
镜像建筑是一个复合型建筑工作室。我们的作品同时涉及研究与设计。由资深建筑师与专注的研究者组成的团队以更具思辨性的方式体察当代与空间有关的问题。我们相信设计与研究的综合可以产生比个体的叠加更高能的整体。通过建筑与城市设计,装置与艺术作品,策展与建筑策划,影像与多媒体制作,写作和思考,我们希望介入并影响当代人的生存状态与世界图景。 从独户住宅到城市综合体,从文化项目到商业开发,镜像建筑的成员在各个尺度与类型的项目中都有过深入的实践。他们不仅在东亚,欧洲, 与北美进行着实践,也在这些地方留下了许多作品。国际化的结合让镜像建筑能够针对建造技术,生活方式,与环境设计提供独特的视野。 镜像建筑的建筑与城市研究项目在业界被广泛认可。工作室成员的研究作品在国际各大展览中均有呈现,其中包括威尼斯建筑双年展(2018,2017),深圳双年展(2018),现代汽车文化中心“漂流”展(2018),土耳其伊斯坦布尔双年展(2016),首尔双年展(2017),里斯本三年展(2016),奥斯陆三年展(2016),PSA(2017). 镜像建筑的作品也荣获了许多奖项,其中包括Fairy Tale竞赛一等奖(2015), Jacques Rougerie 竞赛一等奖(2015),PSA青年策展人项目优胜奖。策展包括威尼斯首钢园区及三高炉博物馆城市复兴成就展“Steel Home Still”等大型展览。   Jingxiang is a hybrid architecture studio, whose work encompasses both research and design. Composed of experienced designers and dedicated researchers, the office examines contemporary spatia issues under a critical light. We believe in the synthesis between design and research to producean augmented totality. Through architectural and urban design, installation and art practice, curation and architectural planning, film and media production, writing and thinking, we seek to affect the default spatial approach towards the human condition and the contemporary world picture. From single-family houses to urban complexes, from cultural projects to commercial developments, the collaborators of Jingxiang have practiced in a wide range of scales and types. With working experiences and completed projects spread across East Asia, Europe, as well as North America, the team members of Jingxiang offer an unique perspective towards construction technology, life styles, and environmental design. Jingxiang has been widely recognized for its architectural and urban research projects. Exhibitions that have featured Pills’ work include the Venice Architectural Biennale(2018,2017),Shenzhen Biennale (2018), Hyundai Automobile Cultural Center “Drifting” Exhibition (2018), Istanbul Biennale (2016), Seoul Biennale (2017), PSA Emerging Curation Project (2017), Lisbon Triennal (2016), Oslo Triennale (2016). Each collaborator of Pills has been honored


建筑师/城市设计师 2-3人 -建筑专业或城市设计专业本科及以上学历、或国外同等学历 -一至三年专业工作经验,具备良好的创作能力、方案深化和成果表达能力 -熟练以上软件要求 -具备较强手工模型制作能力与制图表现能力 -有责任心、职业素养和团队合作精神


AIAutoCADIDPSRhinoSketchup 汉语英语本科1-3年



