der发现时代设计师 成立于2018年  

der视频专访丨对话查普门泰勒建筑事务所Peter Mackey:定制多元复合城市空间



迈奇礼于1993年毕业于英国谢菲尔德大学建筑系,2004 年以来,他与英国查普门泰勒公司合作设计了多个商业项目。自查普门泰勒上海分公司成立后,他成为该公司的总监之一,并领导设计了公司早期所有的室内设计项目,其中月星集团的上海环球港项目于 2013 年夏季开业,是中国最大的购物中心之一,为顾客带来愉悦且令人振奋的购物体验。

图片▲ 上海环球港 ©查普门泰勒



对话Peter Mackey:定制多元复合城市空间

—— 查普门泰勒一直以来致力于未来商业建筑的发展。

       At Chapman Taylor, we tried to be involved in the future of commercial architecture.



Peter :我是Peter Mackey,与蒋毅一起,担任查普门泰勒上海分公司的董事。我们在商业建筑设计方面已成功地树立起良好的声誉,其宗旨是将公司国际化的一流设计水准与对中国市场和本土文化的认知巧妙结合,打造在商业上获得成功的独特、优质的设计方案。

I'm Peter Mackey, I am the director of Chapman Taylor, here in Shanghai, with Jiang Yi (Johnny). Our design philosophy is very commercially minded. We create bespoke architectural and interior and masterplanning solutions to the problems that we are given. It's very important to us that we always think about the end user, that has to be a successful experience, as commercial developments have to be. And I think that informs our fundamental design philosophy.



Chapman Taylor were often invited to competitions in China and we helped to arrange the meetings, the understanding of the local market, the presentations, and then when the guys in London said they wanted to open an office here, we helped them with the set-up of WOFE company. And I became a director.


So you know how China has developed and our work was very commercial that we were doing it, mostly interiors, a lot of hospitality interiors. Again, it's about understanding the needs of the end user. So our design philosophy was developing here locally. and it resonated with Chapman Taylor's global design philosophy of successful,  commercial architecture. 


Chapman Taylor has been in China for fourteen years now. I'm obviously from the UK. I went to university in Sheffield. And yeah, I'm still enjoying it here.c




I transitioned from the UK to Shanghai through Hong Kong. I spent three years in Hong Kong and actually was offered my first job in Shanghai from a developer who was working with us in Hong Kong. Obviously, the speed at which things happened in Asia, China now is amazing, much more intense than the UK. That makes it very exciting. You can realize projects very, very quickly and feel that you are really contributing. 


we work very closely with developers and we listen to what they need. That is why we do not have a house style. We don't impose an architectural style on a developer. We listen to what they want and we help them to achieve that goal, but within a commercially successful framework. 

图片▲ 考文垂南都城市规划项目 ©查普门泰勒

▲ 巴库塔港 ©查普门泰勒


Twenty years of doing the same thing you kind of, you get in a groove. I think yeah, I think you learn to work at the same pace as the clients require you, get to be able to help the team understand the speed at which you've got to deliver things, but also the quality that people are expecting and also adapting to the new ways of presenting design ideas. Obviously, over twenty years, the way that we present a preliminary and final idea has changed significantly.




I went to university and trained as an architect, and Sheffield has a very strong urban design department as well, so I studied that as a minor. As I said, I liked the action and the excitement when I came here and the immediacy of interior design, I found very enjoyable, so I drifted into interior designs cause those were the kind of projects we were getting at the time. And you get to realize them. The similarities, though, whether you are designing an interior space or a sequence of urban spaces, you still have to create environments, sequences that the end user, that the customer will enjoy. So there is a similarity. As you know, we come from a commercial background, and master planning work is informed by that position of creating memorable spaces, of creating a streetscape that people will enjoy.


So there are a lot of large scale spaces, urban spaces in China because of the speed of development and because of the number of people who were housed here, and that's fine. But we can see as well that people respond very well to spaces of a smaller scale. we try to think about when we approach master planning. We tried to think of that when we approach interior design, some of the building interiors that we work with are three hundred thousand square meters, so they're still massive and we still need to consider the human scale space for human beings.




That's a great question, and perhaps another layer these days, of course, post-COVID. How should we think about the social spaces because shopping centers, their main attraction is not the retail that is on offer there or the F&B (food and beverage), but it's the opportunity for social interaction. People are still always going to want that and need that. And because of climactic situations, they're going to need it in an enclosed environment quite often in many parts of China. So I think the shopping center provides an important social function. it's becoming in a sense less purely commercial, we are well aware of that, so their social role is actually becoming more important, which is good. It means we have to create spaces that people want to use for various reasons, for entertainment, for selfie value.

英国曾经做过一个很有趣的统计,统计数据显示英国游客最多的文化建筑是泰特现代美术馆和大英博物馆,每年有700万的访客, 而英国游客最多的购物中心是由查普门泰勒设计的特拉福特购物中心,每年接待3000万游客。所以可以看出来人们是很喜欢社交和商业环境的。

But I would like to point out, there's always a very interesting statistic. The most visited cultural building in the UK is the Tate Modern or the British Museum. They get about seven million visitors a year. The most visited shopping centre in the UK is still the Trafford Centre, which Chapman Taylor designed and that gets thirty million visitors a year. So people do like social commercial environments. 


▲ St. Pancras International Station ©查普门泰勒


the shopping centre has to evolve over time. The shopping centre has to evolve over geography as well. So we will come up with a unique solution for the China market for the east China market for the South China market and north. You know these conditions are specific.


