
法国AIA建筑工程联合设计集团成立于1965年,创始团队为几位建筑师和工程师,历经五十年的发展壮大,如今的法国AIA可以为其客户提供建筑设计、工程设计、项目管理、城市规划以及绿色建筑方面的高品质综合服务。 得益于由22为股东和600余名专业技术人员组成的多元团队,法国AIA在各类建筑领域中游刃有余,其建筑、工程及各相关专业之间紧密的配合度使得它成为一间尤其擅长处理专业性强,工艺复杂项目的综合设计事务所。 凭借着在全球实现的多领域建筑作品,如医疗、酒店、办公、体育、住宅及工业建筑等,法国AIA在设计中所展现出的创新性、启迪性和高品质性为期积累了良好的企业声誉。 法国AIA总部位于巴黎,在南特、里昂等城市均设有事务所。自2012年在上海和北京创立子公司以来,AIA秉承着其独特的设计理念活跃于中国的建筑市场。 Founded in 1965 by a team of architects and engineers, AIA Life Designers is today a major multi-disciplinary consultancy company, providing a full range of combined expertise and services in architecture, engineering as well as in project management, urban planning and sustainable development. Thanks to its collective management of 22 partners and its 600 employees, AIA Life Designers is able to offer a high level of commitment and know-how in sectors where the specificity of the activities and the complexity of the functions require innovation and synergy between architectural design, engineering, and many specialized fields of expertise. With its strong track record of international references in varied markets, such as healthcare, hospitality, office, sports, residential, industry…AIA Life Designers is recognized for the design of inspired, innovative and its high quality facilities. AIA Life Designers maintains several offices in France (the main offices are in Paris, Nantes and Lyon). Since 2012, by creating branches in Shanghai and Beijing, AIA Life Designers has been active in varied projects on the Chinese market with its innovative vision of architecture.


1. 5-7年建筑室内设计及现场指导工作经验,本科或以上学历,有医院空间、酒店空间等类型项目业绩者优先; 2. 完整参与过室内项目的方案设计、配合各专业施工图设计、现场指导,直至完工交付的全过程;有独立组织全套施工图的能力,能够协调各专业设计工作,并具有审核全套施工图的能力; 具备创新设计思维,熟悉各类材料及工艺流程,对家具品牌和软装有深入了解; 3. 有较强的沟通、协调与组织能力,能团结和引导团队完成设计任务; 4. 良好的中英文沟通能力; 5. 熟练掌握AutoCAD, Sketchup,Rhino, 3Dmax, Photoshop等设计软件; 6. 优秀的汇报演讲与沟通技巧。 1. 5-7 years design & on-site experience in interior design, healthcare and hotel references is preferred, bachelor degree or above; 2. Fully involved in the whole process of interior design project, including helping the design of construction drawings, site guidance and the delivery of the project; have the ability to organize independently a full set of construction drawings, to coordinate all the professional work, and to check the full set of drawings; innovative, familiar with all kinds of materials and process, have a good knowledge of the furniture brand and soft fitted; 3. Have strong communication, coordination and organization ability, can unite and guide the team to complete the design task; 4. Good communication skills in Chinese and English; 5. Familiar with AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino, 3Dmax, Photoshop and other design software; 6. Excellent reporting and communication skills


3DMaxAutoCADPSSketchup 汉语英语本科5-10年



