der发现时代设计师 成立于2018年  







时机时机:您能简单介绍一下汇张思与您自己吗?HZS 坚持怎样的设计理念?

Could you please give us a short introduction of yourself and the HZS brand? What would you say is a key design philosophy in your practice?

张润舟:HZS从字面来讲,当然Z是我,S就是我的合伙人 Craig Studer(思图德)先生。但是H非常有意思,H代表了汇聚、汇集,也就是说对于设计公司,汇聚设计师的思想、思路和创意是极为重要的。汇张思虽然是我和思图德先生创立的,但是它的成长、发展是离不开所有的汇张思人的努力,所以我们特别强调汇聚、汇集这个含义。

图片图片▲ 上海办公室 © HZS

Craig Studer(思图德):我从事规划设计已经超过35年,有幸在五个不同的大洲工作过。在过去的15年里,我和润舟大部分工作都集中在汇张思业务和团队的成长发展上,我认为我们在这段时间里取得的最重要的成就之一就是成为中国真正的跨学科协作的设计公司之一。

I've been involved in planning design for over thirty five years, and I've had the pleasure of working on five different continents. Over the last fifteen years, much of that work has been focused on, with Renzo, developing and growing HZS. I think one of the most significant accomplishments we've made in that time is to become one of the truly interdisciplinary collaborative firms in China.图片▲ 上海办公室 © HZS


Renzo and I go back for more than twenty years, we started working in the US and actually in different cities on projects in China. We were in the same firm right on projects in China. I think during that times, our working relationship developed. We realized we had some similarities in terms of work ethic and our passion for doing the kind of work we were doing.  I think our styles of solving problems and our work methods may be very different, but in fact that's a good thing, because they're very complimentary to each other.



What are some of the areas HZS is most focused on in China? What are some of the topics or key areas of research you think need to be explored? Do you have any particular ideas/approaches to share?

Craig Studer(思图德):汇张思在社区规划和住宅设计方面已经获得了很多认可,也大力参与了旅游以及城乡复兴相关项目。

I think HZS has gained quite a lot of recognition in terms of community planning and residential design. However, we've also been heavily involved in tourism related projects, urban and rural revitalization.


I think that architecture and design is probably one of the oldest professions in human history. I think that some people may look at as, there are changes happening in our industry. Of course, there are always changes. But I think the future, Renzo and I are both optimists, so we always look at the glasses being half full. So I think there are plenty of new opportunities, as our world changes, the profession of architecture and design will still be very much part of that.

图片▲ 阿那亚滦平小古道金山岭 © HZS




In your opinion, what are (or should be) the relationships between the various design disciplines in your industry? Planners, Architects, Landscape and Interior Architects, etc…  What in your opinion are the best ways to enhance collaboration among these disciplines?

Craig Studer(思图德):我认为汇张思在这方面是独一无二的,和其他公司非常不同。正如我之前提到的,我们是在中国运营的真正跨学科协作的设计公司之一。这之所以成为可能,是因为润舟和我,以及我们的许多设计总监都有协作的经验。在美国和世界其他地方工作的时候,合作只是不同学科之间工作的一部分。因此,我们非常努力地在HZS创造一个令人兴奋的跨学科环境,这也体现在我们给客户带来的设计价值上。

I think HZS is unique in that way, very different than many other firms. As I mentioned earlier, we’re one of the truly interdisciplinary design firms operating in China. That's made possible because Renzo and myself, as well as many of our senior managers, have had collaborative experience, as working in the US and in other parts of the world where the collaboration is just part of the process between different disciplines. So we worked very hard to create an exciting, interdisciplinary environment at HZS. I think it     also shows the value of the products that we provide to our clients. 



▲ 龙湖 北京长城源著 © HZS



Is HZS involved in the exploration of smart architecture or smart cities? What are your thoughts on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and new technology in architecture?  What impacts do you think there will be with this trend?  

