大曾珠宝工作室 民营 | 0-20人 | 成立于2016年  

Sébastien Carré,“人体器官”


Sébastien Carré艺术家页面:



Sébastien Carré

Sébastien Carré是法国的一名珠宝设计师。在法国斯特拉斯堡久负盛名的艺术学校HEAR学习了五年之后,他决定留在那里继续研究他的有机珠宝。在许多珠宝展览中,他试图唤醒物质世界和观众的感官。

▲ 项链  Factor Growth, 2019
Japanese paper, pearls, beads, cotton, silk, nylon, jade thread.

▲ 胸针 Cultural Clash, 2019
Japanese paper, silk, hematite, beads.

▲ 项链 Coral Bleeding, 2019
Japanese paper, shell, beads, nylon.

▲ 胸针 Will our future bloom?, 2019
Japanese paper, filmstrip, beads, nylon, steel.

▲ 项链 What will be left, 2019
Japanese paper, beads, nylon thread.

▲ 项链 Organic Growth, 2018
Japanese paper, aquamarine, garnets, beads, nylon.

▲ 胸针 Nourished by others, 2018
Filmstrip, beads, silk cotton, nylon, steel.

▲ 项链 All bond together, 2018
Japanese paper, cotton, silk, nylon, jasper thread and beads.

▲ 手链  Primal Organism, 2018
Pearls, beads, nylon.

▲ 胸针 A Link Between Species, 2018
Ruby Zoisite, chrysopras, turquoise, beads, silk, cotton, nylon.

▲ 项链  From Mechanic to Organic, 2018
Beads, silk, nylon.

这些首饰的制作灵感来自于细胞的有丝分裂。Sébastien Carré制作的模块化过程是用于产生其形状,并选择材料的互动性,最终提出了一个生物体的想法。


▲ 胸针 Shimmering Water, 2017
Japanese paper, silk, glass beads.

▲ 项链  Terroir, 2017
Japanese paper, Rhyolit, seashell, cotton, nylon, beads.

▲ 戒指 Flower Ring, 2017
Ruby zoisite, glass beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread.

▲ 项链 The Blue Waterfall, 2016
Apatite, freshwater pearls, nylon, cotton, beads.
45 x 20 x 2.5 cm

▲ 项链  Cultural Cycle, 2016
Filmstrip, seashell, silk, cotton, nylon, beads.
Ø 90 x 2.5 - 18 cm

▲ 胸针 Aqua Dream, 2016
Japanese paper, leather, Agata, Sodalite, beads, cotton, silk, nylon.
6 x 13 x 5 cm

▲ 胸针  Cultural Meeting, 2016
Filmstrip, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, cotton, nylon.
13 x 10 x 4 cm

▲ 项链 The Big Reminder, 2016
Filmstrip, cotton.
Ø 80 x 4 - 10 cm

▲ 胸针 Even If we have to loose blood, 2016
Japanase lacquer, Japanese paper, garnet, serpentine, chrysoprase, tiger eyes, beads, silk.
9 x 5 x 18 cm

▲ 戒指 7th continent, 2014
Cans capsules, plastic bottle neck, nylon, silk, beads, shark tooth.
9 x 9 x 12 cm

▲ 胸针 Archaeological Layers, 2016
Japanese paper, Japanese Lacquer, Aluminum powder, Zoisite's Ruby, African Turquoise, Aquamarine, beads, silk, cotton
5 x 12 x 3.5 cm

▲ 胸针  Angina, 2015
Steel chainmail, dalmatian jaspis, silk, cotton,beads.
12 x 7 x 5 cm

▲ 胸针 Cultural Biology, 2016
Japanese Paper, Filmstrip, Hematite, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, silk, cotton, nylon.
13 x 10 x 4 cm

▲ 手镯 Earth Inflammation / Inflammation Bracelet #6, 2013
Steel Chainmail, japanese paper, cotton, silk, nylon, copper thread, beads.
11 x 11 x 3 cm

▲ 项链  Oh My God…, 2015
Wool, cotton, leather, silk, Red tiger eyes /tiger eyes/Aventurine, beads.
7 meters, 2 x 8 cm

▲ 胸针 Organic Divinity, 2016
Japanese paper, leather, hematite, beads, cotton, silk.
6 x 13 x 5 cm

