
法国AREP 设计集团创立于1997年,是一家国际综合性设计公司,致力并专长于城市空间转型方面。总部位于法国巴黎,并在北京、上海、武汉、深圳、成都、卡萨布兰卡、迪拜、多哈、河内、洛桑设有分支机构。 目前AREP集团聚集了来自30多个国家的1000余名规划师、建筑师、工程师、室内设计师、经济概算师等。服务范围涵盖交通线网规划、城市规划与设计、建筑工程设计、景观设计、城市建筑小品设计、标识设计、工业设计、交通仿真模拟、VR科技等领域,提供全面且专业的综合设计服务。整个团队一直以保证品质为原则,于2001年荣获国际ISO 9001资格证书与OPQIBI资格认证,作为法国国家铁路总公司SNCF的直属子公司,2018年创造了1.17亿欧元的营业额。 此外,AREP在2019年的世界建筑公司100强建筑设计方向榜单中名列第25位,是法国第一所登上该榜单的建筑设计公司。 公司网址:http://www.arepgroup.com/ Founded in 1997, AREP is a multidisciplinary practice and a key player in transforming the city. Based on Paris, AREP have offices over the world (Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Casablanca,Dubaï, Doha, Hanoi, Lausanne). AREP brings together 1000 people and more than 30 nationalities, professionals from diverse disciplines: urban planners, architects, engineers, interior designers, economists, etc. We offer our expertise in all areas of traffic network planning, urban design, architecture design and construction, landscape design, urban architecture pieces design, signage design, industrial design, traffic simulation and VR simulation, etc. AREP is a wholly owned subsidiary of SNCF, the French national rail operator. The company’s turnover for 2018 was €117M. AREP is the 1st French agency classified in the World Architecture (WA) 100 since 2017, AREP ranks 25nd in the world among the top 100 architects of 2019. Company Website: http://www.arepgroup.com/


具体负责公司项目(中国区)的设计及相关工作,包括方案投标、初步设计、施工图设计等。根据项目情况和工作安排,配合总建筑师或项目负责人进行设计并向其汇报工作。 Being specifically responsible for the design and the relevant work of the projects (in China), including scheme bidding, preliminary design and construction design, etc. To coordinate with the chief architect or project leader in design and report to them according to the project situation and working arrangement. 1. 建筑学专业本科及以上学位,工作经验不限(大型设计院/知名外资设计事务所类似经验优先),良好的创意设计能力和表现创作能力; 2. 英语或法语优秀者优先(需要口语即时翻译及书面文件撰写); 3. 熟练使用软件:CAD、Sketchup、Photoshop、Indegin、Illustrator,会Revit、Rhino、Grasshoppe软件者优先。 1. Bachelor’s Degree or above in Architect, working experience is not limited (Experience in large-scale design institute or famous foreign architects shall be prioritized.). Good ability on creative design and expressive design 2. Being fluent in English or French shall be prioritized (Simultaneous interpretation and written translation shall be required.) 3. Skilled in CAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, Indegin and Illustrator. Good command of Revit, Rhino and Grasshopper shall be preferred 您的职位申请书包括 • 中文简历+英文简历 • PDF格式的作品集(文件合计不超过15MB) • 期望薪资 • 可能的最早入职日期


AIAutoCADPSSketchup 汉语英语法语本科5-10年