▲ St. Pancras International Station ©查普门泰勒




We won a project for Bailian number one department store couple of years ago.

图片▲ 上海百联第一百货 ©查普门泰勒


That was a very interesting project, and it's great that we won that and got the opportunity to remodel it. The number one department store, as the name suggests is a very important retail space in Chinese shopping history. It had the first escalator of any retail space in Asia. That escalator has gone but the original Art deco interior of that particular building is still there. We tried to bring it back to its former glory. 


Of course, with contemporary department store concessions in the space and circulation so that people could move around and experience the retail, but also know that they were in somewhere of intrinsic heritage value, so that was the major component. But then there were two other buildings. One was really just a pure upgrade of an existing sort of young persons department store and then the building to the North, which needed a reinvention. It was connected to the historical, the Art Deco Department store, but it had a loss that connection, let's say in design terms in theme terms, and we tried to bring that back.


▲ 上海百联第一百货 ©查普门泰勒


I'm not a purist in the sense of reconstructing everything. A building should stay in an urban environment, but it must serve a contemporary purpose. So yeah, renovation has to be relevant to the people who are going to use it. And I think I think that that's the way we've approached it. And of course, Refurbishment and regeneration is good from a sustainable point of view as well. If you can reuse components of a building or of a city. Yeah, and I think psychologically as well, but then there is some striking contemporary architecture for striking contemporary uses. So yes, its a balance.


▲ 上海百联第一百货 ©查普门泰勒


And Gentrification is, yeah, often inevitable as you regenerate parts of the city. Sometimes it's a good thing. Sometimes communities have problems adjusting. And that's not that's not so good. We're actually working on a project now in Yang Pu, where it's about new industries, gaming industry actually. And of course, Yang Pu has a great industrial heritage, so we're trying to find this language between the old industries and the new industries. But I think the government and ourselves are also very mindful that it cannot be a pure gentrification exercise, because the people who are at the forefront of these new industries are not people who were living in beautiful towers somewhere around this area. So there must be a space for people to develop socially, and we hope that we can do some urban regeneration, which isn't purely about gentrification or market value.


Because I think the residents are stakeholders, of course: Existing communities must be respected and listened to, and these things must be factored into the end solution.  




we were talking about Chongqing Langjiang, which is nine square kilometers in total. We obviously have to take the ecological and social context very seriously. So that particular project was kind of semi-derelict farmland, and one of the things that we tried to do was maintain some of the basic farmland within the context of our overall master plan, so that the existing farming community still had space and land to farm on. But perhaps the incoming IT community could also maybe participate with them, may be increasing the efficiency of that farming. urban farming, getting to grips with how food is actually produced, some of the old farmland, which was not still used as farmland, we wanted to put back to nearly wilderness, let's say a wildlife habitat so  the ecology was actually growing, as well as farming, and the new community of new technologies in that one space.


▲ 重庆两江协同创新区规划 ©查普门泰勒


 I think one of the great things that's happening here now is a real drive towards sustainability and a green philosophy in design, and it starts with master planning. So that particular project, because it had water at different heights, we could produce hydroelectric power, because it had so much vegetation we thought of biomass and of course because it had sun, so we calculated that community could be self-sufficient in its electrical power requirements. Obviously you get that sort of opportunity on a bigger master plan, on smaller architecture you have to think about solar thermal and PV to give something back in energy terms. So yeah, I think we're at an exciting point now in China's design philosophy as regards not just sustainability but ecological balance. 


▲ 重庆两江协同创新区规划 ©查普门泰勒


so we often apply sponge City technology to our master planning and our large scale architecture, and sponge city is a way of minimizing bringing water onto the site, minimizing mitigating the damage which flood water can produce in the urban environment.  Sponge City is something that can be monitored through sensors, data; and that brings us to smart cities. So smart cities we see as a way of facilitating the sustainable aspirations.

图片▲ 重庆两江协同创新区规划 ©查普门泰勒



The aspiration of the government was to achieve ninety per cent public transport mobility. So that means only ten percent of journeys made would be in private vehicles. So smart city in the data that can be produced helps to nuance the movements of the public transport, and the autonomous vehicles that will eventually go around the central lake of that project and will help to make the movement of those vehicles those electric vehicles efficient, which again will be of sustainable benefit to the community.


Liang Jiang we are taking to the next stage of master planning, and we hope to take that all the way through and yeah be part of smart City movement. Our Bangkok Office has actually been very heavily involved in a major development in Bangkok called OneBangkok. I think it's eight towers. It's a million square meters, and we've worked on smart city control centre. So that project is a mini smart city. We talk to the Bangkok office. They give us some ideas on how we can apply that to either architecture or master planning. 




People will still need buildings that work the functions that they carry out in those buildings might shift. We might find that we work at home as well as live at home in the future. That's already a shift happening a little bit in Europe because of COVID, But there'll still be a need for built environment to facilitate solutions of what our society needs. I think something that excites a lot of our colleagues is imagining how, going back to smart cities, one can imagine in how information and technology can inform and elaborate our buildings and urban environment. So who knows how much more media will be involved in extending the architectural realm.




Enthusiasm. We have a great team here at the moment, and we interact a lot with London. We interact sometimes with Madrid, and there's a lot of energy. I like working with people with energy with enthusiasm who want to achieve something. You don't always know what it is you want to achieve until you get to the end of the process. Technologies is one of the tools that we can use to create better environments.
















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