
奥雅纳1946年成立于英国伦敦,现拥有逾16,000名设计、工程、建筑、规划和咨询专业人员,项目遍及140多个国家。 我们在中国已有超过40年的发展历程。我们于1976年在香港设立东亚地区总部,并陆续在深圳、上海、北京、广州、武汉和重庆等地开设分支机构,汇聚逾2,500名设计、工程、建筑、规划和咨询人才,项目经验横跨高层建筑、大型基础设施与城市规划等建筑环境各个领域。 我们在这里参与设计最具标志性的建筑,如北京奥运场馆、上海世博展馆、广州塔、中国尊、重庆来福士、北京大兴国际机场等。 近年我们也积极构建跨境基础设施,促进区域经济的融合与发展。这些大型项目包括落马洲河套区发展规划、港珠澳大桥和广深港高铁香港段等。 在中国,我们参与起草新的行业规范和国家标准,包括结构工程、消防工程、绿色建筑和城市韧性设计,更长远地推进业界进步,助力建筑环境可持续发展。 欢迎浏览www.arup.com,关注我们的微信(ArupinChina),和我们一起塑造更美好的世界。 Founded in 1946 in London, Arup now has more than 16,000 designers, engineers, architects, planners, consultants and technical specialists working in more than 140 countries. Arup has more than 40 years of experience in Greater China. The Hong Kong office was established in 1976 as the firm’s East Asia headquarters, and since then we have opened offices in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing. With 3,000 staff across the territory, we undertake projects of all types and any size, providing a full range of designing, engineering, consulting, planning and specialist technical services across building, consulting, and infrastructure sectors. Arup has worked on many of the most iconic structures in the country including Beijing Olympic venues, Shanghai Expo pavilions, Canton Tower CITIC Tower (China Zun), Raffles City Chongqing and Beijing Daxing International Airport. In recent years, we are taking a major role in delivering mega cross-boundary projects that ensure the long-term prosperity of the region. These include planning and engineering study on Lok Ma Chau Loop, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Hong Kong section. In China, we are involved in the development of various industry codes and national standards, from structural and fire engineering to green building and resilient city design, helping to promote the long-term development of the industry and create a sustainable built environment.


工作内容 Responsibilities 1. 参与城市交通网络规划、以及城市综合体发展交通工程项目。工作内容包括对分析城市交通特征、数据整理与分析、交通网络规划及容量分析、以及交通工程设计方案提供技术支持; To be involved in urban transport network planning and comprehensive development traffic engineering projects. Works include providing technical support in the analysis of urban traffic characteristics, data collection and analysis, transport network planning and performance analysis, and traffic engineering designs; 2. 对于经验丰富的候选人,同时还需要负责客户关系管理,团队管理,项目管理以及对于高难度技术问题的解决。 Candidates with more experience are also accountable for client management, team management, project management and complex problem solving of technical issues. 职位要求 Requirements 1. 本科或以上学历,专业包括但不限于交通工程、交通规划及城市规划,并且拥有相当的交通工程基础认识; Bachelor’s degree or above in a relevant subject, including but not limited to Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering, and Urban Planning, with a sound knowledge in transport engineering fundamentals; 2. 有2年以上相关工作经验; With more than 2 years of relevant work experience; 3. 熟练的中文及英文说写能力; Excellent written and verbal skills in Chinese and English; 4. 良好的团队协作和服务意识,富有责任心,良好的语言表达能力及沟通技巧。 Proven success in contributing to a team-oriented environment and good communication skills.




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