
木君建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司是一家由徐伩君女士和桥义先生所创办的建筑与室内设计事务所, 在上海,香港和英国均设有工作室。MDO主要提供高端住宅、样板房、剧院、游艇俱乐部、展览空间和办公空间的设计服务。MDO的作品获得了国际认可和广泛关注,曾多次获奖。MDO的工作范围广泛及设 计项目种类众多,其中包括室内,建筑,灯光,家具以及平面设计。这种对于项目多角度和多方面的把控是成功的关键 。 2018年徐伩君女士被评选为亚洲地区的 40位40岁以下的最具有影响力的年轻设计师之一。MDO的设计作品也在国际奖项中屡获殊荣,包括 FRAME 2018评委会大奖,英国WIN Award 2018的HIGHLY COMMENDED奖项 ,IINSIDE国际室内设计大奖,意大利 A’Design 设计金奖,CREDA地产设计金奖, 台湾TID公共空间类奖项以及中国最佳设计100强。 近年来 MDO的设计作品曾多次通过 gooood、Archdaily、HomeWorldDesign、e architect、world architects、 德国室内设计网、建筑学院、《LIGHTING》、《FRAME》、《INTERIOR DESIGN》、《INTERIORS the best》、《美国室内设计中文版》、《中国室内建筑年鉴》、《中国建筑装饰装修》、以及《豪宅配色》等国内外知名媒体和专业杂志发表。 徐伩君女士和桥义先生都在英国受教育后成为建筑师,致力于探索室内与建筑的关系。由于生活在香港和英国两个不同的文化背景下,徐伩君女士和桥义先生的设计作品中融入了不同的文化底蕴。他们对设计中的“转换”概念十分重视,如何将空间与情感结合创造不同的体验。 点击官网,了解更多:moredesignoffice.com More Design Office is a Shanghai based interior and architecture practice led by Jaycee Chui and Justin Bridgland. MDO works with high-end residential, sales centres, theatres, exhibition and office projects. The works are internationally recognized and have won many awards. The office works at different scales and disciplines including interior and architectural design, lighting, furniture and graphic design. This multi-disciplinary approach is key to successful projects with share a holistic vision. In 2017 MDO were recognized by gooood as one of the leading new designers in Asia. In 2018 Jaycee Chui won 40 under 40 for Interior Design. There projects have won numerous international awards including Frame, IIDA Global Excellence Awards,WIN, Kinpan Awards, Inside, Italy A’Design, CREDA, TID, Best 100 China,a&d TROPHY AWARDS 2018 。 Trained as architects in the UK, Chui and Bridgland explore the relationships between interior and architecture. With backgrounds from Hong Kong and England, their work draws from different cultures. They are interested in notion of transformation in design, understanding how the spatial and the emotional inform experience. Check out more of our work online: moredesignoffice.com


1. 建筑设计、室内设计或环境艺术等相关专业毕业; 2. 从事纯室内设计一年以上工作经验;设计公司实习或上班经验的优秀应届毕业生优先; 3. 精通绘图软件;学习能力强;




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