
中国的城市发展已经从大拆大建逐渐进入到一个新的时期:已相对饱和、但又待获得新生的城市构筑;因社会和经济的发展而不断被重新定义的城市空间;文化多元的人口主体与复杂多变的功能需求;而城市内可供想象的仅有在过去的建设狂潮中遗留的边缘空间… … 建筑师的责任与战场发生了转移,新的挑战也随之到来。 也似建筑于2018年成立于北京。我们坚信建筑师必须对“Theory”(理论)与“Practice”(实践)赋予同等的关注,才能直面多变的现实。因此“提问”与“研究”是我们最为核心的设计方法——每一次设计都是一次放下成见的学习、都是一次突破教条的冲锋。“也似建筑”是一所建筑“实验室”,每一位建筑师都是“研究员”。我们诚挚的邀请与对建筑怀抱热情的设计师,加入这一建筑奥德赛之中。 Chinese cities are leaving glorious construction-booming behind, to enter a new era: cities are saturated with outdated structures to be renovated; urban space have been constantly re-defined by social and economic revolutions; culturally diverse population verses complicated and ever-shifting functions; all can only hope to be resolved on those left-over sites among monuments from booming-past. With shifting responsibilities and battlegrounds, architects are now facing new challenges. Our office was founded at Beijing in 2018. We believe architects should give ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ equal amount of attention, in order to confront ever-changing reality. Therefore, we put ‘question’ and ‘research’ as our core working methods -every design job is an opportunity to learn, as well as a charge towards stereotypes. YES architecture is a laboratory, where each designer is a researcher. We sincerely invite architects who share our passion to join this exciting odyssey.


1. 五年制建筑学专业学士及以上学位,具备良好的建筑学背景知识和素养 2. 有至少两年的工作经验 3. 能够适应高强度的工作,对充满挑战的工作有热情,具备责任心和追求完美的态度 4. 善于与人沟通,拥有团队精神,且拥有管理日常设计事务的能力 5. 熟悉CAD,Sketchup,Rhino,Photoshop,Illustrator 等软件;或具有手绘、实体模型等制作的能力。 6. 有基本的英语读写能力 7. 起薪面议 1. Five years’ architecture education or above, with strong professional knowledge and common sense. 2. At least two years’ working experience in acclaimed design firm. 3. Willing to accept challenging and ambitious jobs; have strong sense of responsibility 4. Excellent skills of communication and collaboration; also with capacity to managing team works. 5. Excellent skills on AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator and etc. Skills like hand-drawing and modeling are also great for future development. 6. Adequate English speaking and reading 7. Salary is to be negotiated


AIAutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 汉语英语本科3-5年


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