the tree to have an international perspective and a pluralistic cultural concept. Standing trees are characterized by a keen sense of smell and accurate grasp of the urban social structure and historical environment, based on rigorous workflow and high-quality design services, based on contemporary cities, and provide people with better life experience and space media in a transcendent manner.


1、相关专业,本科3年以上,大专5年以上; 2、有过成功的项目经验,主设过行业或公司认可的项目三个以上;能独立承担一般规模和较复杂程度项目软景方案和扩初设计,达到与硬景设计无缝隙结合,表现项目总体设计风格; 3、国内外相关专业中级以上职称或相当水平; 4、具有一定优良的行业背景和项目经验。配合所处项目SR阶段植物的设计变更;给出现场实施的指导性建议; 5. 熟练操作天正和AutoCAD、Sketch UP等相关制图软件; 1. Relevant major, bachelor’s degree more than 3 years, junior college more than 5 years; 2. Has successful project experience, with more than three projects approved by industry or company; can independently undertake soft-scenario design and preliminary design of projects of general scale and complexity, achieve seamless integration with hard-scenario design, and show the overall design style of the project; 3. Intermediate or above titles or equivalent level of relevant majors at home and abroad; 4. Have good industry background and project experience. Cooperate with plant design changes in SR phase of the project; give guidance suggestions for field implementation; 5. Sketch UP and other related mapping software;


AutoCADLumionPSSketchup 汉语本科3-5年



