张嘉佳 狮子座 | 95后 | 江苏省-扬州市  

Ro Plastic Prize 2020

Ro Plastic Prize 2020 Ro Plastic Prize 2020

Ro Plastic Prize 2020

After its first year, with over 300 entries from 52 countries across all 5 continents, Rossana Orlandi is launching the second edition of the Ro PLASTIC PRIZE, one of the initiatives by GUILTLESSPLASTIC, the international project that aims to raise awareness around reusing and recycling plastic. For 2020, the Milanese gallerist is raising the bar and going beyond the main theme of GUILTLESSPLASTIC to tackle the concept of a Circular Economy generated by plastic. This is why the Prize is increasing the competition categories to five, setting out to receive design and communication projects that proactively and innovatively deal with and make use of the issue of waste, based on the principles of “reuse, recycle and upcycle”. The 2020 Ro Plastic Prize, aimed at creatives of all nationalities and ages, will put forward projects that are feasible in practical terms with the added value of contributing to an effective solution for our environmental impact, based on five issues: INDUSTRIAL DESIGN - Aesthetically appealing and functional indoor and outdoor objects that encourage large-scale recycling of plastic, thus facilitating its disposal. The competing products must be durable, designed for industrial-scale production and have an end-of-life with as low an environmental impact as possible. INNOVATIVE TEXTILES - While the first edition asked for furniture fabrics created entirely out of recycled plastic, the 2020 edition calls for materials suitable for various uses and functions. These should be generated and produced using innovative methods that take into consideration the circular economy supply chain of plastic and organic materials, and should have a minimal environmental impact. PACKAGING SOLUTIONS - Not bestowed in 2019 due to projects not conforming to the Prize specifications, and also in light of the devastating effect that this kind of product has on the environment, this category is not only being put forward again, but is broadening its scope for how materials, including recycled plastic, can be used. Such materials are to be produced from reclaimed waste and must correspond to circular economy standards. CONSCIOUS INNOVATION PROJECTS - Projects which aim to create open source training courses, restore contaminated areas, formulate new types of economies, aiming at social and environmental development and inclusive engagement. AWARENESS ON COMMUNICATION - Up to now, a general sense of guilt has permeated the discourse on Plastic, in most cases portraying it through dramatic and guilt-inducing images. This new category will push for positive, stimulating and proactive communication projects, aimed at diverse audiences but primarily children, to encourage informed knowledge on the subject; teach new life and consumption habits; urge mass-action to raise awareness around manufacturing and demand that Institutions operate in support of the companies involved. An international panel of individuals with professional involvement in design, research, industry and communication, will proclaim a winner for each category. The chosen finalists will also see their work displayed in one of the Ro District spaces at the next Fuorisalone event. As with last year, in the 2020 edition the Sponsors of each category will, during a Prize Ceremony in the midst of Design Week, bestow the five Ro Plastic Prize winners with ten thousand euros.


cash prize award: $ 55,000.00 USD

click here for call for entries