张润舟:Smart City(智慧城市)作为一个热点问题有很多人关注的,我想把它描述成是有刻度的东西。但我更关注的是温度方面,什么是温度方面呢?简单说来就是更关注人与人在你设计的空间场所里面会发生什么事情。人与自然之间,人与在地文化和历史之间,在你设计的空间里面会产生什么样的化学反应。就是说如何让我们设计的东西不仅在刻度方面做得非常好,在温度方面做得更好,更有人情味。这个地方是你喜欢呆的地方,在这个地方你能找到志趣相投的另一半。总而言之,你会感到非常舒适,所以我更关注的是温度方面,我们不能过分的强调 Smart City,AI等,还要强调人性方面的需求。
图片▲ 深圳龙华金茂府 © HZS



What are the most outstanding strengths of HZS in the architectural design industry?  Why do so many clients choose to work with HZS?




In the design journey since 2006, what is HZS’s understanding of the times?  What cycles has the design industry gone through?

Craig Studer(思图德):自成立以来的15年里,我们经历了很多。尤其最近几年,人们的生活方式、投资时间和消费方式发生了很大变化。曾经人们很关注住宅开发,所以住宅也是我们产业的重要组成部分,而现在我们可以看到的更多样化的项目,包括商业、休闲、文旅等。人们可支配的时间和收入也导致了从城市到对农村和农村地区的扩张,特别是我们正在参与开发的一些旅游景区。

Fifteen years since our beginning, obviously it's gone through quite a lot. I think, probably the biggest change, especially over more recent years, is the way people are living today, the way they're investing their time and their money. It used to be residential development, was such a big part of our industry, and I think what we're starting to see now is much greater diversity of work in terms of commercial, leisure type of projects. Tourism obviously has had a huge impact on that, and people's disposable time and incomes are also leading to sort of an expansion beyond just the urban development into countryside development and rural locations, especially with regards to some tourism destinations that we have been working on.





Covid-19 has had a big impact on many aspects of our lives.  How do you think urban planning and landscape design will change in the post-epidemic period? What will be some of the changes in urban development into the future, particularly in China?

Craig Studer(思图德): 我不认为疫情对我们的专业或实践方式,或者城市发展的理念会有很大的影响。与世界上许许多多的其他国家相比,我这说很大程度上与中国应对疫情的方式有关。我认为疫情真正改变的是我们看待工作和工作与生活平衡的态度。疫情让我们每个人都有机会看到和过去不同的生产方式和工作方式。

I don't think that there is going to be much impact on our profession or the way to practice or even the idea of urban development being affected by the pandemic. I think a lot of that has to do with China's response to the pandemic, compared to many other countries across the world. I think what will change is the way we look at work and the work life balance. I think what this has done is, it's really opened to everyone's eyes to opportunities to look at the way we produce and the way we work differently than in the past. 


Well, Renzo and I've been sort of working virtually off and on at different times over the development of HZS. I've been working in North America and Europe and Asia, so we're used to this kind of way of working, and we're able to maintain fairly strong rate of productivity during the time. So I think what will do is it will reduce the amount of time spent traveling, time spent going to face to face meetings. Because everybody's realizing that, because we're doing things more virtually now, we're more productive and we have more time for ourselves, families and to develop leisure interests and have different experiences outside of the workplace. So I think that's probably going to be the biggest impact that pandemic it will have on urban planning. No more Traffic, maybe not as much office space required. So the practice, or our response to problems and projects are really going to change that much as a result of the pandemic, especially here in China because of the response to pandemic. 



As a leading brand, what kind of future do you want to provide for young architects in HZS?

Craig Studer(思图德):我们在HZS最大的抱负也许就是为那些刚进入行业的年轻人提供同样的潜在机会,成长和鼓励,这也是我们两人刚工作时感受到的。我们提供给他们一个机会去尝试做一些与众不同的事情,也许是他们在学习期间没有经历过的,在一个有多个学科协同的环境中,谈论彼此的想法,使他们真正将专业领域的想法思考和实践方法进行整合。我们真心希望在给人们提供鼓舞人心的环境的同时给予奖励,奖励那些有雄心壮志,创造力,好奇心和责任感的年轻设计师。

 Probably our biggest ambition for people just starting off in the profession within HZS is to offer them the same sort of potential opportunities and growth, and inspiration that I think both of us had when we were young people starting out in our careers. I think one of the things that we offer them as an opportunity to do something very different that perhaps they didn't have during their academic years, of working in an environment where have multiple disciplines working together, talking about each other's work, and really integrating their ideas on the profession and the way to practice this profession. I think one of the things that we really want to do is rewarding while providing people with an inspiring environment, and reward ambition, creativity, curiosity and also responsibility.



