We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.我们是人间四月天,笑响点亮了四面风,自信在春风中飞舞着变。我们是雪化后的绿芽,生机勃勃,昂首挺立。我们是活力,是拼搏,是日日的朝阳。我们是漫山漫山的花开,是风在天地翱翔。我们是暖,是爱,是燃,是希望。
We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.
We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.虽然大家度过了一个漫长到无聊的假期,但是所有人对工作的热情未曾有半点减少。我们一起见过凌晨四点的宁波,见证朝阳的升起,走过深夜的街头,穿过拥挤的人潮。这些都不妨碍我们爱我所爱,一往无前。工作使我们快乐,因为我们的征途是星辰大海。
Director / TT
Director / Aaron
Edit / Jane
Originality / Yvonne
Design / Saul
Photography / Simon
Clip / Zhang
Plan / KK
IP.CHENG / NINGBO / SHANGHAIWe are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.雨果说:“生活,就是昂首前瞻。“工作亦然,只安于现状是无法拥有创新、创造惊喜的,唯有保持自信、不断进取,才会有漫山的繁花盛开。
在这13200多分钟的时间里,我们成功完成了黑牡丹ERQ老爹裤的策划提案并得到了满意的回馈,对JUST MODE摩登伞进行创意拍摄及创意视觉和推广……不断辗转浙江宁波、江苏常州、贵阳等地进行工作项目开展,机会只会留给有准备的人。虽然辛苦,但我们仍然坚定的选择这种滚烫的人生。
We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.
We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.西装笔挺的IP.CHENG和小黄伞,意外的很和谐。
We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.
We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.为达到更完美的视觉效果,视觉组Simon和Saul对于创意拍摄方案进行了N次讨论与修改,期间多次更换拍摄手法,使用各种不同的道具,力求为大家呈现尽善尽美的画面效果。
We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.
We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.
We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.当大自然遇到创意视觉,即刻碰撞出不同凡响的美妙火花。
We are the tender month of April,our laughters light up the wind,Confidence changes steps in ripples of spring.We are the green shoots after the snow melted,vivifying,stand firm with raised head.We are the vitality,the struggle,the everyday rising sun.We are the creamy flowers,the wind soaring in the sky.We are the warmth,the love,the passion,and the hope.我们度过了不安的一月,捱过了痛苦的二月,挺过了艰难的三月,终于迎来了四月的涅槃重生,在五月,我们团队的能量将达到前所未有的高峰值。请拭目以待。Happy birthday to our family!四月的小魔兽,破壳日,快乐!
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