1. 6-8年设计院/外资/事务所工作经验(商业,办公,酒店项目经验优先) 2. 良好的沟通能力并适应团队合作设计 3. 能独立领导3-5人设计团队,把控进度,与业主沟通,并独立完成一定尺度的公共建筑项目 4. 熟练建模软件,及方案深度技术图纸绘制,熟悉以Rhino/CAD为主的工作模式及流程 5. 有基本的项目管控能力,可以独立参与与业主的沟通及汇报工作 6. 熟悉基本建筑规范及地方法规 7. 建筑学本科及以上学历 1. 6-8 year working experience (Mixed-Use, Office, Hospitality Project experience preferred) 2. good communication skill and team-work ability. 3. can lead 3-5 people design team independently, communicate with the client, control time schedule, and complete medium/Large size projects. 4. Familiar with the design requirement of concept design/schematic design stage in China. 5. Skilled in modelling and technical drawing (who familiar with the working flow based on Rhino/CAD will be preferred) 6. Basic project management ability, can participate project meeting, and present to the client independently. 7. Familiar with basic Chinese local standard 8. Bachelor degree of architecture or above.