
AG汇创国际是一家有抱负的建筑空间设计事务所,由一群来自全球多元化背景又充满创造力的设计师组成,一直以来,我们坚信设计和创意带来的力量,不断尝试城市公共建筑空间及其城市界面塑造的多种可能,凭据丰富的设计经验和国际化视野为城市综合体,商业、文化、教育、办公、住宅、轨道交通等公共建筑及空间提供设计服务。 Atelier Global Limited is an ambitious architecture office consisting of team members with global background. Believing in the influence of architecture on society, we have constantly examined different possibilities of architecture to bring change to communities. Based on our profound experience of various projects – including commercial, cultural, institutional, office, and residential, we design space in a dialogue with clients. 我们主张以“跨界思维、系统化设计和细节专注” 的核心理念,持续为客户提供具有创新性和可持续发展的设计服务与解决方案,并致力于实现设计理念与商业价值的转换。 Atelier Global’s design philosophy is deeply rooted in exploring creativity and possibilities in architecture; a willingness to create a better world. We strive to design spaces that set a trend for the future developments. 在设计实践中,我们的思考不受限于功能与空间,而是在不同文化、尺度、形态之间,通过跨界思考寻求新的见解,以全然不同的创造性思维和设计语言,构建起功能、文化、艺术相融合的建筑与空间,创造全新体验。 In our design, we look forward to creating space that transcends its boundary. Adopting creative ideas and innovative architectural language, we achieved a new level of architecture that can combine culture, aesthetics and functionality into space. 立足于文化与创意视角,我们在积极参与学术和文化研究的同时作品也屡获国际权威专业设计大奖,其中包括德国iF设计大奖、美国IDA国际设计金奖、意大利A Design Award国际设计铂金奖、A&D亚太区建筑大奖和香港建筑师学会大奖等。同时,我们专注于当代设计的研究、实践与推广,积极关注并参与当代艺术与设计,并多次受邀参展国内外个展,包括2019年伦敦建筑节、2018年威尼斯建筑双年展、日本Good Design Award、香港Common Room & Co. 联合展览和香港深圳建筑城市双年展览:建筑十章等。 Dedicated to create a better world through architecture, Atelier Global limited has won highly-recognized international awards –including iF Design Award,International Design Awards Gold Prize (the USA), A‘Design Award Platinum Prize (Italy), A&D Asia Pacific Region Grand Prize, Hong Kong Institute of Architect Annual Awards Grand Prize, etc.And dedicated to research and reflect the contemporary architectural design, We have participated in internationally prestigious events–including 2019 London Festival of Architecture, 2018 La Biennale di Venezia, Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, 2018 Good Design Award (Japan) and Common Room & Co. (HK) joint exhibitor(Top 10 Designers in HK.


任职资格: 1、建筑学本科及以上学历,六年以上建筑设计工作经验,担任过高品质住宅/大型商业综合体/办公/酒店等大中型项目主创设计师或项目负责人; 2、方案创作能力强,良好的设计理念,精通设计规范,熟悉掌握整个项目运作流程,能独立带领设计团队完成各阶段工作; 3、具有较强的客户沟通能力及引导能力,优秀的团队领导能力和出色的沟通能力; 4、境外设计公司或知名设计公司工作经验者优先。 1. Bachelor Degree or above, minimum 6 years working experience in architectural design or project manager with relevant experience in large scale commercial complex/ office/ hotel in large or medium scale projects. 2. Passion in design, strong in design concept materialization, can handle the full phase of project works independently. Can lead a team to undergo all stages of design process. 3. Strong communication skill with clients, strong leadership skill to lead team members to working effectively. 4. Working experience in overseas design firm or renowned design firm is preferable.


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 汉语本科5-10年



