
CROX阔合由建筑师林琮然于2007年创立,擅长跨界设计,作品涵盖城市规划、建筑、室内 、家具、策展和艺术品创作。秉承“前卫自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,将设计从艺术拓展到文化与自然的对话,不断的实践了想象的无形和有机,为时代创造新的印记。近年曾参加过2016米兰三年展, 2016、2018 两届意大利威尼斯双年展, 获得的奖项包含:WAF世界建筑节、美国AMP、英国安德鲁圣马丁、法国DNA、韩国K-DESIGN、 日本JCD等知名国际奖项,广受如Domus、ArchDaily、Wallpaper*、designboom等世界各大建筑设计媒体的好评。 现邀请富有创意,有理想,热爱生活的伙伴加入,一起成长。 CROX was founded by C.R. Lin in 2007, we specialize in crossover design, projects contain masterplanning, architecture, interior, furniture design, extending to exhibition curator and art work creation.Our avant-garde design expands from the artistic feeling towards the conversation between humanism and nature. Bringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life experiences and creating a new imprint on the new century. In recent years, we have attended the 2016 Milan Triennial Exhibition, and consecutively on the 2016 & 2018 Venice Biennial Exhibition, winning awards including: World Architecture Awards, American Master Prize, Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award, DNA Award, K-DESIGN Award and JCD Design Award etc., also been featured on the world famous press media, such as Domus, ArchDaily, Wallpaper* and designboom. Now we are looking for creative, ambitious and people who love life to join us, let’s grow the future together!


1. 建筑学及艺术/设计类学士(或同等学历)以上学位 2. 对建筑文化传播抱有兴趣。有责任心,严谨对待文字、图像,及图文编辑的表达呈现 3. 配合媒体负责人完成项目图文整理、文案撰写、网站及微信公众号更新、展览研究,讲座整理等工作 4. 熟练悉平面设计软件Adobe系列,若能熟悉视频剪辑如Final Cut等软件优先。 5. 如有期刊文章发表,微信公众号文章(建筑相关题材),策展参展,图板排版等经历,请在邮件中说明并附上作品 6. 建筑摄影、新媒体 、电影、文学与或音乐潮流的品位爱好。 7. 有国外留学或相关媒体工作经历优先。 1. Studying at designing or related major, full-time junior student or higher, with good writing skill 2. Interested in promoting architectural culture and willing to do some non-design work. Responsible, rigorous treatment of text, images, and graphic expressions
3. Cooperate with the person in charge of the media to sort out projects information, copywriting and translation, updating website and WeChat. Making study on academic exhibition and lectures and other work
4. Skilled in using Word, Excel, Adobe Cs, and other software
5. If there are journal articles published, WeChat articles, curatorial experience, graphics layout, etc. as former experience, please indicate and attach them in the mail 6. Having hobbies such as architecture photography, new media, movie, art or a good taste on music 7. Abroad studying or working experiences is preferable





