
WEAVA Architects 招聘信息 WEAVA Architects Ltd is a Beijing based office. Weava has a practical approach towards architecture by being site specific and orientates its practice on new ways of dealing with socio-economical changes in Asia, and especially in China. Taken its name from the term “weave”, meaning interlacing, our aim is to weave different aspects of our contemporary environment. It has an attempt to create pieces of architecture in a non linear design process. Weaving various cultures, weaving different urban fabrics into a project that would reach new cultural identities, by crossing boundaries between the present and the future, Weava explores all the possibilities of emergent structures and operational tools. Each project is an opportunity to design a fragment, a sequence of urbanity that would morph and transform the city fabric. Interactivity, connectivity, scale variations, space articulations are rethought as data which enables new interpretations, new ways of interlacing them. That is why we think weaving is the best link between all this components. 法国韦瓦建筑设计公司(北京)事务所。 法国韦瓦取名于术语“进行编织”,意为去交织,我们的目标是编织同一个时代环境下的不同方面。这个过程是一个企图以非线性设计来创造建筑片段。通过跨越过去和未来的时间界限,在一个项目中编织多样文化,编织不同城市肌理来实现新的文化识别性,编织探索所有从新兴结构到可实施手段的可能。 每一个项目都是一个设计片段的机会,一个城市品质的序列来演化和形成城市肌理。交织,连接,伸缩尺度,空间节点都被重新考虑为达成新的解读,新的交织方式的资料。这也是我们认为编织是最好的将所有这些要素连接的方式。


建筑师 任职资格: 1.建筑学、城市规划等相关专业,本科以上学历 2.设计院或境外建筑事务所相关岗位3-5年工作经经验,有极强的方案设计能力,思维活跃; 3. 优秀的设计理念; 4. 对建筑设计有热情和有追求; 5. 富有团队精神和良好沟通能力; 岗位职责: 1、按照进度要求完成项目负责人及上级主管指派的设计任务; 2、协助项目负责人解决在自己任务范围内设计技术问题; 3、能够及时消化领会设计意图,参与项目方案设计讨论; 4、参与项目设计协调工作,协助整合设计思路和风格;


123DAutoCADIDLumionPSRhinoSketchup 汉语本科3-5年



