
Mur Mur Lab x 你 Mur Mur Lab x You 这是 Mur Mur Lab 第三次公开招募 This is Mur Mur Lab’s third public recruitment. 又是一年风吹梧桐沙沙作响树影碎满地的季节,这个季节的上海很美,美在自然,亦美在态度。夏天是一年当中唯一一个季节人们热切地盼望去创造,去生活,去拥抱希望的季节,走过工作室路口的那条街,会看到人们在路边的露天咖啡馆办公、聊天,觥筹交错,你来我往,眼里迸发出兴奋的光。这个季节的上海,空气中流淌的,是生生不息。 Another year the wind rustle sycamore trees all season, this season in Shanghai is very beautiful, beauty in nature, also in the attitude. Summer is the only season of the year where people eagerly look forward to create, live, embrace the hope, walking towards studio across the street and see people in the roadside coffee shop, they are working, chatting, eyes burst excited light. This season in Shanghai, flowing in the air, is life. 依然在这样一个季节,Mur Mur Lab开启了每年一度招聘。 梧桐树影中,迎接属于我们的盛夏光年。 Still in this season, Mur Mur Lab starts its annual recruitment. In the shadow of the sycamore tree, meet the summer that belong to us.


职位描述:在事务所主持建筑师(合伙人)指导下独立或带队进行建筑创作。能带领设计团队并全面协调方案设计,扩初设计,施工图设计及施工配合等工作。 1. 拥有建筑学本科或以上学位,2-3年各类型项目专业设计经历; 2. 熟练使用AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhinoceros, Adobe 和 Microsoft Office等软件。 Job Description: Lead the design team under the guidance of the chief architect (partner). Capable of leading the design team and comprehensive coordination scheme design, expansion of the initial design, construction drawing design and construction cooperation and other work. 1. With bachelor or above degree in architecture, 2-3 years various types of professional practice; 2. Skilled in software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhinoceros, Adobe, and Microsoft Office.





