
LOD的成立是作为一个建筑设计实验室,致力于探索建筑形式和功能,建筑和城市之间的关系。LOD创建了一个开放的平台,通过创新的思维和跨越不同领域的合作,创作更好的设计为我们的未来发展新的思路。 致力于文化的传承和创新,在空间设计、构造、材质、经济和环保等层面的各细节上积极探索和尝试突破。 LOD建筑涉足多领域,结合了客户利益和用户情感交流,以增进用户体验为设计基础。 团队由多元背景的本土设计师与国外建筑师构成,共同构筑全新的集合设计实践模式。多样的文化背景赋予我们开放的视野和包容性、以及对地方文化敏锐的理解力。 公司设计团队基于西班牙巴塞罗那、中国北京、深圳、上海、中国香港多地展开多行业全案设计咨询服务,在中国各地包括北京、上海、深圳、杭州、苏州、南京、宁波等城市完成系列知名建筑、酒店、商业综合体、品牌建设及设计咨询项目。 LOD was founded as an architectural experimental laboratory dedicated to exploring the relationship between form and function, architecture and urbanism, economics. And creates. it creates an open platform for developing new ideas and designs through innovations and collaborations across different disciplines. Committed to the culture inheritance and innovation, we seek to explore and create new approach in space design, structure, material, economic and sustainability. LOD is a multidisciplinary firm based on concept design emotions for enhanced user experience. We align user’s emotions engagements with client’s interests. Team is made up of diverse local designers with overseas architects, who build a new set of design practice mode. Diversified background gives us an opening view and inclusive, and insight of local culture. Our design team based in Barcelona Spain, Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong provide a full spectrum of design consultation services including branding, master planning, architectural and interiors design and Visual Identity system. Our completed projects include landmark buildings, hotels, mixed use developments, brand architecture located across Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo.


1. 1-5年工作经验,具有良好的设计理念和较强的审美能力,能准确把握设计方向; 2. 了解并把控客户需求,能独立完成方案设计及深化; 3. 负责跟踪整个工程项目流程:方案阶段、采购阶段、落地阶段,直到项目完工验收; 4. 负责软装产品的质量把控,并能有效控制项目成本; 5. 组织收集、整理所需的设计资料,建立并完善设计素材库,及时掌握市场的最新信息; 6. 熟练操作AutoCAD、Sketchup、CorelDRAW、Ai、Photoshop等各种设计软件和Office办公室软件;