▲ 胸针 Reminiscence, 2015
Japanese lacquer on steel - eggshell, silk, cotton, pearls, filmstrip.
5 x 10 x 3 cm

▲ 胸针 We-All-Need-to-Smile, 2016
Japanese paper, garnet, amethyst, filmstrip, beads, silk, cotton.
9 x 5 x 15 cm

Sébastien Carré创造饰品来代表人体的各个部分(比如7米长的项链代表消化道,有时也象征着炎症的概念),甚至是质疑我们与自己和他人的关系。

即使我们可以在他的首饰中找到宣泄的意义,Sébastien Carré认为它们是更具互动性的人工制品,可以帮助我们感受自己的身体,引发讨论,从而更好的进行人际交流。

▲ 胸针 Vulcania, 2015
Filmstrip, lava beads, aventurine beads, Cotton, Silk, japanese paper, Nylon, Beads
13 X 9 X 4 cm

▲ 胸针 Tropical Island, 2015
Nylon, Cotton, Silk, dalmatian jaspis, Tiger's eye, Lava beads
11 X 7 X 3.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Snake Landscape, 2015
steel chainmail, lava, agate, zoisite Rubys, Red tiger eyes, Cotton, Silk, Beads
12.5 X 8 X 3.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Tropical, 2015
Japanese paper lacework. Agate, Lava bead, small red tiger eyes and turquoise stone, silk, cotton, beads.
14 X 12 X 6 cm

▲ 戒指 Crawling, 2015
Japanese paper lacework. Agate, Lava bead, small Red tiger eyes and turquoise stone, silk, cotton, beads
14 X 6 X 6 cm

▲ 戒指  Holidays Indication, 2015
Japanese paper lacework. Agate, lava bead, small red tiger's eyes and turquoise stone, silk, cotton, beads
11 X 5 X 3.5 cm

▲ 戒指 Several scales of grape, 2015

▲ 戒指 Several scales of grape, 2015

▲ 项链  Rancor, 2015
Cotton, beads, Onyx, Filmstrip.
50 x 11 x 5 cm

▲ 胸针 The Good Heart, 2015
Heart made with Basalte Japanese Lacquer, Garnet, Onyx, beads, mother of pearl & structure made of cotton, beads and nylon lacework
Armbrass Brooch
11x 45 x 4

▲ 项链 For Common Good, 2015
Nylon, silk and cotton lacework, carnelian and labradorite beads, beads.
53 X 5 X 2.5 – 3.5 cm

▲ 手镯 The Awakening of Dunn, 2015
Filmstrip and nylon thread
11 X 11 X 4 cm

▲ 项链 Organic Inflammation, 2014
beads, silk, cooper, enamel, cotton, natural fiber
80 x 12 x 7 cm

▲ 项链 Organism, 2014
wood, fibers, beads, waxed cotton, cotton, silk, nylon thread
88 x 8 x 3 cm

▲ 项链 DNA’s Causes?, 2014
cooper chain, hooked, japanese paper
Ø 2,5 x 200 cm

▲ 项链 Say Ahhh!, 2013
Aluminum chainmail, Glass beads, jaspis, cotton, leather, silk, nylon thread
55 x 7 x 3 cm

▲ 项链 Visceral, 2013
Aluminum chainmail, cotton, linen, wool, leather
Ø 3 X 700 cm

▲ 手镯 Inflammation #5, 2014
Japanese paper, cornaline gems, beads, silk
Ø 11 X 4.5 cm

▲ 胸针 Inflammation #1, 2014
Silk, cotton, beads, leather, ostrich’s feather
8 X 8 X 2 cm

▲ 项链 Black Inflammation, 2014
Filmstrip, cotton, wool, beads, copper thread
Ø 80 x 4 cm

▲ 肩饰 Coral Heart, 2014
Ancient coral reef, cotton, silk, beads, steel chainmail
Ø 24 cm 10 x 13 x 7 cm





DZ Jewelry Studio






大曾珠宝工作室 · 北京  

        创建于2012年9月  国内珠宝首饰设计与工艺培训机构领跑者


大曾珠宝工作室 · 上海  


        成立于2015年4月  专业珠宝留学辅导  培养专业珠宝首饰设计师











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