
RMJM成立于1956年,总部设于英国爱丁堡,是全球范围内最大的也是最多元化的设计引导型建筑设计事务所之一,办公室分布于伦敦、罗马、巴塞罗纳、洛杉矶、迪拜、伊斯坦布尔、香港、上海、深圳等20多个不同的城市。 RMJM is one of the world’s largest architectural practices in 20 international offices based in: London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Rome, Istanbul, Pretoria, New York, Los Angels, Mexico City, Panama City, La Paz, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Riyadh, Karachi. RMJM的设计服务范围涵盖建筑设计、城市规划、室内设计、景观设计、可持续发展项目和传统历史保护项目等。所开展的建筑设计类型包括摩天楼、城市综合体、办公、商业、酒店、教育、文化、医疗、交通和住宅等。 RMJM has ongoing projects across a wide range of industry sectors including education, commercial, industrial, hospitality, leisure, retail, residential, scientific research, healthcare, and public buildings. RMJM对设计饱含激情,致力于保证设计全过程的高水平,这种信念一直贯穿于RMJM的文化之中,激发个人激情与创意思考。 The RMJM design community across the world is passionate about architecture and believe in excellence throughout the design process. This belief is reinforced through the firm’s culture, which actively encourages personal expression and creative thought. 六十年来,RMJM将高超的设计艺术和科学的管理水平演绎到每个项目,为客户提供了商业需要和建筑理想兼具、经济效益及公共价值并重的经典作品。 RMJM’s range of architecture, specialist disciplines encompass sustainable design, master-planning, urban design, arts consultancy, land planning, landscape design, historic preservation, interior design and computer visualization. RMJM 深圳设计团队因业务发展需要,现需要招聘以下人才: Now RMJM is witnessing speedy expanding business into Shenzhen. Increasing management scale. RMJM’s Shenzhen office is offering opportunities for a highly motivated and proactive Architect with excellent design skills to join our team based in Shenzhen. 请将您的简历及作品集发送至公司邮箱,我们会尽快联系您,谢谢。 Please email us your resume and portfolios. We will contact with you as soon as possible. Thanks


任职资格: 1. Possess a Bachelor’s or higher degree in architecture or relevant major; 0-2 years of professional practice, and possess very strong design abilities, a valuable team player; 建筑学或相关专业本科以上学历,0-2年实际工程经验,有高度的创作热情及优秀的设计能力,并具备较强团队精神; 2. Good understanding of architectural theory, and good understanding of contemporary building and construction techniques; 良好的建筑理论素养,和良好的建筑表现及表达能力; 3. Proficient in Rhino, , Sketch-up, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), AutoCAD and other professional software; 熟练应用Rhino, Sketch-up, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), AutoCad 等专业软件; 4. Good sense of responsibility and teamwork; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队合作能力,能够配合快速的工作节奏; 5. Strong English communication skills; fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred. 有良好的英文交流能力更佳;


AutoCADPSRhinoSketchup 汉语英语本科应届生



