
a9a 事务所成立于成都(中国)和迪拜,目前还有重庆以及上海办公室。这是一个年轻的建筑设计实践团队,成立于2014年,由两位合伙人Asif Agha与李岳九共同成立。成立工作室之前两位合伙人已经具备他们在区域和国际视角的实践经验和技能,通过合作获得更复杂的建筑实践深度,以及很高要求的标准与建筑实现。 a9a 建筑设计事务所是一个由众多国内与国际年轻有才的建筑师、设计师和最为重要的思想者们组成的团体,关注所有直接或间接与建筑相关联的话题,并从事于建筑领域中各种规模的项目和研究。 此刻似乎并不需要对a9a 的思想下一个确切定义(如果有的话)。我们没有很强烈的欲望也没有什么动力为我们这个团体编写一条理念。比起明确的去讨论我们的所做所想,我们更中意于去避免陷入一个会使我们的自由思想沦为中庸的固有模式,这样才能更好的去适应完全不同的事情,才能依情况自由的安排时间进程,才能反复的斟酌现有的法则,才能使我们不断的自我挑战与质问。我们是团体的一部分,但最重要的是我们喜欢与任何愿意分享有共同信念的人一起奋斗。这个共同的信念就是,建筑可以为我们周围的世界带来积极的、鼓舞人心的却并非压倒性的贡献。我们为有前瞻性的客户提供精心调整的设计,该设计会根据建筑所坐落的地点,即将入住的人们以及当时的文化氛围而量身定制。我们热衷于去探索未知,我们的目标始终如一,只为满足心意,只为触碰心灵。我们坚信项目会回馈其所在的城市。通过改变公立与私立的等级制度,我们会开启一条通往以交互、对话与交换为基础的建筑之路。 a9a office is a young international architectural practice established in Chengdu (China) and Dubai (UAE). It was founded in 2014 by two partners: Asif Agha and Jio LI in China Before founding a9a office, both partners have forged their experience and skills in regional and internationally renowned practices. Through this collaboration, they acquired an in depth experience in complex buildings, ambitious realisation and high design standards. a9a Architects is a young and talented collective of architects, designers and most importantly thinkers. a9a is interested in all topics directly or indirectly related to architecture, and works on projects and research of any scale in the fields of architecture. Philosophy At this point it feels unnecessary to define our thinking (if there is one) of a9a. We feel no urge, nor motivation, to write a philosophy of the office. We prefer to avoid talking explicitly about what we do and how we think, and rather stay free from a frame of mind that could compromise the freedom necessary to work on completely different things at the same time, to evolve as quickly or slowly as necessary, to rethink established principles all over again, and to continuously challenge and question ourselves. We are part of a team, but most importantly we enjoy working with anybody who shares our belief that architecture can make a positive, inspirational but never overbearing contribution to the world around us. We offer forward-thinking clients a design that is finely tuned to the place it is sited, the people who will occupy it, and the culture that surrounds it at the time. We are interested in doing what we have not done before and our aim is always the same, to satisfy the mind and touch the heart. We believe in projects that give something back to the city. By changing the hierarchy between what is public and what is private we can open a way to an architecture based on interaction, dialogue and exchange.


1. 建筑学学士(或同等学历)以上学位; 2. 建筑事务所或甲级设计院至少5年的工作经验; 3. 参与并完成过实施的大型项目(侧重酒店、公建项目),熟悉建筑工艺以及项目设计流程; 4. 能够熟练使用AutoCAD、sketch up等常用设计软件,或除CAD及SU以外有其他较强的软件技能,软件不限; 5. 有较强的设计能力、语言表达能力和沟通能力; 6. 对建筑系统和材料选择具有较强的理解和诠释; 7. 熟悉建筑设计相关规范,建筑标准和行业知识; 8. 具有基础英语口语能力; 1. Possess a bachelor’s degree or higher in architecture. 2. Have at least 5 years of experience working in a major architecture firm. 3. Experience in large-scale public entity/cultural projects is preferred, strong and Expertise in construction drawings and construction details. 4. Expertise in AutoCAD, sketch up at least. Or except for CAD and SU, have other strong software skills, software skills are unlimited. 5. Demonstrate strong understanding of building systems and materials. 6. Demonstrate strong knowledge of codes, practice standards, and industry expectations. 7. Basic oral English skill.


AutoCADSketchup 汉语英语本科5-10年


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