大曾珠宝工作室 民营 | 0-20人 | 成立于2016年  

Eva Van Kempen,生命的气息


Eva Van Kempen艺术家页面:



Eva Van Kempen

Eva van Kempen于1976年出生于荷兰的鹿特丹,是阿姆斯特丹的珠宝设计师。她曾就读于斯库恩霍芬和阿姆斯特丹的金史密斯职业学校。当Eva面对疾病时,她的工作有了很大的变化。2015年,Eva van Kempen展示了她用安全医疗废物制成的珠宝系列。她在阿姆斯特丹医疗中心的个展上进行展示,而她自己曾经是这家医院的病人。

▲ 王冠 Lady Liberty, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, spring steel, steel.
31 x 45 x 8 cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 项圈 Weg Mit §219a, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver, German instruction leaflet for medical abortion.
42 cm long x 7cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 项圈 Weg Mit §219a, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver, German instruction leaflet for medical abortion.
42 cm long x 7cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 项圈 Weg Mit §219a, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver, German instruction leaflet for medical abortion.
42 cm long x 7cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 项圈 Weg Mit §219a, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver, German instruction leaflet for medical abortion.
42 cm long x 7cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 耳饰 Timeless Classic, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver.
7 x 2 x 0.5 cm

From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 耳饰 Timeless Classic, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver.
7 x 2 x 0.5 cm

From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 手镯 Timeless Classic, 2020
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver.
19 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm
From series: Freedom as Luxury

▲ 手镯 In case of Emergency 2, 2019
Expired abortion pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver.
From series: Planned Parenthood

▲ 手镯 lun-mar-mer-jeu-ven-sam-dim, 2019
Superfluous contraceptive pills, PVC film, artificial leather, silver.
From series: Planned Parenthood

应Fundatie博物馆的邀请,Eva van Kempen为雕塑家的半身像和肖像设计了珠宝,多年来,博物馆一直保存着他们的作品。在“即将诞生”的展览中,这位艺术家成功地“注入”了一些火花,在疾病、生育、生命和死亡这些看似矛盾的主题中注入了一种冷嘲热讽的感觉。

目前,Eva正在桑德伯格学院参加一个名为“挑战珠宝”的临时硕士项目,该项目由Ted Noten、Gijs Bakker、Ruudt Peters和Liesbeth den Besten发起,协调人Sarah Mesritz是该项目的负责人。该计划旨在着眼于我们这个时代最紧迫的问题,以实现“治愈”的目的。

▲ 手镯 In Case of Emergency, 2019
NorLevo morning after pill (EXP: 02/2023), pvc film, artificial leather, faceted citrine, silk, 14K red gold, 18K yellow gold.

 手镯 In Case of Emergency, 2019
NorLevo morning after pill (EXP: 02/2023), pvc film, artificial leather, faceted citrine, silk, 14K red gold, 18K yellow gold.

▲ 项圈 Her body, her choice, 2018
Expired mifepristone and misoprostol / abortion pills in blisters, pvc film, silk, silver, hematite.
From series: Initiation

 项圈 Her body, her choice, 2018
Expired mifepristone and misoprostol / abortion pills in blisters, pvc film, silk, silver, hematite.
From series: Initiation

 项圈 Her body, her choice, 2018
Expired mifepristone and misoprostol / abortion pills in blisters, pvc film, silk, silver, hematite.
From series: Initiation

▲ 项圈  mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun, 2018
Used contraceptive pill strips, forgotten contraceptive pills, fresh water pearls, pvc film, artificial leather, silver.
From series: Initiation

 项圈  mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun, 2018
Used contraceptive pill strips, forgotten contraceptive pills, fresh water pearls, pvc film, artificial leather, silver.
From series: Initiation

▲ 戒指  One condition, 2018
Expired contraceptive pill strip, 24 ct. gold plated silver, pvc film.
From series: Initiation
Engagement ring.

 戒指  One condition, 2018
Expired contraceptive pill strip, 24 ct. gold plated silver, pvc film.
From series: Initiation
Engagement ring.

