
亘建筑事务所 亘,弥山亘野,天地间连绵不绝。这纯粹的自然图景,有着厚重的宁静,它是世界原有的样子,我们用它来激励自己,永远心存敬畏地去认识并感知这个世界。 亘建筑事务所于 2013年创立。无论是在城市环境中还是在自然条件下,亘建筑事务所都坚持关注设计与建造实践的真实状态,并希望通过审慎地对待场地要素和功能需求,为复杂而不确定的现实局面寻找到冷静而诚恳的答案。 亘建筑事务所的设计实践与学术研究曾刊载于《建筑学报》、《世界建筑》、《时代建筑》、《新建筑》、《城市环境设计(UED)》、《室内设计师》、archdaily、gooood等学术刊物和专业媒体。近期作品“齐云山树袋屋”获邀参加在哈佛大学举办的“走向批判的实用主义:当代中国建筑”展览,该项目亦入围2016WA中国建筑奖之居住贡献奖。事务所其他建成项目富丽服装厂改造、乡宿上泗安等,亦被收录于《new chinese architecture: 20 women building the future》、《chinese architecture today》、《中国建筑设计作品选2013-2017》等出版物。 事务所主持建筑师现担任同济大学建筑系客座讲师,曾任东南大学建筑系客座讲师,天津大学建筑系和上海交通大学建筑系客座评审,并受邀在南京大学、香港大学上海学习中心、TEDx、上海当代艺术博物馆等著名建筑院校和机构举办学术讲座。 genarchitects gèn, which means something is permeate in chinese, all over the mountains and plains without an ending in the universe. such pure natural scenery with massive serenity is what the world initially was. inspired by that, we are trying to constantly feel and perceive this world with awe. genarchitects was founded in 2013. whether in urban or natural environment, genarchitects insists focusing on the genuineness of designing and constructing, and hopes that through discreetly dealing with location and functional requirements, we could offer a calm and sincere answer towards complicated and uncertain reality situations. genarchitects’ works and researches were published on several academic journals and significant new media, such as architectural journal, world architecture, t+a, new architecture, urban environment design (ued), interior designer, archdaily and gooood. recent project ‘baggy tree house on mountain qiyunshan was invited to participate the exhibition ‘towards a critical pragmatism: contemporary architecture in china’ in harvard university. and this project also have been shortlisted in the 2016 waaca house awarding. other completed projects by genarchitects, such as ‘full garment factory renovation’ and ‘shangsian cottage’, have also been documented in publications including new chinese architecture: 20 women building the future, chinese architecture today, and china architecture: a selection 2013-2017. the partners of genarchitects serve as visiting lecturers for the architecture department of tongji university. they also served as visiting lecturers and critics at southeast university, Tianjin university, shanghai jiaotong university. In the meanwhile, they are invited to have lectures and academic activities at universities and cultural institutions, such as nanjing university, university of hong kong shanghai study center, TEDx, and PSA shanghai.


我们对您的要求: 建筑学专业,本科或以上学历 有较强的执行能力和团队精神,具备协助、完善和深化设计的能力,能够接受出差或驻场监造 熟练应用设计与制图软件,且具备较强的手工模型制作能力。


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