▲ 项圈 Angled slices, 2017
Medical leads, silver, freshwater pearls.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 腰饰 She decides, 2017
Superfluous birth control pill strips, freshwater pearls, 18 karat yellow gold, 14 karat red gold, steel, brass, PVC film, leatherette.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie

"LifeLines" (2015),、"Scents of Life" (2017)、 "Ready-To-Bear" (2017)、“Planned Parenthood" (2018-2020) 和"Freedom as Luxury” (2020)系列的灵感来源于医疗材料和药物。Eva Van Kempen着迷于人造医疗材料和药物对人类生活和整个人类的意义。专为人体设计,她觉得这些材料有完美的比例,可以变成珠宝。出于一种让安全的医院废物——过期的静脉注射系统、注射器和药品——复活的冲动,Eva打算尊重并恢复这些材料本来的意义。这些作品邀请观众以新的眼光看待,并重新思考关于医疗材料、社会甚至人道主义问题的流行观念。

▲ 项链  Lithium-heparin, 2017
Plastic blood tubes with freshwater pearls in lithium-heparin gel, dichroïc film, blood tube caps, opal, pencil cap needles, 60 mm intravenous needles, plexiglass, Herkimer diamond, freshwater pearls, nylon
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链  Lithium-heparin, 2017
Plastic blood tubes with freshwater pearls in lithium-heparin gel, dichroïc film, blood tube caps, opal, pencil cap needles, 60 mm intravenous needles, plexiglass, Herkimer diamond, freshwater pearls, nylon
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链  Lithium-heparin, 2017
Plastic blood tubes with freshwater pearls in lithium-heparin gel, dichroïc film, blood tube caps, opal, pencil cap needles, 60 mm intravenous needles, plexiglass, Herkimer diamond, freshwater pearls, nylon
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链  Lithium-heparin, 2017
Plastic blood tubes with freshwater pearls in lithium-heparin gel, dichroïc film, blood tube caps, opal, pencil cap needles, 60 mm intravenous needles, plexiglass, Herkimer diamond, freshwater pearls, nylon
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链 Neonatology, 2017
Parts of ventilator and feeding system for premature babies, hypodermic needles, catheter, freshwater pearls, chrysoprase, rose quartz, silver, silk.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链 Neonatology, 2017
Parts of ventilator and feeding system for premature babies, hypodermic needles, catheter, freshwater pearls, chrysoprase, rose quartz, silver, silk.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 Neonatology, 2017
Parts of ventilator and feeding system for premature babies, hypodermic needles, catheter, freshwater pearls, chrysoprase, rose quartz, silver, silk.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 Neonatology, 2017
Parts of ventilator and feeding system for premature babies, hypodermic needles, catheter, freshwater pearls, chrysoprase, rose quartz, silver, silk.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 Neonatology, 2017
Parts of ventilator and feeding system for premature babies, hypodermic needles, catheter, freshwater pearls, chrysoprase, rose quartz, silver, silk.
Part of: Museum de Fundatie
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链 Decapeptyl, 2017
Glass syringes for hormone injections when preparing for IVF treatment, plastic dispersion sticks, 14 and 18 karat yellow gold, 14 karat red gold, freshwater pearls.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 Decapeptyl, 2017
Glass syringes for hormone injections when preparing for IVF treatment, plastic dispersion sticks, 14 and 18 karat yellow gold, 14 karat red gold, freshwater pearls.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链 T-Safe, 2017
Copper IUD, cameo (agathe), freshwater pearls, hand cut roses of mother of pearl, faceted sunstone, 14 karat yellow and red gold.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 T-Safe, 2017
Copper IUD, cameo (agathe), freshwater pearls, hand cut roses of mother of pearl, faceted sunstone, 14 karat yellow and red gold.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 项链 T-Safe, 2017
Copper IUD, cameo (agathe), freshwater pearls, hand cut roses of mother of pearl, faceted sunstone, 14 karat yellow and red gold.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 戒指 For better or worse, 2017
Stent, glass fuse, silver.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

 戒指 For better or worse, 2017
Stent, glass fuse, silver.
From series: Ready-to-Bear

▲ 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life

 项链  H5 Soft Med, Iodine, Dettol, 2017
Glass, purple suture thread, plastic needle, 24 ct gold plated silver, cotton roll, dettol (hospital scent).
From series: LifeLines for Scents of Life





DZ Jewelry Studio






大曾珠宝工作室 · 北京  

        创建于2012年9月  国内珠宝首饰设计与工艺培训机构领跑者


大曾珠宝工作室 · 上海  


        成立于2015年4月  专业珠宝留学辅导  培养专业珠宝首饰设计师











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